About 1-2-3 Credit & Me (Frequently Asked Questions)


Learn about Frequently Asked Questions about 1-2-3 Credit & Me that were asked by visitors  from around the world…

1-2-3 Credit & Me: Learn how you can Stabilize, Improve & Maintain your credit throughout your lifetime (Part of th Real Estate & Finance 360 Degrees Series of Books Book 6) by THOMAS (TJ) UNDERWOOD | Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC in E-book form and priced at $9.95| Oct 19, 2020—Updated July 23, 2023

 Updated Hardback Edition (306 pages) now available on Amazon.com for $22.95…

Read the Introduction to 1-2-3 Credit & Me…


FAQ’s about 1-2-3 Credit & Me


Q: What is your motivation for writing 1-2-3 Credit & Me?

A:  1-2-3 Credit & Me was formulated on the 10 year anniversary of blogging by Thomas (TJ) Underwood, and it was to be a guide that would assist you and others in the most helpful manner possible to manage your credit and finances.  1-2-3 Credit & Me is designed to take you from where you are now at to where you want or need to go so that you can rebound from adversity and life events and still achieve your goals.

Although the book writing began in January of 2020, the creation and completion took on new meaning when the COVID-19 environment occurred and the completion was accelerated so that those who were adversely affected by the event, along with others who desire lasting success would have an empowering resource that they could use throughout their lifetime to achieve wealth building and financial management success in the most effective way possible.

The actual completion occurred in October of 2020 and 1-2-3 Credit & Me is now on the market to provide those who desire enduring success where cost is not an obstacle, the ability to achieve that success.  The book was further updated in the summer of 2023 to help provide even more guidance in these difficult times and at any time in the future.

You, and others no longer have to approach your credit and finances in a fearful manner as you will soon have the management skills, answers and action steps that you can take that will address many of your most pressing concerns in the most effective manner possible, regardless of your current financial standing.


Q: I find your websites  and books very interesting and unique.  What led you to create your websites and write books? 

A: In 2006 I faced great adversity in my life.  During that time period I made a vow to God to do something great for humanity. At that time I realized that the credit and financial markets were in disarray (easy credit to almost anyone) and consumer behavior was irrational for many and did not serve their long-term financial interests.

I realized that Realty 1 Strategic Advisors possessed powerful knowledge that had helped many consumers improve their credit and finances to a high level. I then made a decision to share that knowledge with consumers around the world.  The creation of realty-1-strategic-advisors.com and the-best-atlanta-real-estate-advice.com in 2010 was the result of that vow—and vision that I had.

In 2014 the inspiration to create TheWealthIncreaser.com also occurred and that blogging site was created as well.  I later realized that in the current environment consumers were being taken advantage of by many in the financial industry such as—credit card companies, debt consolidation companies, attorneys, accountants, loan officer’s, real estate agents and other so called financial professionals at an alarming level.

I understood early on in my financial life that you can’t depend on other professionals—in total for your future success.  During the time period from 2006 to 2010, I realized that I had to create something even more powerful and lasting than that of my websites. The thoughts of creating a powerful book to benefit consumers in a real and meaningful way floated around in my mind for years.

A rough outline was even produced in 2006—yet I did not act on that inspiration to create a book at that time that would really benefit consumers in a meaningful way.  After the real estate and economic downturn from 2007 to 2009 occurred I realized that had our system of credit and finance management been available to the masses—the downturn would not have affected consumers in the manner that it did!

From 2010 to 2012, I entered a period in my life when I faced even greater adversity—from the transition of my younger brother (who looks just like me) to cancer—and one of my best friends and mentor to cancer—to my inspirational leader to cancer—to my God-mother to cancer—to almost losing my own life on several occasions—after going into anaphylactic shock after being stung by bees and wasps.

However, as difficult as those times were and continue to be—I had to do as I always asked my visitors to our websites to do on a consistent basis—always respond positively to adversity (there is an equal or greater benefit in the future—if you believe it to be so)—and by doing so I was able to dig down deep during the last few months and create 1-2-3 Credit & Me and put it on the market at this time to provide you and others who truly want to manage and improve their credit and finances to a high level—in a comprehensive manner–the opportunity to do just that in the most effective manner possible!

Those and other events during my lifetime provided the nucleus to start writing and I have been doing so on a consistent basis since 2010.

Prior to 2010 I had not written an article over 500 words in over 20 years.

My point for saying that is that when you are inspired to act, you take actual steps to get started and you put in the effort, there is no telling where God will take you and direct you–as I initially had no inspiration or desire to blog and let alone write books.


Q: Where did you learn how to write in such an interesting and inspiring style?

When presenting information to the public I try to write in a manner that is the most helpful possible when addressing credit and financial concerns of those who desire to improve their financial condition.

I realized early on in my life that when you give it your all in whatever you do you will get much more than you expect in return. I realized that I had to pursue my dreams with more passion and I had to really have the expectation that my dreams of creating the best websites and the best credit and finance books available for those who truly and sincerely wanted to improve their credit and finances would really occur—and materialize during my lifetime!

While driving down the road in July of 2012 with my car window down a yellow jacket wasp landed on my arm as I was going 35 miles per hour. I then jammed my brakes and killed the wasp that was on my arm.  Fortunately no car was directly behind me and the incident did not cause an accident.

A wasp landing on me while I was inside a car had never happened to me in all of my years on planet earth. I had already had several bad experiences (almost losing my life on several occasions) with wasps and bees in the past—due to being allergic to them.  I saw that unfortunate event as the signal to do the final editing that needed to be done on Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this Millennium in as effective and efficient a manner as possible.

Within 30 days of that incident the final editing (hundreds upon hundreds of pages of original content was reduced down to just over 200 pages) of Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this Millennium was completed—and Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this Millennium is now changing consumer behavior in the lives of consumers in their credit and financial life for the better on a worldwide basis.

Since then, I have written a number of books that are part of “The Real Estate & Finance 360 Degrees Series of Books” that have had a positive impact on consumers worldwide, including my most recent release–1-2-3 Credit & Me.

Q: What is inside 1-2-3 Credit & Me? 

Just as we have set the bar high with our standards of excellence and have created the best websites for consumers—we have also set the bar high on our book writing.  As powerful as our first book is—and we think that it is the best on the market as far as a comprehensive book that addresses your credit and finance concerns in a manner that will benefit you and your family the most in your future—we felt that our best writing was yet to occur!

1-2-3 Credit & Me—is the sixth in a series (part of the Real Estate and Finance 360 Degrees Series of Books) of high powered personal finance and real estate books that are on the market at this time that will re-define the way that consumers achieve success in their credit and finance transactions!

Prior to the creation of realty-1-strategic-advisors website and the publication of (Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this Millennium) my first book—I had not written an article of 500 words or more in over 20 years.  My point for mentioning that is—that if “you” respond positively to adversity, dream big (have a big imagination) and pursue your purpose and passion at your highest level—you too can attain great success in your life!

You must realize that if you don’t act on the inspiration and vision that you see—that vision is really nothing—just as the above mentioned websites and book that existed in my mind and heart for years, were nothing—until I acted!  Once I “acted” both the websites and the book had the power to re-define the way that consumers look at and improve their credit and finances on a worldwide basis.  It is important that you realize that you can do the same—if you pursue your life purpose with real passion!


Q: Why was 1-2-3 Credit & Me created at this time? 

A: 1-2-3 Credit & Me—has the power to change your  behavior towards your credit and finances in a major way!  Based on the empowering content that is inside we expect that consumers will approach their credit and finances in a more confrontational manner on a worldwide basis from this day forward.  No longer will creditors have the inside edge on how to manipulate consumers to the disadvantage—of consumers!

You must realize that it is important that you respond positively to any adversity that you face on a consistent basis if your goal is to achieve at a very high level!  In the times that we now live in (COVID-19 Environment) you must have a clear process of thinking when it comes to managing and improving your credit and finances to a high level.

The  primary reason for creating 1-2-3 Credit & Me was to provide you and others empowering  systems and approaches so that you can have a clear thinking process while you manage your finances throughout your lifetime.  1-2-3 Credit & Me provides what you need to know and do–and does so in a style and manner that will help you work towards your future goals and objectives in a more focused and efficient manner.

As a consumer, it is imperative that you improve your money management skills so that you can have working knowledge and a comprehensive understanding of your credit and finances.

In this day and age it is a requirement and absolutely mandatory that you not only know your responsibilities when it comes to managing and improving your credit and finances—you must have a foolproof system that allows you to understand, manage and improve your credit and finances in a comprehensive manner!  

As a professional who has been in the credit and finance profession for over 20 years I understand first-hand the concerns that consumers have about their credit and finances.  I am keenly aware of the pitfalls that you should avoid in your credit and financial life based on my direct involvement with hundreds upon hundreds of clients over the years.   1-2-3 Credit & Me is my latest attempt to shift the balance of power (in your credit and financial life) back to where it should be—in your hands—not in the hands of others that may not have your best interest at the forefront!


Q: We don’t have a credit system in our country—can we still benefit from 1-2-3 Credit & Me?

A: If you have a free market economy you can obtain significant benefit from 1-2-3 Credit & Me.

1-2-3 Credit & Me explains in a thorough and highly effective manner why you should utilize personal financial statements and shows you in practical, highly effective ways why they can benefit you and your family.

1-2-3 Credit & Me also explains why you should have a working knowledge and understanding of all of the areas of your personal finances and shows you how you and your family can benefit from this knowledge in your everyday life!

The mental systems and ease of understanding and practical knowledge that you will receive and be able to apply in your credit life and/or financial life is second to none—and will act as a springboard to help you attain success at a high level—whether it be in the areas of your credit and/or finances at the various stages in your life.

1-2-3 Credit & Me: Learn how you can Stabilize, Improve & Maintain your credit throughout your lifetime (Part of th Real Estate & Finance 360 Degrees Series of Books Book 6) by THOMAS (TJ) UNDERWOOD  | Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC in E-book form and priced at $9.95| Oct 19, 2020—Updated July 23, 2023

 Updated Hardback Edition (306 pages) now available on Amazon.com for $22.95…


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