Learn how you can manage your finances optimally and build wealth effectively so that you can enjoy life in the best way possible, on your terms–for less than $50…
Updated December 27, 2024, originally published October 24, 2023
In the current economy many are looking to find more effective ways of managing their finances in a manner that puts them in control.
Although there are many paths that can be taken, very few will get you where you need or want to be in an efficient manner where YOU are in control, and in a manner where you can “position yourself” to achieve the wealth building success that serves your and your family’s best interest!
From the year 2023 and onward, you now have an effective way to move toward your dreams in a more efficient and definite way.
By purchasing the following 3 books, you can put yourself on a path of lifetime success for roughly $50 or less!
Purchase 1-2-3 Credit & Me Now…
E-book $9.95 Hardback $22.95
The cloudy and cluttered view that you have of your credit and financial future ends now!
Purchase The Wealth Increaser Now…
E-book $9.95, Paperback $19.95
Hardback now available for $22.95
Learn more about The Wealth Increaser and how it can help you achieve more throughout your lifetime…
Purchase Wealth Building Axioms Now…
E-book 9.95, Paperback 9.95
It is important that you never let your current level of anxiety or fear limit your ability to dream big! Address what is trying to counteract or prevent you from achieving more in your life by taking actions that take you closer to your dreams in a more definite manner.
You must set the pace for your future and be mindful of what you say, think and do! Don’t let up once you get started and success starts flowing your way, and “never” take your foot off the gas! Go after your dreams in an unrelenting way–starting today!
The three books listed above will help you take the right actions so that you can achieve more by providing you a way to attack your financial concerns in an intelligent, consistent, and proactive manner!
You are good enough; you can maintain all that you achieve—if you believe it to be true! How to get through adversity—how to conquer what ails you is your responsibility and by digging in deep at this time it can lead you on a path to being who you were truly meant to be!
Are you in need of re-focusing your thought process so that you can achieve more?
By purchasing the 3 wealth building books on this page for “less than $30 in e-book form” or for less than $53 in hardback and paperback form–you can empower your mind and heart with the “right combination of information” that will allow you to achieve financially beyond your imagination so that you can achieve major success throughout your lifetime!
You don’t have to feel just right or fully equipped at this time to go into the world of personal finance and wealth building in order to achieve major success! You can start right where you are at, and in a few months, you will marvel at yourself—the new self that you created by making a good choice and spending roughly $50 to get it all jumpstarted–as you unlock new doors that will lead you where you need or desire to be!
Also be sure to consider purchasing other books in The Real Estate & Finance 360 Degrees Series of Books, if you have a need to achieve additional success in other areas of your finances.
And for those who desire lasting wealth building success in an unrelenting fashion; be sure to give serious thought to purchasing Wealth Building NOW (for less than you will pay for coffee this week) as it will give you the added inspiration and ammunition to more aggressively attack your wealth building goals and at the same time uplift your spirits so that you will do what you really need to do at the various stages of your life, and that wise purchase will put you in position to no longer have to unnecessarily sacrifice.
You must confidently anticipate the success that you will achieve, and you must at all times have it within your heart to truly believe, as the attitude of failures and those who deceive–is what your mind should never receive!
All the best to a lifetime of success…
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