Comfort & Wealth Building

Learn why when the management of your finances get difficult, you need to “go back to” or “get to” a more comfortable place…


In the current economy it is uncomfortable for many to move forward in an efficient manner and many “now feel” that they are not moving toward their goals at a beneficial pace.


Do you know that the real work that leads to major success for many occurs behind the scenes and by the time you see the finished results the work has already been done?


It is important that you get out in front of your wealth building efforts so that you can live your life from a position of comfort–and not stress!


You must strengthen your mental qualities regardless of what you have been through and you must know that adversity will visit us all at some point in life–and the comfort that we once had turns to discomfort–however you must press on and know that there is light at the end of the tunnel if you continue to move in the right direction in spite of the adversity that you are facing.


And with this day being the 3rd year since the transition of the mom of the creator of, the creation of this page has special meaning, as the goal is to get you and others to think in a more analytical and cognitive manner so that you can gain the skills that you need to manage your finances and build wealth at a more optimal level throughout your lifetime.


You must fortify, become strong again or gain the strength that you need to succeed!


You must use words of encouragement to comfort your heart and mind in times of discomfort.  The presence and support of others who will knowingly or unknowingly work on your behalf will also comfort and make you strong again, so that you can once again operate from a more comfortable vantage point and achieve more!


Your goal is to return to a place of strength, fortify your mind and heart so that you are even stronger so that when you return to form you will not let life events or others break your spirit and determination to do more!


When life appears out of control–look within and focus on what is right in front of youunder your control–not the control of others!


The decision to change your mind, your direction and the distance that you are willing to travel is your choice!


The importance of creating an emergency fund at the earliest time possible will in large part help control your comfort level in the financial realm of your life and keep your mind and heart feeling comfortable about what is ahead in your future.


The comfort that you may feel at the various stages of your life will be impacted by the magnitude or exposure that you have as it relates to your personal finances.


When the wind is at your back and life happenings are going your way it is easy to go with the flow, however when storms occur and strong winds hit you right in the face, it can often be difficult and uncomfortable if you have not prepared yourself for the journey.


However, there are things that you can do to lessen the discomfort or possibly eliminate the discomfort from even happening in the first place!


A properly funded emergency fund protects you and provides comfort when life’s unexpected happenings occur, and you want to establish one at the earliest time possible.


Likewise, by creating a budget or cash flow statement, an income statement, a balance sheet and personal net worth statements along with mastering your credit and addressing your finances in an overall or comprehensive manner you can live with more comfort throughout your life as you will know where you now stand and where you are going and that will provide a certain level of comfort for you and your family.


Cash Flow Analysis

You want to do more on the front end to ensure your future comfort and analyzing your cash flow on a monthly and annual basis can help you determine where you now stand with your finances and put you in the know as to what you need to do to live a more comfortable lifestyle.


You can now create a cash flow statement (and income statement and balance sheet) so that you can determine where you now stand and where you need to go, so that you can live out your life on earth at the comfort level that you desire.


Credit Analysis

Your ability to manage your credit in a way that is more favorable for you and your family will save you money and allow you to live a more comfortable lifestyle.


If debt payoff or debt pay down is needed, you want to put a plan in place that allows you to do so, as that will allow you to live daily in a more comfortable way.  You may need to get more income, cut expenses–or do a combination of the two in order to manage your credit in a way that is more beneficial to you.


Financial Analysis

Analyzing all areas of your finances is a surefire way to bring more comfort into your life! 


You want to analyze your insurance, investments, taxes, emergency fund. education planning, estate planning/wills and retirement planning in a way that allows you to do so at the time of your choosing and in a way that benefits you and your family the most, not those who are offering the products or services!


By doing this analysis at a time that is more favorable to you (prior to transaction or engagement) you can go into the transaction with the knowledge and information that can help you make a more informed decision–and a decision that can benefit you and your family the most–not creditors or others who have no real concern for your wealth building future.




In spite of enjoying the comforts of life, there will be times when life gets uncomfortable and you are taken out of your “comfort zone” and you will not feel, live or perform at your best.


Even so, you must press on and know that this too will pass.  And if you approach your discomfort with the right frame of mind, you can use the discomfort that you now have, had in the past or will have at some future date, as fuel to achieve more as opposed to fizzling out or giving less than your absolute best!


It is important to realize that many live their life based on what they consistently think of (their dominant thoughts) or seek to achieve–and if you are one who desire to manage your finances effectively and live out your life in more comfort–you must seek out and formulate thoughts that will lead you toward those ends.


You want to be intentional about your future success and not be pulled in directions that are not of your choosing as your goal is to have helpful, uplifting and forward moving thoughts that are most advantageous to you moving through your mind on a consistent basis (dominating your mental space so that you can achieve more)!


In the end the choice is yours as to whether you want to choose the right or most beneficial thoughts, train your mind to seek out what is most beneficial for your long-term success and most importantly put into action that which will benefit you and your family the most.


By following the steps listed above, you can get in a “comfort zone” that is uniquely your own, and even when you get out of that zone, you will know what you need to do to get back in that zone–or possibly move on to an even better zone that is definitely NOT the “twilight zone” (LOL).


Always realize that making excuses primarily gives your mind and heart permission to remain where you are!


You want to “condition your mind” to make adjustments, set smart goals that are measurable, meaningful, significant and will stretch your mind toward achievement where there is a time boundary for completion!  Your goal on a daily basis is to live more abundantly and that means having a higher mental awareness, the presence of mind to do what is best for you at the right time, and to realize wholeheartedly that you are not alone as you journey toward financial freedom.


All of this will get you out of your comfort zone and make you reflect on your past, determine in a sincere way what you did wrong, so that you can make the right adjustments in the future and achieve at a higher level–as you will be amazed at the growth that you can make by choosing to manage your thoughts and finances in a way that benefits you and your family the most.


All the best as you live in comfort, and settle for nothing less…


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