Viewpoints & Wealth Building

Learn why “changing your viewing angle” and  changing what you “focus on” can change the course and direction of your life…


Did you know that your viewpoint of how you look at and focus on things and events in your life affects your future outcomes (and future generations) in ways you never imagined?


Have you ever noticed that with some people the more they get or have—the more they complain?  It is often because they don’t count their blessings or appreciate what they now have!  In addition it is often caused by “their view of their situation” and not looking at the big—or overall picture.


Even those who lack in what they feel they should have often fall victim to looking at their present and future in the wrong manner or from the wrong point of view.  They will often “focus on” things that they really don’t need anyway and not on what is important and significant as far as making their life more enjoyable while here on planet earth.


In this discussion will discuss ways that you can get more out of life and improve your finances at the same time by looking at your future from a different or better viewpoint!


It is important that you know what you can be in your future.


If you change what you pursue and see the change that you desire in clearer terms you can get the change that you desire!


You can choose to focus on your shortcomings or count the blessings that you now have and pursue even more by viewing your current situation from the vantage point of success—as opposed to shortcomings or not achieving what you desire!


It is imperative at this time that you focus on success and you make the decision to give it your best.


You can improve your finances if you realize at this time that it is not what you have, but what you appreciate and do with what you have!


Also realize that happiness and joy resides inside of you and it happens when you focus on what you now have and you make the decision at this time to give it your best and pursue your life purpose.


By looking at your feelings on a daily basis as being excellent, fantastic and great as opposed to ok, so-so and good—you immediately change your focus on a daily basis.


However, as it relates to wealth building you must also have a viewpoint of your future that has clarity as opposed to confusion.  You must know the “steps that you can take” to bring more clarity and success into your life so that you can see your future with the clear financial focus that you need and deserve.


What is your perspective of your future?  Do you see problems in the horizon or do you see success and solutions that you can not only take—but are willing to take?


Focus on what you have (mentally, physically and spiritually) and you will receive more if you put in the effort!


What you focus on will grow—focus on the positive to achieve results that will show!  It is important that you realize that change occurs when you focus more on appreciating what you now have and then making a serious commitment to achieve more.


You must be thankful for what has happened in your past because it is now the starting point (or continuation point) of what you can achieve from this point forward.


You can choose to see your current and future financial condition as positive and prepared  (the success that you see is a done deal) or you can choose to see your situation as negative and distracted (why me).


You must realize that setbacks in life will occur, however you don’t have to stay there.  Learn to appreciate what you now possess on a daily basis.  And always realize that gratitude or being thankful for what you now have or possess is the gateway to you achieving more throughout your lifetime.


Furthermore, you must realize that whatever you are doing for God’s glory—you are taking steps to connect to your life purpose or what you were put on earth to do.


As far as the steps that you need to take to view your financial future in more positive and clear terms are concerned—it is imperative that you see clearly how you can:


1)      Determine your level of financial stability


2)      Determine your level of credit knowledge and management ability


3)      Determine if you know all areas of your personal finances that you must address


Determine Your Level of Financial Stability


If you now lack the income to do what you desire in your life or reach the goals that serve your best interest—you must know that.


It is your responsibility to know where you are financially!


If you now have the income to do what you desire in your life and reach the goals that serve your best interest—you must know that as well!


Just what will put you in position to know just that?


A properly constructed cash flow statement or budget is the starting point for you getting to know your level of financial stability.  You must know if you have positive income or a positive cash flow (disposable and discretionary income) on a monthly basis so that you will know if you need to get more income (supplemental income) or reshape or re-organize your lifestyle (cut your monthly expenses) or do a combination of the two.


Determine Your Level of Credit Knowledge and Management Ability


Do you know the factors that affect your credit?  Do you have credit score and credit management habits that will get you a good rate or the best interest rate on various products or services throughout your lifetime?  It is imperative that you know at this time whether you have an effective understanding and application of credit and how you can best utilize credit in your life.


Once you gain an effective understanding and application of credit you will be well ahead of most and you will position yourself and your family for a lifetime of success.


Depending on your current credit circumstances and your willingness to put in the required work—you can gain the management ability to maintain or improve your credit to the level that you desire throughout your lifetime.


Determine if You Know All Areas of Your Personal Finances that You Must Address


It is imperative that you know that you must address your personal finances in a comprehensive manner.


You can choose to do like many who address their finances in isolation and have no real clue of how their total finances all interconnect.


You can also choose a less burdensome path by knowing all areas of your finances that you must address and then addressing those areas based on your unique circumstances and the outcomes that you desire (your short, intermediate and log-term goals) for yourself and your family.




Whether  you look at your future as being bleak or optimistic you must realize that your particular view will play a major role in you attaining what you need to attain to make life more meaningful (and beneficial) for you and your family.


You must understand that by knowing your level of financial stability you put yourself in position to make better decisions and gain a better view of your future.  You will know in more definite terms if you need supplemental income (part-time job, uber, lyft etc.), need to cut expenses or properly establish an emergency fund!


In addition, by taking inventory of how you manage your credit and determining if you can make improvements you can set yourself up for effective and efficient credit management throughout your lifetime.


Furthermore, by knowing all areas of your finances that you need to address you put your mind at ease—and greatly reduce the stress in your life.  You will see your future in a clearer and more focused manner and in a manner where success is given a higher probability of happening.


In a nutshell, you will be looking at your future in a more intelligent, consistent and proactive manner and in a manner where you will know what you can and can’t do throughout your lifetime.


You will know your insurance needs, your investment planning goals, your tax planning goals, your emergency planning goals, your education planning goals, your estate planning/wills goals and your retirement planning goals and the paths that you can take to achieve those goals.


You will see your current and future lifestyle from a “point of view” of knowing whether you will have the income on a monthly, annual and long-term basis to support the lifestyle that “you see” for yourself and your family.


All the Best from your new Viewpoint of Success…


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