Early Retirement & Wealth Building

Learn how you can build wealth efficiently and retire early…


In 2003 the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com came up with a strategy to help young adults and those graduating from college implement a new system for building wealth efficiently and possibly retire early if that was their goal.


After reading a most recent article in Kiplinger Magazine about Millennials who retire early (in their 30’s) TheWealthIncreaser.com found it quite inspiring to see young workers retire early and that inspiration brought to the surface the topic of early retirement in the current economy and how you can do so in a more efficient manner.


In the article they were called FIRE (Financially Independent Retire Early–a great acronym and financial success formula that TheWealthIncreaser.com did not create–however, TheWealthIncreaser.com did create FAM® that is assisting those who desire real financial success achieve more than just financial literacy) and they are a group that is growing as more individuals and families see real advantages of retiring early and living life on their terms.


Regardless of your age you can retire early or achieve your goals more efficiently during your lifetime by understanding “your life stages” and determining the path that you will take toward making what you desire most during your lifetime–occur!


You must also have an expectation of success and a real knowledge within that you truly want to pursue early retirement or reach your goals in a more efficient manner.


You can achieve success more effectively and efficiently by doing the following on a consistent basis:


1)   Have a real understanding of the X Factors…


Experience, expertise, exercise and excellence must be a part of your make-up if you are to achieve at your highest level.


Your past experiences helped shape where you are now at and you must use that experience to your advantage.  You must also determine what you are good at or what you desire to be good at and pursue toward that with zeal and expertise will follow.


You must ensure that you are around to enjoy your early retirement or any retirement by ensuring that you exercise regularly, eat healthier and you feed your mind with the right information that can move you forward in a manner that works with your mind.


Lastly, you must have a mindset of excelling in all that you do.  You then develop the habit of consistency that you need to have to achieve at your highest level throughout your lifetime.


2)   Have high standards throughout your lifetime…


You must set lofty goals whether they be financial or otherwise.  However, setting lofty goals is only the starting point!


You must have every intention on achieving the goals that you set and you must visualize yourself achieving what you see.


You want to do your absolute best toward reaching your goals and you must be fully committed and have a high level of determination to reach or exceed the standards that you set.


3)   Have a mindset that is geared for success…


You must not let worry, anxiety, fear and frustration direct your life as it will in many cases lead to you not putting in the effort that is necessary to achieve at an optimal level and reach your financial goals in an efficient manner.


Although uncertainty at some level resides inside all of us—you must have an outlook of your future that is clear to you and doable by you (within your mind) if you put in the effort and stick to your plan.


Your ability to focus on what is important along with having the success qualities that are needed for consistent success will help direct your mind on a daily basis in the direction where success lives–and you will increase your odds of achieving your goals exponentially.





Early retirement or having the option to retire early is a lofty goal and many are pursuing that path in the current economy.


If you are one who would like to position yourself for early retirement you can do so by gaining the required knowledge and skills that are needed to do so at the earliest time possible.


For those of you who would like to continue working, you can put yourself in position to have an “early retirement” as a real option by planning now and doing so with a realistic picture of what it will take to get you there.


You must pursue your retirement goals in a righteous manner and in a manner that is in alignment with your core values.


You must ask and answer the right questions at the right time in your life so that you can repair, improve, or avoid that which serves against your early retirement ambitions.


You can go to the following links to learn more about early retirement and retirement in general and really make the goal of early retirement happen for you and/or your family:


Young Investors & Personal Finance

 9 Tips for Retiring Early 

College Graduates & Wealth Building

Wealth Building Now

Mr. Money Mustache Blog

Retirement Basics

All About Retirement

Compounding & How You Can Benefit

Life Stages of Financial Planning

Understanding the Various Types of Income

Invest like Warren Buffett


FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) is a lifestyle, also referred to as a movement, aimed at reducing expenditures and increasing investing in order to quickly gain financial independence and the possibility of retirement at an early age.


All the best to your early retirement and lifelong success…


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