Smallest to Tallest & Debt Payoff

Learn how you can pay your debt off faster and start to build wealth efficiently throughout your lifetime…


In the current economy many are contemplating ways that they can pay off their debt effectively and more efficiently.  Many are over-thinking their situation and remaining idle or are moving forward at a snails pace.


The real key at this time is determining if you are truly motivated to pay down or pay off your debt, and if so–putting together a debt payoff or debt pay down plan that you believe in and will get you the desired results.


There are many approaches that you can take to pay off your debt such as the debt snowball approach where you attack the smallest debt and go to the largest, debt avalanche approach where you attack the highest interest rate and move to the lowest interest rate along with many others that are too numerous to discuss at this time.


It is important that you realize that the real key to paying off or paying down your debt is determining “why” you want to pay off or pay down your debt and then making a real commitment to focus in on a consistent basis according to a plan that works for you and your cash flow position.


Do you desire to save time and interest by using the debt avalanche approach or do you feel more comfortable eliminating debt faster but paying more in interest overall by using the debt snowball or some other method?


Your money management personality will play a role in the debt payoff method that you consider–and ultimately choose!


Many of those who now have credit card debt and other revolving or installment debt are looking for creative and highly effective ways of paying off their debt.  And even though we are in the COVID-19 era–NOW may be the time for you to start on your debt payoff or debt pay down journey.


In many cases, the simplest and most effective path is paying off the smallest (the one with the lowest balance) debt that you now have and then working your way up to the tallest ((the one with the highest balance) debt that you owe.


Conceptual Understanding


Keep in mind that there are many other ways to pay off your debt and this strategy may not be right for you, but is one worth at least considering.


Even so, you still want to know that in case of a financial emergency you will find yourself in a comfortable position to still be able to pay off your debt.


In this discussion will detail ways that you can pay off your debt and at the same time build a better future for yourself and your family—in the current economy.


If the amount of debt that you owe is at a high level and it looks difficult to pay off or pay down at this time—it is ok if you are outraged at your past behavior—however you must leave anger behind as it has the potential to slow down your progress!


Your outrage (motivation) at this time can get you on a path toward major debt payoff and turning your finances around and achieving meaningful goals.


At this time  will discuss ways that you can pay off your debt that will force your mind to take a more visual look at your debt that could lead to you becoming more inspired to pay off or pay down that debt in a more timelier manner so that you can enjoy life on your terms.


Let’s now look at how you can reduce your debt efficiently at this particular point in your life.


Smallest to Tallest Credit Card Debt Payoff


By starting your debt payoff method by looking at what you owe from a comprehensive perspective (analyzing all of your outstanding debt) you can put yourself in position to come up with a more efficient debt payoff or debt pay down plan.


By knowing your monthly income (and outlining your total debt that you have at this time) you can put yourself in real position for real success throughout your lifetime!


It is important that “you” know your current balances on all of your outstanding debt  and your interest rates along with what you spend based on your standard of living on a monthly basis.


Assuming your credit card and other monthly debt are as follows:


Credit Card 1  $1,560–minimum payment $30–17.99% interest rate


Credit Card 2  $1,970–minimum payment $30–13.99% interest rate


Credit Card 3  $2,460–minimum payment $50–20.99% interest rate


Credit Card 4  $3,975–minimum payment $70–11.99% interest rate


Auto Loan  $1,260–payment $300


Mortgage $115,600–payment $800


Utilities and other monthly expenses including auto and mortgage were $1,800 in total:


If your income on a monthly basis is now at $2,500 you would have $700 ($2,500 minus $1,800) to apply toward your credit cards and other debt on a monthly basis.  By paying the minimum amount on credit cards 2, 3, and 4 ($150) and an additional amount of $550 on credit card one you would eliminate credit card 1 which has the smallest balance in 3 months and move along to credit card two that has the second smallest balance.


You now have $550 that you were paying on credit card one and $30 that you were paying on credit card two ($580 total) to use to pay off credit card two and in just over 3 months from the time of paying off credit card one–or 6 months from your debt payoff start day credit card 2 would be paid off.


You now move to credit card three and you now have$580 plus the $50  ($630 total) that you were paying to credit card 3 to pay off credit card three in about 4 months from the payoff of credit card 3–or 10 months from your debt payoff start day–and credit card 3 would be paid off.


You would then have $630 that you were paying off for credit card three to apply to credit card 4 that you were paying $70 per month to pay off–meaning you would have $700 after 10 months of paying off your credit card 1, 2, and 3 to apply to credit card 4 (your tallest credit card debt).


Therefore, at a payment of $700 per month in less than 6 months credit card 4 would be paid off and you would be in position to use the $700 that you now have available on a monthly basis to properly establish an emergency fund if you have not done so, establish an education savings account for your child, pay off or pay down your car payment or mortgage payment more aggressively, save more aggressively for retirement or pursue other goals that you may have.


By using your motivation, an effective action plan and putting forth the required effort– in 16 months from the start of your debt payoff journey you would have all of your credit card debt paid off and you would be in a better position for lifetime success!


If your income was at $5,000 per month you could do even more by paying off the above debt even more aggressively,


If you lacked the income at this time (say your income on a monthly basis was less than $1,900) you would have to get more income, cut expenses or do a combination of the two.


If your debt payoff under the best of circumstances would take 4 years or more bankruptcy should be given real consideration “prior to” depleting your savings, retirement and other accounts.


That is why you must “at this time” determine ways to increase your income or cut your debt level (or do a combination of the two) so that you will not overthink your situation,  remain idle, or make bad choices by not seeing a realistic way out.


You now know that you can achieve optimally during your relatively brief stay while here on earth, however it is your responsibility to get the ball rolling and stay committed even when adversity occurs.




It is not only important, it is imperative that you come up with a plan to reduce your debt or save more aggressively so that you can reach your desired goals.


By making a decision at this time “you can put yourself in position to control your future” as opposed to having credit control your future.


You can lead your family and loved ones on a positive journey where success lives!


All the best as you journey toward a lifetime of success and pay off your debt from smallest to tallest or in any other manner that you see that will work for you and your family…



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Debt Payoff & Wealth Building

Learn how you can make debt work for you so that you can build wealth…


In this day and age it is important that you turn a new page and not live your life with rage.


Now is the time that you put a debt payoff plan in place so that you can achieve at all ages, increase your wages and turn new pages.


Even though you may now have credit card debt, you can “flip the script”  and pay off your debt and use those payments to build wealth so that you and your family benefit (not creditor’s) for the remainder of your life and beyond.


You can leave a legacy for future generations and live daily with confidence because you decided to seriously confront your finances and you left all excuses behind.


In this discussion will show you how you can turn a negative situation such as debt payoff into a positive situation where you have over a million dollars in your account.  Keep in mind that it won’t happen overnight, however you can put yourself and your family in position to make it happen in a real way.


Analyze Your Cash Flow

You must know your monthly cash flow position prior to starting on your debt payoff plan if you desire to pay your debt down in the most efficient and effective manner possible.


You must create a personal cash flow statement (budget) at a minimum and by doing so you will open up the possibility of paying off your debt in a more timely manner–if your discretionary income is at an acceptable level.


If your income is not at an acceptable level you may need to get more income or cut your expenses–or do a combination of the two if you desire to make your debt pay down or debt pay off dream come true.


Increase your Income

You must increase your income if you are now falling short of paying off your debt in a timely manner.  You may have to get a second job temporarily to help pay off or pay down your debt in a timely manner or come up with other creative ways to increase your discretionary income.


In rare cases bankruptcy should be given serious consideration if your debt level is at an insurmountable level where the payoff will take greater than 5 years and you lack the means to pay off the debt.


This approach should normally be considered as a last resort after you have exhausted all other means as your credit will be severely affected for years–however you can make an effective recovery after bankruptcy if you are committed and you have an effective action plan.


You also want to use this approach (if necessary) “prior to” depleting your retirement and other financial accounts, therefore it is important that you get professional advice in a timely manner if you are currently in a difficult or distressed financial position.


Cut Your Expenses

In some cases you may be able to cut your monthly expenses by spending less, getting on budget or levelized billing for your utilities and looking at your variable expenses to find areas that you may be overspending in such as entertainment, clothing and the like.


You must look at ways that you can reduce your bills or cut expenses and the money saving can be used to reduce debt and/or achieve other goals that you and your family may have.


Pay Your Credit Card Debt Off in an Efficient Manner

You must come up with a debt payoff plan that is reasonable based on your lifestyle, realistic based on your ability to pay and has a definite deadline for achievement that is also reasonable.


You can choose from a number of payoff options such as smallest balance to largest balance (snowball approach) or highest interest rate to lowest interest rate (avalanche approach) and many other approaches that fall in between.  The real key is do you have the motivation at a high level and  are you determined to pay off or pay down your debt so that you can do xyz?


Why do you want to pay off this debt that you have?  Is the “why” enough of a motivating factor to keep you “locked-in” on your payoff schedule so that you can do what you desire in your future–including saving more aggressively for your retirement years?


Use Your Payments that You Were Using for Debt Payoff (along with other income) to Build Wealth

Once you pay off or pay down your debt you can use those payments that you were using to pay off your debt to build long-term wealth.


You can use the same discipline that you have become accustomed to with your debt payoff efforts to invest monthly for a consistent period of time whether it be 10, 20 or 30 years–or any time period that you desire that will take you toward the goals and objectives that you desire or need to achieve.


You can also use future salary or wage increases and other financial windfalls that may come your way to help build wealth more efficiently during your lifetime.



By paying off or paying down your debt at this time you can start on a path to enjoying life in the manner that it should be enjoyed.  You will put yourself in position after the debt payoff to use the funds to pursue wealth and help ensure a more prosperous retirement period once you age.


In a similar manner as those who promote “buy 20 year term life insurance and invest the difference” that you would be paying for whole life insurance over that 20 year period to build your future nest egg–so too can you use that same general concept when it comes to paying off your debt and building wealth.


For example, if you were accelerating your debt payoff  ( credit card debt of $12,400) by increasing the amount from $300 per month that you would be paying for 10 plus years before debt payoff to $600 per month for 25 months or just over 2 years–you could continue to use that $600 per month by investing consistently for 30 years and at a return of 10% per year you could have well over a million dollars in a relatively painless way.


Keep in mind that whether you buy term and invest the difference or pay off your debt and invest the “payoff monthly payment that you were making” to invest for a designated period–the real key is that you must have the right mental faculties or mindset to stay focused and make it happen in real time.


You must realize that many start on a positive note by buying term and investing the difference–however, many also fail to go the distance–they stop or cut back on their investing activity and end up falling short of what they needed or desired to achieve–such as reaching their retirement number, saving for their dream home, investing for the educational needs of their children and many other scenarios that are played out in real time based on adversity that they face at the various stages in their life.


Don’t let that be you!


And it won’t be you, because you are aware of the need to create  an emergency fund that is properly funded and you know why it is critical to do so at the earliest time possible because it helps you meet life’s emergencies without having to interrupt your long-term investing activity.


If you are now serious about eliminating or reducing your debt at this time you must sincerely look within and determine right now that you are willing to put forth a serious effort to pay down or pay off your debt consistently in a way that will lead to you reaching the goals that you desire or need to achieve.


You must always realize that while you are here on planet earth life happenings will always occur that can give your mind an easy way out as to why you “can’t” do what you need to do!  In most cases they are nothing but excuses and your mind will accept those excuses if you allow your mind to do so!


The good news is that you can decide to  to fight and not allow excuses or any other negative occurrence take your mind or mental thought process in the wrong direction during your lifetime.


Will you be in the group that allows adversity and the happenings of life to hold you back–or are you willing to move forward with an unstoppable force on the inside that says by your actions–I will be successful and I will achieve at the level that I  desire?


Because you control your mind and the outcomes that are in your future–the goals that you are pursuing cannot and won’t be denied because you have put together a serious debt reduction action plan and you know that you have the commitment level that is needed at this time–based upon looking deep within and sincerely accepting the challenge.


You are fully aware that by achieving the goals that you desire you can create a more rewarding future for yourself and your family while on earth (and even when you transition your heirs can still benefit from the actions that you took) and bring  the joy and happiness to your heart and mind that you need–and deserve.


Use your “new attitude” about your future success to pay down or pay off your debt and achieve any other goal that you may desire–starting today!


In closing, it is important that you realize that many of our past clients were unaware that they would be paying thousands upon thousands of dollars in interest for “many more years” than they anticipated if they continued on their “current” debt payoff trajectory.


By adding an additional amount to their monthly payment their debt payoff or debt pay down was accelerated to just a few years–as opposed to a 10 to 20 year payoff period.


If you are now fortunate to have discretionary income on a monthly basis you can use some or all of your discretionary income to pay down or pay off your debt and achieve other goals that you may have.


If you unfortunately don’t have discretionary income at this time you may need to:


1) increase your income on a monthly basis

2) cut your expenses on a monthly basis

3) do a combination of the two


You want to position your mind for continuous success and you do so by–seeing a realistic path toward making your dreams come true–and that is something that you now know how to do!


All the best toward your debt pay down and debt pay off success as you build your retirement nest and achieve other goals that will allow you to live at your absolute best…


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Floating Credit & Wealth Building

Learn how you can use credit to achieve more and avoid paying interest…


In the current economy many who have excellent credit or good to excellent credit are utilizing the credit system to float credit in a way that best serves their financial goal(s) and not the goal(s) of creditors.


Many “baby boomers” may remember floating checks for a number of days (for their benefit) in the past due to the slow processing of checks by the banking industry several decades ago. Fortunately, gen x (those born after the baby boomers), gen y ( millennials) and gen z (those who followed the millennials) don’t have to contend with the slow processing of the past as many financial transactions seem to happen instantly.


However, the opportunity to float credit (for your benefit) is available to you and all who have the desire to do so in the current economy.


In this discussion The Wealth will look at a number of ways that you can use credit to your advantage (float credit) so that you can avoid paying interest, gain rewards that fit your lifestyle—and use the card to make purchases that you normally make anyway—to achieve more credit wise—and in the management of your overall finances.


Avoid Paying Interest


If you have excellent credit you can use zero percent credit cards (many are available that provide up to 18 months of zero percent interest) to make purchases on grocery, lifestyle purchases, clothing and other purchases you normally make on a monthly basis.


In some instances credit cards can be used in ways you don’t normally use credit such as tuition and related fees, monthly utility payments and the like.


As long as you have the monthly income (discretionary income), a properly funded emergency fund and the mastery of your credit  at your disposal—you can use your credit card(s) to manage your finances to your benefit and pay zero percent interest as long as you pay off the balance within the promotional period (i.e. the 18 month period).  Keep in mind that you will have to make a “minimum payment” during the promotional period based on your balance.


Alternatively, you can use your credit card that does not have a zero percent promotion to charge in the same manner discussed above, however to avoid interest you would have to pay off your balance monthly (usually within 30 days).


You can also use your creativity to come up with other ways that you can avoid paying interest by effectively using credit—based on your unique financial position and your future goals.


For example, if your goal was to purchase a vehicle, house or other major purchase you might want to do that first—then start avoiding the payment of interest based on the above strategies.  In short, it all depends on your outlook for your future and how you want to go about achieving your future goals.


Use Reward Cards More Effectively


If you have excellent credit you can use reward cards to reward yourself for utilizing the card and get the perks that you desire or may find to be of benefit to you and your family.


If you are a frequent flyer you can find a number of reward cards (including many that are issued by the airliner) that will assist you. If you like to eat out a lot, purchase grocery, gas, household goods, furniture and the like—you can find reward cards that will reward you at various levels when you use them.


We all have a purpose for our life and the direction that we all take will differ.  Many credit card issuers recognize this reality and offer perks or rewards in many forms that are designed to entice you to make purchases with their card.  As long as you are wise in your approach and you have a handle on your finances–you can make reward cards work for you and not against you during your lifetime.


Manage Your Credit & Finances on Purchases You Normally Make


You can use zero percent cards, reward cards and make the decision to manage your credit more efficiently by utilizing your credit in a wise manner.


You already know that you must eat on a daily basis, take transportation or travel to various destinations, purchase household items etcetera—so why not do that and at the same time avoid paying interest and make one (or a few depending on how many credit cards you use) monthly payment(s) for all of those items at one time—thus helping you manage your finances more efficiently and in many cases more effectively.


You can also use this approach to see where you are spending on various categories on a monthly basis as many credit card issuers will provide you a breakdown of where spending on the credit card went.


In addition to a helpful monthly breakdown of your credit activity by category many credit card issuers will also provide you a helpful chart and possibly tips and other promotions based on your spending habits.


You can use this information for budgeting and planning your future in a more precise manner.  This information can help you get on a serious path to managing your finances more comprehensively throughout your lifetime if you are not doing so at this time.



If you have excellent credit and a meaningful understanding and handle on your current finances you can use many strategies to get out in front of your credit usage.  It is imperative that you have analyzed your cash flow, established a sufficient emergency fund and analyzed your credit and finances  in a comprehensive manner prior to using the “floating credit” strategy mentioned in this discussion.


You can choose to float credit and build wealth more efficiently as one of many strategies in the overall planning of your financial future.


If you are one who likes to avoid the use of credit at all costs—you can continue to do so !    If you now have no credit card debt or you can pay off your credit cards (if you find yourself in the unfortunate position of owing credit card companies at this time) and then stop using credit–you can put yourself in position to get ahead financially!


However, if you desire to “float credit” in an effort to achieve more financially—it is ” the hope of that this discussion has given you some insight on how you can get it all started or continue to use credit to your advantage throughout your lifetime.


You don’t want to get in a position where creditors are in control and you are paying them interest on a monthly basis at anywhere from 10% to 25% by “carrying a balance” and not paying off the debt in a timely manner! 


You must avoid that scenario or put together a plan to get out of that scenario at the earliest time possible!


If you decide to apply for a zero percent interest card or a reward card be sure that you always pay on time  and you must be keenly aware of the effect that a new card will have on your credit utilization, credit time length, credit type and inquiries as a “hard pull” by creditor’s can pull your score downward some for a certain time period and negatively affect your credit file(s).  


Therefore, you want to use your best judgment if you anticipate a major purchase where your credit will be utilized in the near future as your credit and credit score may affect your ability to qualify for the loan or line of credit.


You may also not know your “credit limit” (the total amount of credit available for use on your card) until the hard pull of your credit is done and the card is granted to you in almost all cases.


Also, be aware of processing fees, convenience fees and other fees when you use your card in a non-traditional way such as at a public or private university, governmental agency, quasi-governmental agencies and the like as those fees can eat away at your zero percent interest and/or rewards in a way that makes paying with credit less appealing when the fee(s) are factored in.


In addition, look for the opportunity to “triple dip” by finding a card that offers zero percent for a time period certain, rewards and the ability to help you manage your credit more effectively and efficiently by providing you the monthly breakdown of your spending activity and possibly your credit score—all with one card.


However, if you now owe credit card companies you must come up with a pay off or pay down plan so that you can use credit to your advantage by “floating credit” or “not utilizing credit” because you have the cash flow and/or net worth that allows you to make the decision to utilize or not to utilize credit—your choice—not creditor’s!


Or another way of looking at it is “you” are in control of your credit and financial future!


To keep it short and sweet, you have learned how to use credit cards in an intelligent, consistent and proactive manner so that you can achieve more throughout your lifetime and you now know how to make credit work for you and not against you and you are now on your way to managing your finances more responsibly by seeing your future with more clarity.


In addition, if your credit is not where you want or need it to be “at this time” you can start now on moving toward excellent credit by frequenting this site.


By doing so you can start on a real path to getting your credit right.


Isn’t it time you approach your credit in an intelligent, consistent and proactive manner so that you can achieve more throughout your lifetime.


All the best toward your “floating credit” success….


All About Credit

Credit Resources

Credit Improvement

Credit Card Payoff

More on Reward Cards

The Three Step Structured Approach


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Personal Credit Makeover & Wealth Building

Learn how a Personal Credit Makeover  can help you Build Wealth more efficiently…


Improving your credit in the current economy has been the goal of many over the past few years and particularly since the major market downturn of 2008.  Those of you who are in need of a credit makeover often wonder—exactly where do I start.


After hours of contemplation and re-arrangement in our last discussion in order to make the topic understandable to the largest number of people possible, will try to concisely explain how you can have a personal credit makeover that can position you and your family properly–so that you can experience wealth building throughout your lifetime in a more efficient manner.


As you pursue your personal credit makeover or start on a path to establishing and/or improving your credit—there are critical questions that you must ask yourself (and answer appropriately) prior to even getting started!


3 of the most critical questions that you must ask yourself are:


1)      What can I do about my current credit position?


2)      What am I going to do in regards to my current credit position?


3)      What do I desire to achieve and more importantly “how” will I go about achieving what I desire to achieve in my credit and financial life?


You must answer those questions in a careful, analytical, accurate and critical manner.  As you journey on your path to managing your credit in a more focused and highly beneficial manner you must ask yourself the following questions and come up with real solutions that must be catered to your unique goals and outcomes that you desire as you work diligently to improve your credit.


1)      What can I do about my current credit position?


It is important that you ask yourself that question and it is important that you have an appropriate answer to that question.  You must search out and find the best ways to achieve your goals—or you must find a way that will work for you—that will lead you toward making your dreams come true.


Do I have a blueprint in my mind of the steps that I can take to achieve in a more efficient and effective manner and improve my current credit position in a definite manner?  Now is the time for you to answer and address those questions in as a sincere manner as possible.


2)      What am I going to do in regards to my current credit position?


What are the concrete steps that you are going to take as a result of your credit education that you have attained throughout your lifetime and that you are mastering at this time?  Are you at a point in your life where you are determined to take consistent action in a sincere manner


Now is the time that you force your mind to answer this question honestly and then you must take the action (or inaction) that you have decided to take!  You cannot half-heartedly approach your personal credit makeover goal and you must realize that it is your consistency in action that will lead to you taking on another role!


3)      What do I desire to achieve and more importantly “how” will I go about achieving what I desire to achieve in my credit and financial life?


Do you want to improve your credit to a level that allows you to do what needs to be done to reach your goals?  If so, you must have a comprehensive plan that takes you toward your goals.  Once you reach your credit goals you must not stop—re-imagine your life and go about achieving at your highest level of excellence while you are here on earth.


You must have the preparation and knowledge that is needed so that you will know how (the steps that you need to take) you will go about improving your credit and building wealth more efficiently!




By creating a cash flow statement or budget—cutting expenses and living beneath your means for a limited time you can put yourself in position to pay off or pay down your debt and begin to make your money grow.  By thinking at a higher level on a daily basis and using your creativity—and this page—you can set yourself and your family up for a lifetime of success.


You don’t have to make first-time mistakes, you can learn from others how not to do it—you can learn from this site how to do it right and you can learn how to create systems and develop strategies that will take you toward your unique goals.  And always realize that hope is not a plan but it is a good starting point.  You must make it a point to consistently remain active and engaged as you pursue your goals!


You must always realize that after your credit makeover when you apply for a loan, lenders typically assign interest rates based on what bracket your score falls into.  If you plan on purchasing a car, home, insurance or even seeking new employment—many lenders are using credit scores as a “first look” to see how responsible you are.


You must also understand that the most widely used score comes from a company called FICO.  Your actual credit score will fall in a range from 300 to 850 based on the FICO weighting factors—and the higher your number, the better.


You want to aim for anything over 740 (is considered excellent) because it will qualify you for the best rates.  If your score is below 640, you’ll pay much higher rates on loans and credit cards, and some lenders will even deny you a loan.


Even a small drop in your credit score can make a big difference in what you’ll pay for credit in the current economy. If you have a score of 640 you could possibly get a 30-year mortgage at 4.3% at today’s rates; if your score was 730 you’d qualify for a loan at just 3.5%.


That’s over a thousand dollars a year less in interest, or over $30,000 over the life of your loan that you would pay!


Your credit score is generated based on the information in your credit report. The way your FICO score is calculated is not precisely known but the way in which FICO weigh the various factors are known:


35%    Negative information or payment history


30%   Utilization or amount owed


15%    Time or length of history


10%   Type of credit used


10%   Inquiries or new credit


After your mastery of the credit factors and this page, don’t forget that it is also very important that you not allow adversity  to destroy your commitment level and your determination to continue even when you face setbacks.  Faith and patience go hand in hand when you are facing adversity!  You also need a written plan of action that will take you to a place that you know you need to go—or that you want to go.


In the end it will be your faithpatience and a plan of action that you believe in that will take you to where you should be.


By knowing that you can get through any adversity that you face and realizing that better days lie ahead—you position your mind to take the necessary action that will lead you toward your goals!


You must always realize that you must confront your reality in order to change your reality.  You cannot go along in life hoping that things will change or going along with the flow (taking what life dishes out at you).  It is imperative that you at this time make the decision to confront what you need to confront and know that success lies in the horizon.


The bad decisions that you have made in your past and that you may make in your future must not deter you from taking action now.   By making the decision to give it your best in all that you do–you are setting your heart and mind up for making your dreams come true.


It is important that you understand that it is how you learn from your challenges and bounce back–knowing  that the success that you desire lies ahead if you continue to believe–and continue to achieve!


You must always know that you can get through adverse situations—just as you have done in past situations that looked bleak at a particular time in your life.


By doing so—you put your mind on a path to real success and you put your mind in a more “joyful mood” even while you travel through adverse situations.


All the best to your personal credit makeover and wealth building success…


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College Graduates & Credit Building

Learn why “College Graduates” should “Build their Credit ” in as effective a manner as possible…


With the high school and college graduation season kicking into full bloom the creator of thought that a helpful page to get students who are transitioning from the educational world to the working world a real opportunity to attain success in the management of their credit and finances—was a timely topic to focus on.


In this discussion will present helpful tips and actions that those who are—or will soon be entering into the employment community can do to manage their credit and finances more effectively.


Set Up a Financial Management System


As a new entry into the workplace you must have a financial management system starting with setting up your own checking and savings account if you have not done so already.  You must not overdraw your account by writing checks or spending in a random fashion without knowing your account balances.


You must establish an emergency fund early in your life stage so that you can put yourself in position to manage your credit and finances optimally throughout your lifetime.


You must also get a credit file started  (or continue to improve your current file) if you  anticipate the need to effectively utilize credit now or  in your future.  Establish several credit cards in your own name and/or get added to a card or two on your parents credit card account(s) and within six months or so you will begin generating a credit file.


An auto loan could also help start the process of building your credit file.  Hopefully you graduated without student loan debt, however if you were unable to avoid that debt—that too could help you generate a credit file and help you establish or manage your credit more effectively.


Be sure to use your credit cards responsibly and pay off the balance in a timely manner…


You don’t want to over extend on your credit card usage or have too many credit cards.   The right number depends on your future goals, your current cash flow position and how effectively you manage your credit—and overall finances!


You must have a system (and personality) that allows you to pay off your debt (monthly bills) in a timely and consistent manner.


Whether you set up bill pay or you decide to pay by written checks (or if you do a combination like does) you must know your monthly and annual inflow and outflow of cash.  By knowing this information you can quickly determine if you need to cut expenses, get more income—or do a combination of the two.  In addition, you want to get into a habit of “periodically obtaining a copy of your credit file” to verify the accuracy and see where and if you can make improvements.


How to Order a Credit Report


You may order your credit reports at no cost once per year from the three major credit reporting agencies by going to


In order to see your entire credit history,  you should review the records from “each” of the major credit bureaus or agencies:


Transunion—West and Midwest focus originally but nationwide now

Equifax—South and Eastern focus originally but nationwide now

Experian—Western and Southwestern focus originally but nationwide now


If you live in Los Angeles, Transunion and/or Experian may have a more complete file on you while Equifax  may be missing several accounts that you may have.   If you live in Atlanta, Equifax may have a more complete file on you while Transunion and Experian may be missing several accounts that you may have.


In some cases all three credit agencies may have the same number and type of creditor(s) on file…


However, the only way for you to know “with certainty” is to pull your own file from “each” of the credit agencies!


Don’t do like many who currently manage their credit do–fail to have a consistent plan of action–and more importantly “fail to implement” a consistent plan of action when they do have an effective plan at their disposal.  You want to start off your credit building and life–by displaying the best qualities possible as you pursue your goals.


By reviewing your records from “each” of the major credit bureaus or agencies you get a better CAMERA shot of your overall credit profile.


Get the picture…


Again you can go to to get your file from all three credit agencies.  You can go to to obtain your actual credit score for a stated fee.


Always remember that you are also entitled to a free copy of your credit report within 60 days after being turned down for credit, employment, or insurance because of information supplied by TransUnion, Equifax or Experian.


What to Look for in Your Credit Report


You want to verify that your personal and credit information is correct! 


If errors are discovered you want to immediately report them in writing or do an online dispute to the agency in which you see the error(s).  After that follow up to ensure that the requested action was done by the credit agency  or agencies that you found the errors on.




You want to “enter the workplace” with the knowledge of what you need to do to manage your credit and finances in a proactive manner.  By focusing in at the earliest point in your “life stage” you can get a real jump on effectively managing your credit and finances in a manner that serves your best interest.


You will be in better position for your home purchase, your gym membership, the auto purchase of your dream, the vacation(s) of your dream(s), buying the latest technology products, saving for retirement, weekly entertainment and pursuing and achieving many other goals that will come along as you move along in life.


It is the desire of that you will take a serious look at your future at this time and decide to use a more intelligent, consistent and proactive approach as you journey towards your destiny or purpose for being while here on planet earth.


Congratulations on your graduate success…

Now is the time that you give it your best–since you have just passed your final test…


Use what you have learned in this discussion to forge a great future ahead…

By graduating this year knows that you are well read…


Go out into the world and change it for the better…

You now possess the tools that are necessary for doing so in any kind of weather…


All the best to your credit building and life success…


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Credit Management & Wealth Building

Learn why now is the time to take a fresh new look at your “credit management” from a different CAMERA lens…


Did you know that Credit Management is a vital step when it comes to Wealth Building?


Did you also know that effective credit management is a major part of reaching your overall financial and wealth building goals?


In this discussion will present what is significant as you embark on managing your credit and show you proven ways that you could possibly manage your credit better in the current economy.


A change in your attitude or a change in your money management personality can lead to a change in your financial behavior and take you toward your goals in a more effective and efficient manner.


You must expect success  and you must take the necessary action to attain that success whether it be managing your credit—or finances!


You can ENHANCE your future credit outcomes by seeing your future goals with more clarity and by “taking a picture” of your future with the right CAMERA lens.




You must realize that you have control over your daily habits and you can change them for the better if you make a serious commitment to do so.  You control the amount of borrowing that you do, the number of creditors that you decide to engage with and many other factors related to your credit management.


You must leave excuses behind and start where you now are.  If you are new to credit you can learn how to do it right.  If you are not new to credit but would like more empowering tools to help you manage your credit more wisely—you too are on the right page.


Determine where you now are—credit wise—TODAY!  Put yourself in control—as that is the best WAY!




Your wise management of your credit and  debt management activity is critical for your future success.  It is critical that you effectively utilize personal financial statements so that you can gain the added clarity and realistic expectations that are needed to take you where you desire to go.  It is “you” who must take action if you desire to manage your credit effectively throughout your lifetime.


You must activate debt management strategies that are proven and will get you the results that you desire.




You must effectively monitor your debt payoff and debt pay-down efforts and make improvements and adjustments when necessary.  Whether you meet with a financial advisor or you manage your credit yourself you must have an effective and foolproof monitoring system that allows you to stay on track—or get back on track when your situation calls for that.


You may have to pull your credit report at designated intervals, use “credit resources” appropriately and challenge mistakes and errors on your credit reports and have them corrected—depending on where you now are.


Expect Success


You must have a thorough understanding of the Wealth Building Basics and you must have a positive mental attitude while you manage your credit and finances!


You must have the mental focus and clarity of vision so that you can achieve your goal(s) with precision.


By expecting success you open up your mind to more creative ways of reaching the success that you see—thereby increasing your odds of reaching “your destiny” or who you were truly meant to be.


Realistic Expectations


You must have a working knowledge of the 5 credit factors and know that a low score generally means you are irresponsible in your credit management while a high score generally means you have been responsible in your use of credit.


You must realize that once you get your first loan or credit card (or possibly added to another account as an authorized user) the clock starts as far as your credit management career goes.  After 6 months of activity your FICO score will be calculated—generally speaking.


By knowing and applying the “5 credit factors” you can control your outcomes (your FICO score) and get a “realistic picture” of how you will effectively manage your credit throughout your lifetime.




Your attitude or how you see your future (including your financial future) and how you see and interact with others (including how you interact with your finances) is critical for your future success.  It is important that you have the right mindset as you manage your credit as by doing so you create the right environment for credit success and life success.


Take a picture of “your attitude” at this time and put in concerted effort (work) to move toward a better picture angle (a better personality and attitude) that exudes success in all that you do!



Don’t be financially limited during your lifetime if you have a need or desire to utilize credit.


By looking at your future through “the right” CAMERA lens you can put yourself in position to manage your credit wisely throughout your lifetime and you can also put yourself in position to help others improve their credit as well.





Expect Success

Realistic Expectations



Doing all of the above as it relates to “your” CREDIT MANAGEMENT future will put you on a serious path to success in all areas of your finances throughout your lifetime.


Your retirement goals can be attained, your membership at your favorite fitness center can be achieved, your funding for your kids or grand-kids college tuition can be attained, your yearly vacation to the destination of “your” choice can be attained, that home purchase that you desire can be attained, however it all starts (or continues) with your effective management of your finances–including your credit management!


Effective credit management depends on you taking the time now to master the 5 credit factors so that you can achieve your goals throughout your lifetime.


You must optimally manage your monthly cash flow and make good choices by determining now whether you want to appropriately spend, appropriately save and appropriately manage (or consciously or sub-consciously inappropriately mismanage) your disposable and discretionary cash flow.


You can also take your credit knowledge as high as you want to by visiting “All About Credit” and really put yourself and your family in position for major success.  You can now choose how high—or low you want to take your credit knowledge—and your application of that knowledge!


Once you get your credit to where you desire that it be, effective management is rather easy as long as you pay on time and you keep your usage under 10%.  At that point you could look into reward cards and other perks that are offered by credit card issuers. 


A properly funded emergency fund will help ensure that you are in position “throughout your lifetime” to effectively keep your credit card debt at a minimal (or manageable) level.  In life, unexpected turns often occur when you are least prepared.  A properly funded emergency fund will put you in better position for success as you strive to give it your best!


This page and the links on this page will provide you with what you need to effectively manage your credit throughout your lifetime.


However, it is up to you to apply and take the necessary action on a consistent basis so that you can optimize your credit score and manage your credit in real time at a very high level.


All the best to your credit management success…


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Copyright© 2014–2022––All Rights Reserved

Credit Resources

Learn how you can access personal credit and other helpful resources and more efficiently reach your future goals…


On this page you will find personal credit resources that you can use throughout your lifetime to achieve at a higher level and reach your credit and financial goals more effectively and more efficiently.


It is important that you have an “understanding of how you manage your credit” and you pursue ways that you can possibly manage your credit better.


On this page you will find credit resources that have helped many who were committed to living more abundantly do just that as they reached higher to improve their credit and finances.


It is the desire of that this page will help you as well and make your journey of credit and finance management less taxing (painful).


NOTE: does not receive compensation or advertising revenue of any kind from the sites below.  They are provided as a courtesy to help you save valuable time as you pursue your wealth building efforts.


Credit Scores:


Quizzle  (Now

Get a free credit report every 6 months along with your Vantage Score…

Vantage Score—jointly produced by TransUnion, Equifax and Experian—scored from 501 to 990—widely used by lenders—uses shorter credit history than FICO—credit comparison—credit timeline—credit trending—and score analysis available on this site


Credit Karma

Best of the 3  free sites in’s opinion—quick access to reports and scores—other alerts that you can sign up for—home debt, loan and amortization calculators—uses Vantage Score or New Account Score—2015 added Equifax score

Uses TransUnion and Equifax in Scoring Models


Wallet Hub

A close competitor to Credit Karma this site also provides quick access to reports and scores—other alerts that you can sign up for—credit planning and more.


Credit Sesame

Get free Experian National Equivalency Score and get suggestions and advice to help you improve your score over time…free ID theft protection, mobile apps, where to find the best interest rates and credit card suggestions


ChexSystems Score


Your ChexSystems score is based on a consumer reporting agency that tracks “your history” with deposit accounts such as savings and checking accounts.  The score ranges from 100 to 899 (the higher the better) and uses your credit report, public records, payday loan history and possibly other factors to calculate a numeric score that is called your QualiFile score or more commonly called your ChexSystems score.  

Your ChexSystems score is primarily used to predict or anticipate your future banking activity and the likelihood that you will mismanage your account.  You are reducing your likelihood of mismanaging your account(s) tremendously by visiting this page and site.  However, thought that it was important that you know what ChexSystems is–and the effect that it could play in your future if you do not have a proactive and comprehensive approach as you manage your credit and finances.

Keep in mind that all banks do not use ChexSystems to determine if you are a good banking risk–some use other sources such as Early Warning Systems or TeleCheck and some banking institutions may not use any checking system at all!  Your CheckSystems report requires that you pay a fee to get the score–however if you know your banking history is clean–purchasing a report serves no purpose unless you would like to make a non-deductible donation to ChexSystems.

However if you know that you have blemishes on your banking activity in the past, it may be wise to purchase the score and see where your blemishes are so that you can make improvements.  Visit the above ChexSystems link to learn more.

Also consider 2nd chance Banks that do not use ChexSystems if you have past banking blemishes…


Get your actual FICO score on this site for a stated fee.  If accuracy is a concern or you want to get a better feel for your actual FICO score—be sure to visit the above link. has seen actual scores vary from as much as 50 points from the scores that were stated on the 3 free credit scoring sites listed above.




By going to the above sites you can see how well you are managing your credit from a numerical perspective.  The number that you get or the range in which you fall is usually an accurate indication of how you are managing your credit.  There is nothing that prevents you from utilizing all three of the free credit scoring sites as none of the sites require that you use your credit card to use the service.


Your credit score mainly indicates “your risk” of not repaying a loan!  However, you must always realize that different lenders using the same score may charge you different rates, therefore it is important for you to know this up-front and it is very important that you “shop for the best loan” based on your current credit profile and credit score.


Always realize that when loan shopping (particularly for your home or auto loan) you must do “multiple hard inquiries” within a short window (14 days or preferably less) so that they are treated as a single inquiry by FICO, VantageScore credit scoring models and possibly other scoring models.


Anything outside of a 2 week window could lower your credit score.   Multiple inquiries will not do as much damage to your  credit score as  just “one missed loan payment” and the damage from multiple inquiries are considered mild when compared to a missed loan payment (possibly 50 to 100 point drop in your credit score).


If you find issues of concern on your credit report and you cannot satisfactorily resolve a complaint to a credit bureau or lender about your credit report or credit score, The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will help you resolve many types of complaints that you have about your credit reports and your credit scores.  Before you file a complaint at, the bureau recommends that you file your  complaint and obtain a response from the credit bureau or other company that you are dealing with first.


After your “Mastery of the 5 Credit Factors”  and other material on this page you can  “Test Your Knowledge” of your understanding of credit scoring and see if you are in position to effectively manage your credit throughout your lifetime.   Excellence must be your goal—and 100% understanding from “testing of your credit score knowledge” must reside inside your soul!


Also, be aware that many credit card issuer’s are now starting to provide monthly credit scores and in some cases your actual FICO credit score.  Therefore you have many options (paid and free sources) for effectively managing your credit and credit score.


All of the above credit scoring sites are free (with the exception of and they give you varying scores that may correlate with your FICO score, however none of the free sites will provide your actual FICO score.  To get that go to, however—you will have to pay a fee.


Always realize that personal credit scoring models change from year to year and there are many versions on the market at any particular time.  At any given time some lenders may use an older model while others will use a newer model.  In addition, be aware of industry-specific credit scoring models such as auto related scoring models, housing related scoring models, insurance related scoring models and possibly other industry specific scoring models.


Whether FICO, VantageScore or any other scoring model is used, the key point to remember is that as long as you consistently apply your mastery of the 5 credit factors effectively based on your credit profile from this day forward—you will succeed throughout your lifetime regardless of the current scoring model or future advancements in the scoring models.


The ChexSystems score is somewhat separate from the other credit scoring sites and it too requires that you pay a fee,  however the ChexSystems score is related to your banking activity.  Again if you know that you have a stellar banking history–purchasing a ChexSystems score serves no real purpose.


A non-traditional way to build credit for those who have credit challenges is an alternative payment history company that allows payments other than credit cards and other revolving, open and installment debt to build your credit file and credit score.   Payment Reporting Builds Credit or PRBC may be worth looking at as an alternative credit building and credit scoring resource as it uses your cell phone, utility bills, rental payments and other non-traditional sources to build your credit file and credit score (100-850 range with 600 to 750 the goal to aim for to get realistic acceptance by potential creditor’s) and it is absolutely free to set up.

Although not all lenders will accept the score–it could help you get the credit that you need in some cases.   In addition, many traditional lenders will also use alternative scoring models to get you a loan in many instances.


“Self website” also offers a non-traditional way for you to possibly build credit if your credit is in need of building or improving upon and you find it difficult to do so in a traditional manner.


Therefore, if traditional credit is not working for you at this time due to a limited or non-existent traditional credit history–you still have options!


However, building your credit by utilizing the 3 credit bureaus listed below is normally the best way to go if you have time and you are–or desire to be proactive in the management of your credit and finances.  Visit the following link to learn more about PRBC if you feel they can be of benefit.


Credit Reports:







or call 877-322-8228




Always realize that there are many credit bureaus, however the three listed above are the major players and the ones who you should really be aware of.  By going to the above sites you can see how well you are managing your credit in a written format.  The information on the reports will show if you have a positive payment history, whether negative marks are on your report and will also show how you are using your credit.


You can also see your outstanding loan balances and the type of credit (revolving, open or installment) that you have and how long your accounts have been open or active.  The hard pull of your credit file for the past 12 months and possibly longer will also be on your credit reports. is a site that you can go to and get “all 3” of your credit reports from one site for FREE once per year.


By analyzing your credit report(s) you can make corrections on your report(s) and see what you need to do to move toward achieving your future goals—thereby providing you more clarity.


In addition, you can go to the above sites to request a credit freeze so that others (identity thieves) would not be able to open an account in your name using your information.


If you have a need to improve your credit be sure to visit our Credit Improvement page that is on this site, before you do anything else.


Also realize that all three of the credit bureaus listed above have credit monitoring and credit scoring services where they charge you a monthly fee.  Use your better judgment to see if utilizing their service can be of benefit to you.  Most require a monthly subscription fee.  Be sure to read the fine print to ensure that you are aware of your financial and non-financial obligations.   By going to the links below you will find credit monitoring and credit reporting sites that are offered by the 3 major credit bureaus.






Credit Card Comparison Sites:


The following sites can help you compare credit cards if you need to build your credit or pay off your credit card or other debt.  You can find many 0% cards (many up to 15 months at zero percent interest) that you can use to transfer debt in an effort to pay off your debt in a timely manner (or use to build up your credit at zero percent interest by utilizing zero percent interest on purchases and consistently making timely payments) and possibly save thousands in your interest charges.


There are many strategies that you can use to pay off or pay down your credit card and other debt.


If you already have an effective handle on your credit and you have a properly funded emergency fund you can find “reward cards” that could possibly be of benefit to you and your family by also going to the credit card comparison sites listed below.




Value Penquin


Be sure to use caution when going to any credit card comparison site as the potential for inaccurate or misleading data is always possible.


It may be of great benefit to review this Wall Street Journal article that was written in 2014 to get a feel for the pitfalls that you may need to avoid prior to going to any of the above sites.


As part of your research efforts you may also want to visit the site of the credit card issuer directly and compare or crosscheck what is on the comparison sites.  In some cases you may find a better or more up-to-date offer on the credit card issuer’s site.  In addition many credit card issuer’s may have a relationship with the credit card rating company, so again use caution.


For those who have bad or damaged credit U.S. News & World Report’s credit survey and guide can be a very helpful starting point, as well as going to the miscellaneous sites listed below!




Trust & Wills

A site for creating trusts and wills at discounted rates in all 50 states in the U. S.



Life insurance site that offers term and whole life insurance at reasonable rates and does not require  a medical exam.


Self Credit Building

A credit building site for those who have damaged or limited credit build credit in a non-traditional way by offering loan products and secured credit cards.


Value Penquin

All in one site that can help you make budgeting, credit card, insurance, investing and banking decisions along with providing other financial news.


Lexis/Nexis Full File Disclosure

Get your complete file for free—includes CLUE Report, Background Check etc…

Get interest rates and research 1000’s of banks and credit unions in the United States


Insurance—CLUE Report

Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange


Consumer Finance Protection Bureau

Tools for your success, educational resources, complaint procedures, research and much more…


FTC Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)

Know your credit rights…


Karl’s Calculator

Great mortgage calculator for those who are considering refinancing or purchasing their home


Personal Capital

Finance & Wealth Management Site


Realty 1 Strategic Advisors

Real Estate & Personal Finance Advice with a unique twist—created by the same publisher of the site that you are now on

Type in your state in the search area  and learn how you can compare insurance quotes (apples to apples) in your state by knowing your state’s minimum requirements and possibly save on your car insurance.  You can also learn about other automobile related activity in your state.  Keep in mind that this is not an official government site but has valuable information that could help you as you move forward…


More Helpful Financial Websites…


Helpful Educational Websites…


Learn why you must obtain a “Financially Alert Mind”…


NOTE: does not receive compensation or advertising revenue of any kind from the above sites.  They are provided as a courtesy to help you save valuable time.


Although operates from a biased position in favor of consumers, you must still come to your own conclusion as to which of the above sites will work better for you or if the site(s) will be of benefit to you at all.


Credit Resources created by the creator of


Do I have a Financially Alert Mind or am I just Financially Literate?  Visit this page to find out…


The above page is one of the most groundbreaking pages that can be found in personal finance, visit this page to see where you stand as far as your financial approach is concerned.


Do you know an Efficient Way to Achieve Financial Success?

Learn how 5 Steps to Financial Success can show you the way toward your success–today…

A visitor favorite, the above page was featured on Yahoo Finance and also as a guest post on Boostsuite and visitors have responded favorably to this post since it was created.


The 3 Step Structured Approach…

Learn how you can use a comprehensive approach to manage your credit and finances throughout your lifetime.

The 3 Step Structured Approach is simply one of the most effective and easy-to-apply comprehensive financial management system that can be found in personal finance. 

Many visitors have found this approach to work for them after being unsuccessful in managing their finances with other approaches.


Mastering the 5 Credit Factors so that You Can Achieve Your Dreams…

Even though this page was created approximately 2 months ago (December 2016) from the time of this posting, this page has fast become a visitor favorite as it addresses your need to know the 5 credit factors and most importantly shows you how you can effectively utilize that knowledge throughout your lifetime to achieve your goals.

Although’s opinion of this page is biased (this page was created by the creator of, truly believes that Mastering the 5 Credit Factors so that You Can Achieve Your Dreams is the best page on the web for helping you gain the mental working knowledge to effectively master the 5 Credit Factors and manage your credit optimally throughout your lifetime.

However, if you disagree and you know of a better page that addresses the “5 Credit Factors” be sure to email at and if after review that page is determined to address the “5 Credit Factors” more effectively—that site link will be featured on this page and  visitors will have the opportunity to decide which page works better for them.




It is up to you to find better ways of managing your credit and finances and “applying” what you learn to improve your (and your family’s) living conditions throughout your lifetime.


The “above links” or credit resources have proven to be of benefit to many visitors who have frequented and it is the belief of that the “real potential” that you have inside of you will be “tapped into by you” and will lead to you achieving at a higher level in the management of your credit and finances as a result of visiting this page.


All the best to your future success…


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Credit Card Reward Cards—How to Better Utilize Credit Card Reward Programs In Your Daily Life

Learn How to Better Utilize Credit Card Reward Programs In Your Daily Life


You too must act in a more focused and comprehensive manner as you encounter your finances on a daily basis.  Reward cards may provide you an avenue to more effectively manage your finances and receive rewards at the same time.


You can’t effectively turn your situation around until you go to the source.  Is the source of your current predicament poor spending habits, not making enough income, too much debt, or any other factor that is making life less fulfilling for you at this time?


Are you now on a serious path toward success and everything seems to be falling in place?


Are you over-utilizing credit or are you improperly utilizing credit?  Do you currently have a credit card balance?  In this discussion will show you a number of ways that you can achieve more by utilizing your credit cards in a wiser manner.


Your effective application of the following paragraphs is the ultimate goal—just reading the paragraphs and not applying them in your life where appropriate may not take you to where you need or desire to be.


If you use reward cards—or anticipating doing so in your future you can do so in a manner where you can reward yourself and purchase what you normally purchase.


Your consistent (year-round usage) could put you in position to reward yourself and purchase what you normally purchase anyway—however it will require discipline on your part.


The key to successfully making reward cards work for you and your family is to know the details!


How much cash back do they offer?  Are there caps on the amount that you can earn?  What type of purchase qualifies? Gas, Groceries, or anything else…


Is it a flat rate on everything or a certain percentage on specific type of purchase?


Always keep in mind that reward programs can change at any given time and it is in your best interest to pay off the balance in full on a monthly basis!


If you are an average family, spouse and 2 kids and you spend about $3,000 on gas, food and other necessities (clothes, drugstore products, entertainment, travel, meals, utilities etc.) every month you can use any number of reward cards to receive up to 6% back on groceries, 3% back on gas, and many offer miles for flights or other perks based on the amount you spend.


Using the above strategy effectively could lead to you receiving up to $1,000 or more annually in rewards!


The key is to get the reward card combination (2 to 4 cards) that fits your spending pattern on a monthly basis and offers the best reward based on your spending pattern.


It is imperative that you have a properly established emergency fund and little or no credit card debt if you are to make wise use of reward cards!


If you are a big spender you can earn even more, however you want to purchase within your means and pay the credit card balance off on a monthly basis.  If you are unable or feel that you can’t pay the balance off monthly—reward cards may not be right for you at this particular time.


The following companies offer reward cards (do not consider any as an endorsement by as it is provided for your convenience only) that may be of benefit to you based on your monthly spending habits:





  • American Express Blue Cash Preferred Card
  • Capital One Venture




  • Capital One
  • American Express Card
  • PenFed Premium Travel Rewards




  • Penfed Platinum Cash Rewards Visa Plus
  • Capital One Spark Cash for Business
  • Capital One Spark Miles for Business




  • American Express Blue Cash
  • Barclay Card Arrival Plus World Elite Master Card





  • Bank Americard Cash Rewards Credit Card for Students
  • Discover It Chrome for Students




  • Capital One Venture
  • CITI Thank You Premier



Other (I don’t fit into any of the above categories):


Visit and select a card (or cards) that meet your expected monthly spending pattern.  Also keep in mind that the above reward programs as well as others change on occasion and the “details of all of them” can be found on


Therefore it is imperative that you review the program that you are using on at least a semi-annual basis to ensure that you are getting the rewards that you think you are getting.


In addition always realize that effectively managing your credit and utilizing reward programs in a manner that serves your best interest (paying your monthly balance off in full) allows you to know where you are going and will put you in position to inspire others (friends and family) and show them that they too have the power within to change their credit situation in a balanced and well thought out manner.


The goal of is to help make the road that others will travel less burdensome.  What is impossible in the eyes of many is actually doable when you approach what needs to be done in the right manner.


Make it a point to manage your credit and your reward cards in a highly effective way—starting today!


When you need to do something, you can often come up with new and inspiring ways of accomplishing your goals. asks that you tap into your creativity and do more from this day forward.  It is the desire of that this article will play some small part in helping you reach your goals in an intelligent, consistent and proactive manner!



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