Reliability & Wealth Building

Learn why it is important that you and those who you interact with are reliable when it comes to building wealth…


As you move about throughout life it is important that you do what you plan to do and you also interact with those who do what they say they will do.  Or another way of looking at it is, you must be reliable in doing what you need or want to do and you must associate with those who are reliable in doing what they need or want to do whether on their behalf or yours.


And with the transition of Joe Madison (The Black Eagle) on January 31st of this year, it is more important than ever that you do something positive to transform your finances.  What are you going to do about it is one of his favorite quotes and it is important that you ask yourself “what are you going to do about it” when it comes to your finances–and life!


In this discussion will focus on why you must have a reliable track record of doing what you say you will do and you also associate with those who will do the same in their life.


You must reliably create personal finance statements

It is important that you realize that effective management in the financial realm of your life starts with you analyzing your finances on a monthly and yearly basis, determining what you own and what you owe (your net worth) and determining from this day forward that you will do all you can to understand your finances in a way that is more rewarding for you and your family–not creditors!


You must reliably master your credit

If you are like many, there will come a time in your life that you will have to (or you will choose to) utilize credit to live at a higher level.


If you choose to utilize credit in a more effective way, you will need to master the 5 credit factors that include keeping your credit positive by reliably paying “on” time, utilizing your available credit appropriately, reliably paying off your credit “over” time, utilizing various types of credit (your credit mix) based on your goals and doing your best to keep hard inquiries into your credit file at a minimum if you are trying to improve your credit and utilize your credit for a major transaction in the short-term (next year or so).


You must reliably understand your overall finances

Your determination to understand and utilize personal finance statements, have mastery over how you manage your credit and understanding your financial responsibilities with heightened awareness in the following areas such as insurance, investments, taxes, emergency fund, education planning, estate planning/wills and retirement planning, is what will potentially set you apart from your peers as you progress through the various stages of your life.



You cannot go through life making mistake after mistake, let worry, anxiety and fear rule you, or become frustrated because you are unwilling to put in the required effort when others who are truly determined are willing to do so because they have a strong desire and are highly committed to making their big dream happen in real time.


You must make it  a priority to associate with those who are reliable and will come through for you on a consistent basis in good and bad times.  And you must know that those who are reliable have a plan in place for success and they have already made up their mind to perform at a level that is their absolute best.


You must persuade yourself of the success that you will achieve and you must have a track record of being reliable as you reach higher and higher towards the goals that are uniquely your own–and what you sincerely desire!


All the  best as you reliably pursue success…


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Adversity & Wealth Building

Learn why you must push harder when adversity rears its ugly head as you build wealth so that you can really get ahead…


Special “10 Year Anniversary of Blogging Page” of 


It is amazing to think that “10 years ago today” from the time of this posting (January 27, 2024) did not exist and at that time there was no indication that it would ever exist, as the thoughts and inspiration to create would occur on January 28, 2014 during the infamous “snowjam” that shut the metro Atlanta area down due to a snow/ice storm!


It is important that we all respond positively to adversity that will occur, as the time and place when meaningful information and inspiration will occur often cannot be determined in advance!


Adversity or unwanted happenings during our lifetime will occur, regardless of who you are or how effectively you plan for your future.  Even so, you want to do all that you can to plan to manage adversity and other unwanted occurrences that occur throughout your life in the best manner possible as you build wealth.


As the news on a worldwide basis appear to depress many and lead many to have a more pessimistic view of the future–you must do all that you can to stay positive and still know that your wealth building and other dreams that you have will come true.


In this discussion will present steps that you can take to “respond positively to adversity” so that you can achieve more throughout your lifetime.


And just as the creator of had to dig in and discover new ways to move forward when adversity of a high magnitude occurred–so too must you do the same!


In the paragraphs that follow will present ways that you can face adversity in a manner where you can move forward as opposed to going backward, remaining where you are at, or possibly remaining or going into a depressed state.


Respond to Adversity in a Winning Style

In spite of the pain, it is not the end of the world…


When you face adversity, remember that generally no one else cares!  Always remember that with adversity–how you got to where you are is not as important as where you can and need to go, even when it is not your fault, however “the solution” is up to you!


Excuses and/or blaming forces beyond your control for your current position are akin to being stuck in quicksand, as it prevents you from moving forward–and will often move you in the opposite direction of your big dream of achieving goals that are good for you and your family.


You cannot wait on someone else to do what you know needs to be done by you.  You must come to the conclusion at this or at the earliest time possible that what needs to be done and what must be done–is your responsibility.  If you desire to achieve optimally while you are here on planet earth–the place of your birth, you must know your self-worth!


Know that Success is in Your Future

Success can still come your way, if you hold your head up in spite of your pain, today….


Whether you are facing adversity as a result of the loss of a loved one, a job loss, a medical diagnosis, losing your home, being forced to file bankruptcy, what seems to be insurmountable debt or any other occurrence, it is important that you know that you can respond appropriately–and you will respond appropriately.


By having the determination to respond favorably to adversity and not giving up or feeling sorry for yourself, you can come up with new and more empowering ways of coming back stronger than you were prior to facing adversity, along with achieving far more–if you believe and know that better days are ahead, and you are committed to bringing those better days into reality during your lifetime!


Put in the Required Work that is Needed to Make what You Desire a Reality

Work will be required of you, and you must do what you need to do…


It is important that you realize that the road or journey toward the success that you desire or need to attain may not be easy and will require effort by you, and you must put a plan in place to do what you need to do.


You must have an unrelenting spirit to bring into reality what you desire most after facing adversity and difficult stretches during your life, regardless of causation!


You must also realize that adversity can occur on multiple fronts, and it may appear that there is no way out–however you must ask adversity, is that all you got–and by doing so, you put adversity on the spot?  Your goal is to always overcome adversity, no matter how daunting the challenge is as you must be willing to put in the work to make what you want or need to happen occur in real time.



The adversity that we all face is designed to make us stronger, not weaker in the long run–and make those who “sincerely believe it to be so” even stronger!  And just as the creator of overcame great adversity in late 2020 and early 2021 with the transition and burial of the one who brought him into this world–so too must you be prepared to overcome any adversity that you may face now–or in the coming years.


You must roar like a lion, even when the prey is scarce (you can’t clearly see a way forward) and you must know that better days lie ahead.


Whether you earn six figures or just enough to get by and live on, you can transform your future to that of lasting success “if you have the right or smart approach” and you are committed to that approach in a determined and dedicated way.


And just as the creator of began blogging initially in 2010 in response to an adverse situation where a back injury would not allow him to do the love of his life (jogging) and was not able to jog due to that injury for over a decade–little would he know that the change in activity (small steps at that time) would lead to writing at an unparalleled pace (he had not written an article over 500 words in over 20 years and now has over 700 pages of web content) that has led to the creation of 3 websites, a number of blog sites and a number of books that are helping those who desire lasting wealth building success, attain just that in ways they never imagined! was inspirationally created on January 28th, 2014, as a result of facing great adversity as the creation of the was formulated while in delay (2-hour delay) during snowjam in 2014 that led to the city of Atlanta and surrounding areas to basically shut down due to inclement weather, with traffic backed up and cars abandoned for hours in many areas.


By responding positively to that adverse situation, the site that you are now on was created, as well as a number of books later that year that has helped those who desire exposure to principles and solutions that will help them achieve lasting wealth building success in a comprehensive way do just that at this time.


And even as this page is being created on the eve of the 10th anniversary of the creation of, the 10th book in “The Real Estate & Finance 360 Degrees Series of Books” that will include 10 Principles that can lead to lasting success for you and others as you build wealth and pursue success in personal finance and other areas of your life is in the works.


The books in the series are designed to provide you a much-needed roadmap and the new book that will soon be on the market as a result of inspiration that is occurring at this time–and inspiration that will be acted upon, will hopefully lead to the creation of a book that can “enhance your travels even more” as you pursue financial freedom.


As you move about throughout your life you want to realize that adversity is to be expected, but so too is your future success–if you make the decision to give it your best and you don’t rest until you have given it your absolute best to achieve ultimate success.


It is important that you realize that you have the power within to use your creativity to make what appears as a miracle to others occur in your life.


Instead of praying only for a miracle tonight, you want to pray and “take action” to make what appears to be miracles happen in plain sight!  In short, you can make miracles happen in your life if you take the right action–consistently.


Miracles can sometimes take years–and if you confront your fears, dream big and follow through on that big dream–the right path to take will be presented to your eyes, ears and feet as you will visualize, hear and act toward making what you desire a reality for the world to see, and achieve what you were sincerely meant to be.


You must have your “antennae up” and be willing to act on powerful inspiration that comes your way, when it is in your best interest to do so! 


Isn’t it time that you improve your mental flow, so that you can truly grow and get in the know so that you can reap “more than” you sow? 


And just as the creator of knows that the pain of losing a loved one may never go away–so too must you cultivate the mindset of responding positively to adversity in a way that will never go away–and the knowledge that success at an even higher level is on the way must remain steadfast, because you were built to last.


You must stay focused, put a plan in place that you believe in, and know in definite terms that you won’t be deterred–regardless of what occurs in your life locally, nationally or on a worldwide stage–as your present and future is an open page–and your time to be a sage is now, not after you age!


By responding positively to adversity, you can create what others can’t see!  And even though the creator of writes in an unorthodoxed style that is designed to move you forward, some may not see the benefit–as they are waiting on book critics, influencers and others to give them the ok–while you are determining for yourself that you can do the management of your finances in a better way.


And by purchasing any number of books that can lead you toward success today or visiting a number of pages on this site that allows you an avenue towards success in a more effective way–you can transform your future in a major way!


It is amazing to realize that after 10 years of being in the blogosphere, this humble site that does not  seek Search Engine Optimization  or Ad Revenue has provided avenues to success for many worldwide visitors–even while other larger, well-funded personal finance and wealth building sites seem to miss the mark as far as providing a refreshing, inspiring, forward moving, and comprehensive approach to wealth building that is available at minimal cost (free–except for your time and effort) for all who desire success in their future!


Always remember, that as empowering as this site is for many, it may not be for you–therefore I urge you to do as I do, analyze this site in a careful, accurate and critical way–and move on if you feel this blog is not for you!


All the best as you respond positively to any adversity that you face and achieve major success…–is a wealth building site created by Thomas (TJ) Underwood that speaks directly to the human spirit so that wealth building success is more attainable for those who sincerely desire success.  It is our desire that this site acts as a springboard to help you achieve all of the goals and achievement that you desire as you “reach” higher and pursue success from wire to wire (throughout your life stages) –and you never let the adversity that you will undoubtedly face deter you in any way!


What led you to create—you already have two websites and two blogs?

Question from a visitor to this site in 2014


A: The inspiration to create occurred in January of 2014 during the infamous “snowjam” that backed-up traffic on the freeways in Atlanta for hours and in many cases overnight for some unfortunate drivers.


Even though my delay was only several hours, that adverse occurrence—provided the inspiration for the thoughts to create a website that would directly assist consumers in a more intelligent, consistent and proactive manner to materialize.  was formulated on the premise that consumers need good input (knowledge) on a regular basis on the front-end (proactively) if they are to reach their highest potential when managing and improving their credit and finances.


If you are one who has the determination and commitment that is required to reach your future goals—or you desire to gain those important qualities you must start the process by doing a self-evaluation (you must know what you really desire in your life) so that you can constantly grow.  was designed with you in mind and the goal is to provide you with powerful knowledge that you can utilize effectively to help you be the best “you” that you can be as you move forward in your credit, finance or any other life pursuits that you may have. is for those who are interested in asking the right questions and getting the right answers.  The site is available for those who desire clarity and direction as they journey towards improving their credit and finances.


The site is part cheerleader (designed to encourage, motivate and inspire you to do all that you can do) and is designed to create a desire and thirst in you to understand and apply credit and financial management systems and approaches that serve your best interest—not creditors and others.


The site provides you the ability to put what you learn into practice and further provides you the ability to transform your and your family’s finances for generations by providing you the comprehensive wealth building focus that you need to succeed.  On occasion, this site may seem to admonish you, however the ultimate goal is to get you to achieve at “your highest level of excellence” at the various stages of your life!


It is important that you realize that your current circumstances are only temporary and not the way that it has to be in your and your family’s future!


By frequenting on a consistent basis you will soon realize that you can push harder than you are currently pushing—you can reach higher than you are currently reaching, and you will not only know that you are capable of accomplishing much more during your lifetime—you will actually start on a positive path to doing just that!



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Medical Credit Cards & Wealth Building

Learn the ins and outs of medical credit cards so that you can determine if they are a good choice for you as you build wealth…


As the number of credit card companies and offerings continue to rise, so too are the number of credit card offerings increasing by those in the health care and medical industry.  As the year 2024 starts, the creator of thought that it would be an appropriate time to discuss credit card debt.  And with many running up credit card balances during the holiday season, this discussion is more relevant than most for many consumers.


Medical credit cards in specific will be focused on in this discussion as they are increasing in popularity at this time, and you want to proactively be aware of the advantages and disadvantages so that you can achieve more throughout your lifetime.


In this discussion will show the importance of scrutinizing medical credit cards to see if they are a good or best choice for you as you build wealth as they are now being offered by many health care providers.


Medical credit card basics

You must determine (when possible) prior to going to a medical office or health care provider if the credit that they offer to you is your best choice.  You want to look at the terms, and other factors to determine if medical credit cards are your best option based on your current financial and health position.


Before you decide to borrow by selecting a medical credit card you want to first get an itemized version of your bill from your medical provider and check it for errors as charges are on occasion wrong and you would want to talk with your insurer and medical provider to get the errors corrected to even see if borrowing for your medical balance is even necessary.


Medical credit cards are issued by credit providers–NOT–your medical provider and the major credit providers in the medical industry include the following.


Major providers of medical credit cards include:


*Care Credit

*Wells Fargo Health Advantage

*Alphaeon Credit




Advantages of medical credit cards

  1. You may be offered zero percent interest for a stated time period
  2. They allow you to get medical services that you need when you otherwise could not get them
  3. Often used to fill financial gaps caused by high deductible and/or out-of-pocket costs
  4. Medical provider gets paid quickly
  5. If you pay off during zero percent introductory period, you can possibly avoid fees


Disadvantages of medical credit cards

  1. With many you can only use the cards for medical purposes, and they are marketed on the spot causing you to make a stressful decision under less-than-ideal conditions
  2. Fees can be higher than with traditional credit cards (be sure to pay off before high fees kick in).  If you don’t pay off within the zero percent interest period, you could face steep fees as the terms on the cards may not be the best that are available.  Depending on your credit, you can often find better terms elsewhere in the open market
  3. Your doctor or medical office is not the lender–the financial institution or credit card company is
  4. Medical credit cards require credit approval–and setup, and establishment is often of more benefit to medical provider than to you
  5. Once introductory period ends you could be charged 25% or more on the entire balance (full original balance), NOT what you owe at the end of the introductory period
  6. You may waive the 1-year agreement for unpaid medical collection debt that Transunion, Equifax, and Experian agreed to during the recent credit reforms.  However, by putting balance on your medical credit card that would also go on your credit report.  And if you were unable to pay using your medical credit card, you wouldn’t be able to negotiate or resolve problems directly with your medical provider, nor would the 1-year agreement for unpaid medical collection apply to your debt



In the current economy and future economies, you can expect the proliferation of medical credit cards to increase, and in this discussion, you have learned some of the advantages and disadvantages of medical credit cards along with the basics of what they are and whether they can possibly be of benefit to you and your family.


Health insurance and the coverage provided can sometimes be difficult to decipher, therefore consider assistance through charitable or other low-cost programs that may be offered by hospitals and non-profits.


Some hospitals offer financial assistance and other counseling services.  You may want to ask what the Medicare rate is and then “negotiate that lower cost for your payment” as some hospitals are flexible in payment amounts and payment options “if” you negotiate and are not shy.  Start off the negotiation by stating that you have limited resources but would like to pay if the amount is reasonable based on your budget.  Be sure to get the agreement in writing!


If you end up selecting a card, be sure you use the card with caution!  As is the case with other credit cards, once your balance goes on the card, you lose the opportunity to challenge the balance or negotiate a discount or a better payment plan.


Also be aware that the more “sign-ups” a medical provider gets at their office, medical credit providers may “lower the fees” that their office pays to them–thereby providing incentive to get them to promote medical credit card sign-ups more aggressively.  Also realize that medical collection debt “under $500” and medical debt that has been “paid off” will no longer appear on your credit reports due to new credit law adjustments that occurred in 2022.


It is up to you to determine and decide if medical credit cards can be of benefit to you and your family as you must decide if medical credit cards can move you forward and increase the odds of paying off your medical debt in a more appropriate manner.


You want to analyze medical credit cards in a careful, critical, analytical and accurate manner so that you don’t put yourself in position where the cards are doing more harm than good!


With many medical credit cards, if you were to owe $1,000 and pay all of the balance except $100, during the introductory period–you would normally owe 25% on the $1,000, not the $100!  You would owe $250 as opposed to $25–meaning you are being “taken to the bank” by the medical credit card company (paying a very high fee for their services)!


Whether medical credit cards can hinder or advance your wealth building efforts will depend on where you are now at with your finances, how you utilize them, how you utilize other credit options that may be available to you and how you manage your overall finances (your money management personality) on a consistent basis.


All the best to your new vision of credit card and wealth building success…



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Comfort & Wealth Building

Learn why when the management of your finances get difficult, you need to “go back to” or “get to” a more comfortable place…


In the current economy it is uncomfortable for many to move forward in an efficient manner and many “now feel” that they are not moving toward their goals at a beneficial pace.


Do you know that the real work that leads to major success for many occurs behind the scenes and by the time you see the finished results the work has already been done?


It is important that you get out in front of your wealth building efforts so that you can live your life from a position of comfort–and not stress!


You must strengthen your mental qualities regardless of what you have been through and you must know that adversity will visit us all at some point in life–and the comfort that we once had turns to discomfort–however you must press on and know that there is light at the end of the tunnel if you continue to move in the right direction in spite of the adversity that you are facing.


And with this day being the 3rd year since the transition of the mom of the creator of, the creation of this page has special meaning, as the goal is to get you and others to think in a more analytical and cognitive manner so that you can gain the skills that you need to manage your finances and build wealth at a more optimal level throughout your lifetime.


You must fortify, become strong again or gain the strength that you need to succeed!


You must use words of encouragement to comfort your heart and mind in times of discomfort.  The presence and support of others who will knowingly or unknowingly work on your behalf will also comfort and make you strong again, so that you can once again operate from a more comfortable vantage point and achieve more!


Your goal is to return to a place of strength, fortify your mind and heart so that you are even stronger so that when you return to form you will not let life events or others break your spirit and determination to do more!


When life appears out of control–look within and focus on what is right in front of youunder your control–not the control of others!


The decision to change your mind, your direction and the distance that you are willing to travel is your choice!


The importance of creating an emergency fund at the earliest time possible will in large part help control your comfort level in the financial realm of your life and keep your mind and heart feeling comfortable about what is ahead in your future.


The comfort that you may feel at the various stages of your life will be impacted by the magnitude or exposure that you have as it relates to your personal finances.


When the wind is at your back and life happenings are going your way it is easy to go with the flow, however when storms occur and strong winds hit you right in the face, it can often be difficult and uncomfortable if you have not prepared yourself for the journey.


However, there are things that you can do to lessen the discomfort or possibly eliminate the discomfort from even happening in the first place!


A properly funded emergency fund protects you and provides comfort when life’s unexpected happenings occur, and you want to establish one at the earliest time possible.


Likewise, by creating a budget or cash flow statement, an income statement, a balance sheet and personal net worth statements along with mastering your credit and addressing your finances in an overall or comprehensive manner you can live with more comfort throughout your life as you will know where you now stand and where you are going and that will provide a certain level of comfort for you and your family.


Cash Flow Analysis

You want to do more on the front end to ensure your future comfort and analyzing your cash flow on a monthly and annual basis can help you determine where you now stand with your finances and put you in the know as to what you need to do to live a more comfortable lifestyle.


You can now create a cash flow statement (and income statement and balance sheet) so that you can determine where you now stand and where you need to go, so that you can live out your life on earth at the comfort level that you desire.


Credit Analysis

Your ability to manage your credit in a way that is more favorable for you and your family will save you money and allow you to live a more comfortable lifestyle.


If debt payoff or debt pay down is needed, you want to put a plan in place that allows you to do so, as that will allow you to live daily in a more comfortable way.  You may need to get more income, cut expenses–or do a combination of the two in order to manage your credit in a way that is more beneficial to you.


Financial Analysis

Analyzing all areas of your finances is a surefire way to bring more comfort into your life! 


You want to analyze your insurance, investments, taxes, emergency fund. education planning, estate planning/wills and retirement planning in a way that allows you to do so at the time of your choosing and in a way that benefits you and your family the most, not those who are offering the products or services!


By doing this analysis at a time that is more favorable to you (prior to transaction or engagement) you can go into the transaction with the knowledge and information that can help you make a more informed decision–and a decision that can benefit you and your family the most–not creditors or others who have no real concern for your wealth building future.




In spite of enjoying the comforts of life, there will be times when life gets uncomfortable and you are taken out of your “comfort zone” and you will not feel, live or perform at your best.


Even so, you must press on and know that this too will pass.  And if you approach your discomfort with the right frame of mind, you can use the discomfort that you now have, had in the past or will have at some future date, as fuel to achieve more as opposed to fizzling out or giving less than your absolute best!


It is important to realize that many live their life based on what they consistently think of (their dominant thoughts) or seek to achieve–and if you are one who desire to manage your finances effectively and live out your life in more comfort–you must seek out and formulate thoughts that will lead you toward those ends.


You want to be intentional about your future success and not be pulled in directions that are not of your choosing as your goal is to have helpful, uplifting and forward moving thoughts that are most advantageous to you moving through your mind on a consistent basis (dominating your mental space so that you can achieve more)!


In the end the choice is yours as to whether you want to choose the right or most beneficial thoughts, train your mind to seek out what is most beneficial for your long-term success and most importantly put into action that which will benefit you and your family the most.


By following the steps listed above, you can get in a “comfort zone” that is uniquely your own, and even when you get out of that zone, you will know what you need to do to get back in that zone–or possibly move on to an even better zone that is definitely NOT the “twilight zone” (LOL).


Always realize that making excuses primarily gives your mind and heart permission to remain where you are!


You want to “condition your mind” to make adjustments, set smart goals that are measurable, meaningful, significant and will stretch your mind toward achievement where there is a time boundary for completion!  Your goal on a daily basis is to live more abundantly and that means having a higher mental awareness, the presence of mind to do what is best for you at the right time, and to realize wholeheartedly that you are not alone as you journey toward financial freedom.


All of this will get you out of your comfort zone and make you reflect on your past, determine in a sincere way what you did wrong, so that you can make the right adjustments in the future and achieve at a higher level–as you will be amazed at the growth that you can make by choosing to manage your thoughts and finances in a way that benefits you and your family the most.


All the best as you live in comfort, and settle for nothing less…


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Setting Yourself Up to Win & Wealth Building

Improving Your Finances in an Intelligent, Consistent & Proactive Manner

Learn why you must set yourself up for the future wealth building success that you desire so that you can win throughout your lifetime…


Don’t let fear come in, let faith in, leave fear out and let comfort in—don’t let anything steal your peace!


You must not only live with joy at the center as you build wealth, but you must also live with joy as your default position—and by managing your credit and finances effectively you can start or continue a path to doing just that so that you can truly win!


It would be nice if your government, angel investors, or others set you up to win, however that does not appear likely in the current political and economic climate.


Therefore, you want to do all that you can to “set yourself up to win” throughout your lifetime and it all starts with a decision by you to pursue success in a way that ensures that your dreams can come true.


Although many entities, including governments offer helpful policies or practices that are designed to give its citizens a lift, the real work to win will have to be done by you, if you sincerely desire to make your dreams come true.


It is you who must ignite your own fire, if you are to achieve the goals that you really desire!


In this discussion will show you the importance of preparing on the front end for the wealth building success that you desire by directing you at this time toward the right knowledge so that you can take the right action at the various stages of your life.



The preparation that you make at this time will in large part determine the winning success that you can attain throughout your lifetime.  By knowing what it takes in a wholesome way to manage your finances, you put yourself well ahead of the general population–as most lack the drive or determination to prepare financially for wealth building success in a significant and meaningful way.


You will set yourself apart, if you have it in your heart to start on a path that is not a dart (won’t happen instantly–but will happen if you stay committed) but is an approach that is smart and will put you ahead of the cart (you will take the right steps in the right order).



The knowledge that you need at this time to approach your finances in a comprehensive manner includes budgeting appropriately, creating an income statement and balance sheet and knowing your net worth so that you can put plans in place to increase your net worth.


You also want to have mastery of how you manage your credit and that includes knowing that you must keep all of your credit accounts in a positive position, utilize your credit appropriately, know that the time limit of open and active accounts are important, know the types of credit that you have and keep your inquiries at an acceptable level so that you can keep your credit score in an effective range that allows you to attain your financial and wealth building goals.


You want to know all areas of your finances that you must address and that includes insurance, investments, taxes, emergency fund planning, education planning, estate planning/wills and retirement planning.



As important as the preparation and knowledge is as far as building wealth, it means nothing if you don’t put into action what you have learned as determined by your unique financial profile–that is in large part based on your goals, risk level, income, and personal situation.


You must have an “action mindset” and an active spirit that allows you to move to action in a manner that favors you–not creditors or others who do not have your best interest at the forefront.


You must ask yourself on an occasional basis if you are “about that action” as by doing so you will get much better financial traction, and not have a negative reaction when things are not going well enough for your satisfaction.




You want to ensure at the earliest time possible that you will take a winning path toward the wealth building success that you desire.


Are you one who wants to fall short of your goals and look back in regret because you decided at this time not to pursue what is already yours–if you pursue it in the right way and in an unrelenting fashion?


Do you want to blame your lack of success on the decision that you made to give it less than your absolute best?


Do you want to fall short of success because of the decision that you could make at this time or are you one who will decide to get outside of your comfort zone and pursue the goals that can make a real difference in your life at a level that is your absolute best?



Isn’t it time you approach wealth building in a manner that allows you to watch the sun set as you build wealth?  You don’t have to struggle daily or have an incongruent picture of your future if you put in motion the right steps and you take the right path that will allow you to win–again and again!


From this day forward you must expect to win, expect to have mastery over your credit, expect to operate at peak performance, and you must have a deep understanding and realization right now, that the magnitude of the success that you can attain is unlimited–if you don’t set any limits!


By taking action you can get momentum rolling and bring others who are on a similar upward path into your life at the right time and right place, however you are the key and missing link to the success that you desire or need to attain.


Discipline requires that you formulate goals, diligently pursue those goals and know that you are working toward a purpose!  What value do you place on controlling your finances and reaching other goals that you may have?


Do you know that greater accomplishments, the real feeling that you are going somewhere, and improving the direction in your life are all a result of applying self-discipline on a consistent basis?


Make the decision TODAY to change how you manage your finances so that you can achieve more in a better way!


Isn’t it time you have a positive impact on others and open new doors that will lead to greater success for you and your family?  Isn’t it time you win with your finances and in all areas of your life?


All the best to winning wealth building success, as you should now expect nothing less….


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Feelings & Wealth Building

Learn why you must control your feelings if you desire to build wealth more efficiently…


Many who manage their finances in a disadvantageous way, do so in many cases because they manage their finances based on their feelings and not sound financial analysis.


If your goal is to build wealth in a more efficient and effective manner you must use more than just your feelings to achieve success.  Sound financial analysis on your part, at a minimum requires that you create a budget or cash flow statement so that you can know what comes in and goes out of your household on a monthly basis.


You can then plan better because you will know if you have a monthly surplus–or if you are working with a deficit.  That knowledge alone will help you determine if you need to cut expenses, get more income–or do a combination of the two!


By determining where you stand financially on a monthly basis you can get out in front of your finances so that you can achieve more.  In the following paragraphs you can learn how to do just that.


Cutting Expenses

If you find that after sound analysis of your finances on a monthly basis you have a shortfall, you want to look at ways that you can cut expenses!  Gym membership, scaling back on haircuts (you may want to do your own or go to beauty schools), cut back on buying unnecessary clothing and electronics that you don’t need, reduce or eliminate spa treatments and beauty services, eliminate or scale back on cable and other media subscriptions, cut back on dining out and put traveling on hold for a period of time.


A “stay vacation” in your geographical area may be needed for a period of time so that you and your family can put what you use for travel toward the payoff or paydown of debt, or you may need to cut your planned trip time in half.


If feasible in your area, you may also want to consider scaling back on your living arrangements and find a less expensive place to stay as this could potentially shave hundreds of dollars off of your monthly expenses.


Use your imagination to find other ways to cut expenses based on your monthly inflow and outflow of cash, as your goal is to do so for a temporary time frame that will allow you to improve your finances to a desired level for a period of time.


You also want to do even more analysis in a more comprehensive manner so that you will know where you are headed and in what time frame.


Getting More Income

If after doing all that you can to cut expenses and you are still not able to pay your debt off or down in a reasonable time, you may want to look at secondary employment or temporary employment in the “gig” economy such as lyft, uber, door dash and other new economy employment and independent contractor options that are now available.


Use your imagination to find other ways to get more income based on your unique skills and talents and what is happening in your locale.


You may find that you need to both cut expenses and get more income if you desire to pay off or pay down your debt more aggressively!


You also want to do even more analysis in a more comprehensive manner so that you will know where you are headed and in what time frame.


Operating Monthly with a Surplus

If after analyzing your finances on a monthly basis you determine that you have a surplus that allows you to direct money elsewhere, you want to do sound analysis of your overall finances to determine where you really stand.


You may determine that you need to pay off certain debt, create an emergency fund, get needed insurance coverage, invest in and outside of retirement, save for educational goals, save for tax payments, plan for your estate after you transition and other goals that you may not have considered–but need to!


By operating on a monthly basis with a surplus in your household, you are in a more favorable position to work toward reaching your short, intermediate and long-term goals and you can attack your finances in a more wholesome way.



You can’t just manage your finances based on how you feel or on a whim.  By doing sound analysis of what you make and what you spend, you can manage your finances more efficiently and achieve more.


Additionally, you will put yourself in better position to manage your credit and all areas of your finances in a manner that is more beneficial for you and your family.


You cannot just spend randomly and not know the effects of that spending as it relates to your monthly budget.  Will that negative impulse put you in a deeper financial hole or is the spending ok, based on your income, expenses and future goals?


You must seek the answers to these and other pressing questions on the front-end, not after the fact!


You want to ask and answer the pressing and critical questions “prior to” getting into a “deep financial hole” where getting out is extremely difficult or impossible (you’ll need to seek debt settlement or file bankruptcy) as your goal is to have an effective money management personality so that you can achieve more throughout your lifetime.


However, you must also feel (and know) that you are worthy of a successful future–while at the same time implement a more scientific approach in the management of your credit and finances from this point forward.


You must see yourself as a hidden gem, and you must realize that you can launch a path to success where you don’t have to make others feel worse or less–if you decide right now–to give it your best!


Even though there will be seasons of silence where it appears nothing is happening with your debt paydown, you will soon discover your path to success and what appears to be a drought will end, as your debt will be at a very manageable level that will allow you to pursue other goals and dreams that you have.


Always realize that you don’t have to make others less, because you can’t make yourself more or better!  You must realize that you have the power to make what you desire most happen in any kind of weather.  You can start on a path to making what you desire most happen by managing your finances at an optimal level.


Your consistency in action, your calm attitude in times of stress, and your ability to control negative, discouraging, and debilitating thoughts that will occur as you pursue your big dreams–are critical and key to your long-term success.


If you are intentional in what you want to achieve at this time, it will help you control your feelings and achieve the success that you desire in a more effective manner as you build wealth and in all areas of your life!


You want to start your day with a winning attitude and you want to have a plan to manage the little and the big things that occur, or the little and big things that you plan for in a manner that is as favorable for you and your family as possible.


You must be alert and discerning and what you think you can’t get a grip on, will eventually come your way and allow you to build space in your mind and heart that will allow for your growth and achieving beyond your imagination.


As 2023 comes to an end be sure to plan for a prominent new year where everybody on your team is really on your team!  In 2024 you must have more than just a feeling that future success is on the horizon, you must also put a concrete plan in place to help ensure that the success that you desire becomes a reality.


By doing so–you, your family and your community will be in a better position for success in 2024 and the bountiful years that lie ahead.


All the best as you put your feelings to rest and work diligently toward achieving major success…



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Magnitude & Wealth Building

Learn why you must know the scope of your wealth building efforts in advance and by creating your own GPS system you can do just that…


So much going on, life feels overwhelming…


These words are often muttered by many who approach their finances in a manner where they are not in control and the mere thought of managing their finances make them feel very uncomfortable.  It is important that you know the magnitude or scope of the financial planning and preparation that you need to do well in advance of doing what you need to do, as by doing so you can smooth out your money management efforts.


And the process can be made easier if you have the right approach!


Those who have the eyes of vision, the ears of understanding and a heart of determination to make what they truly desire a reality must do so in spite of how overwhelming life events or world events that they may be experiencing at this time or at any other time–affect their future outcomes in a negative way.


The management of your finances will be made easier over time if you decide to prepare your mind with the right knowledge and move forward with confidence and determination–and you see the BIG picture of what lies ahead prior to making costly mistakes.


Do you know the importance of speaking appropriately at the right time and listening intently at the right time?


Your goal over time is to operate in a manner that is more favorable to you and you want to learn in advance, what you need to do.


You must understand your personal finances during not only the good times; but during troubling times as well, and this discussion is designed to enhance your understanding of what you need to do and furthermore help you manage your finances in a manner where you don’t feel overwhelmed during the process!






It is important that you do the right thing for the right reason.  It is important that you are intentional in what you do and the opportunity to do and achieve more in your life is now in front of you.


It is important to realize that adversity and distractions of varying degrees will be present throughout your lifetime, however it is how you manage adversity and distractions that will occur during your lifetime that are critical for your long-term success.


In this discussion, you will now learn why you must effectively set goals, make plans that allow you to achieve more so that you can attain the success that will allow you to enjoy life on your terms and gain the knowledge that allows you to envision a future that is not only realistic, but achievable by you–if you do what you need to do.




Don’t let your current level of anxiety or fear limit your ability to dream big!

Address what is trying to counteract or prevent you from achieving more in your life!

You are good enough; you can maintain all that you achieve—if you believe it to be true!

You can set goals that are significant and meaningful to you, so that you are more focused and committed to do what you need to do!


However, by having a proactive approach and knowing the magnitude of what you need to do financially, you can achieve magnificent results and make the big dreams that you now have blossom or come to life!


Listen to the inspiration within when it is in your best interest to do so, and always set meaningful goals so that you can truly grow.


And always remember to do your absolute best to get through, around or over adversity–as adversity is to be expected when you are going after big dreams.


Whether it be worry, anxiety, fear, frustration, lack of effort, making excuses or any other concern of the mind–body–and spirit—how to conquer what ails you is your responsibility!  Likewise, achieving the goals that you desire most is also your responsibility–as no excuse will do, if you sincerely desire to make your dreams come true.



What are the actions that can guide you toward the plans that you must put into action that can take you where success lives?


You need to have a way of knowing at all times that you must manage your monthly inflow and outflow of cash that comes into and goes out of your household on a monthly and annual basis.  You must know the assets that you own and the liabilities that you now have so that you can know your net worth at this particular point in time.


You must have a highly effective system of managing your credit so that you don’t become overburdened or overwhelmed with debt in a way that is not healthy and beneficial for you and your family.


Finally you must have a comprehensive overview of your finances, meaning you know how to address your insurance, investments, taxes, emergency fund, education planning, estate planning/wills and retirement planning in a way that is more beneficial to you and your family–not creditors or others who could care less about your present success–let alone your future success!



Are you in need of re-focusing your thought process so that you can achieve more?


The empowering and enhancing qualities that are needed by you for major success already resides inside of you.  You must strive to always attain righteousness—not only when it becomes acceptable to others, but at all times; so that the best qualities that you have–will come to the surface and shine!


Don’t be afraid of the after-effects!  If you walk in righteousness—the success that you desire will be more likely to follow at the time that is right for you (pun intended).


You must transform your mindset and the way that you manage your finances.  And after you do so it will be too late for others to affect the outcome as you will have pursued the success that you desire in an unrelenting fashion, or another way of stating it–in an intelligent, consistent, and proactive manner where the outcome highly favors you–because you did what you needed to do!



Now is the time that you use the GPS that you now have at your disposal to achieve at a level that is your absolute best!


It is important to “provide your mind” the knowledge that you need prior to the transaction or the time that you need to use the information for your benefit so that you can have more direction in your life as you will know where you are headed in a more definitive way!


As you pursue improving your finances and life, you want to do so in a manner that is uniquely your own!


Do you know your assignment on earth that is uniquely for you or are you a copycat?  And does your assignment on earth “really” differ from what others are doing?  It is important that you are original in your approach in carrying out your life mission or what you were truly put on earth to do.


By knowing the magnitude of what is required of you with your finances–and your life–you can put yourself in position to avoid financial strife!


Others must not affect you negatively—you are on a mission—going after something—not darkness but light, and you are pursuing what you desire with might—on a persistent basis until you get it right.


You must never be against yourself as that is the role for others who have decided not to operate at their highest level of excellence—let alone control their actions in a manner where it benefits them and their family the most!


Now is the time that you manage your finances optimally and you find your purpose for being here on earth at this particular time so that something can come alive within that will provide you added insight so that you can truly win!


Isn’t it time you build a foundation that is earthquake resistant?  Even when a high magnitude earthquake occurs (major life events), you must remain grounded in the process as the GPS that you now possess will allow you to give it your best and go in the direction of your big nest (reaching your retirement number)!


You have just learned how you can globally position your mind for continuous wealth building success as you continue to give it your absolute best…






Give it your best, as you now have a reliable GPS to guide you toward success!


You don’t need outward validation of others or the ok from others to start—look within and succeed at a level that is your absolute best again and again–and what you desire most will surely occur in the end.


If you are now ready to make a serious move in your life, you can learn how you can manage your finances optimally and build wealth effectively so that you can enjoy life on your terms for less than $50!


The Best $50 that You Can Now Spend will help ensure that you win in the end…



If you desire a free credit improvement site that can help you manage your credit and finances more effectively visit…


1-2-3 Credit & Me–inspiring and uplifting credit management book now available on for only $9.95


The Wealth Increaser 112 page e-book now available on for only $9.95

The Wealth Increaser 142 page paperback (includes debt payoff plan in Appendix A) now available on for only $19.95

The Wealth Increaser 142 page hardback (includes debt payoff plan in Appendix A) now available on for only $22.95



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Copyright© 2014–2024––All Rights Reserved



Credit Management & Your Future Success

Learn why your effective credit management can lead to you achieving at a level that is your absolute best…


In the current economy difficulty in the management of credit occurs on a constant basis and there are those (retailers, credit card issuers, finance companies, debt settlement and bankruptcy attorneys among others) who may be working against your best long-term interests who are lurking and waiting on you to respond to their tempting offers.


If you are now mismanaging your finances or you find yourself with excessive credit card or other outstanding debt, it is important that you discover what you can do to make your debt pay down or debt payoff dreams come true so that you can really do what you WANT or NEED to do–as now may be the best time for you to concoct a new brew (learn a new way of looking at and acting on your credit and finances that allows you to achieve more)!


You want to gain the knowledge that you need to succeed prior to running into financial difficulty or being forced to pursue options that are unfavorable for your long-term success.


In this discussion will discuss the importance of credit management in general and particularly for those who find themselves in a position where they have excessive debt.


  • Debt Settlement Companies May Not Be Your Best Option

Many debt settlement companies will offer to negotiate your debt settlement, but is that really the best option for you to take?  Like most things in life it depends, however you want to first determine for yourself if there is a potential way out of your financial dilemma that does not involve the utilization of debt settlement companies or the filing of bankruptcy.


You don’t want to take your first step toward a debt-free future by prematurely selecting a debt payoff company or filing bankruptcy when you have better options.


It is up to you to determine what those better options are and seek them out “prior to” not after selecting to utilize debt relief or the filing of chapter 7 or 13 in bankruptcy court.


  •  Determine where you now stand financially

It is in “your best interests” to create a personal cash flow statement to see where you stand financially and determine if you have the monthly cash flow that allows you to create a plan to pay off or pay down your outstanding debt in a way that makes good financial sense.


By analyzing your inflows and outflows of cash on a monthly basis you can determine if you have the discretionary income that allows you to pay off or pay down your debt in a reasonable manner.


You don’t have to approach your credit and finances in a fearful manner or let worry anxiety and uncertainty rule the day inside of your mind on a daily basis, if you gain the knowledge that allows you to mentally reside in the right spaces!


  • Determine the Best Approach to Take Based on Your Current Financial Position

Now that you know your monthly income and expenses you know if you need to cut expenses, get more income or do a combination of the two.


You may need to eliminate your cable or other monthly variable commitments for a period of time, get a second or better job, along with considering other options that allow you to cut expenses or get more income!


You may also need to do further analysis (if you are comfortable with numbers) by creating a personal income statement and a personal balance sheet so that you can determine your net worth at this time as your best option could be to sell assets or pay off or pay down certain liabilities to help free up income.


By doing additional financial analysis you may be able to see other options open up–that were not readily apparent prior to the financial statement analysis.


  • Review What you Need to Do to Make Your Dreams Come True

Once you decide your approach, you must on occasion review how you are progressing and make adjustments when and where necessary.


You must get to the point where you are certain that debt payoff will occur and you must plan for and expect even more in your future.  You want to get to a point where you CONTROL your finances and not allow your finances to control you ever again, in your future!


If you find yourself in the real position where debt settlement or the filing of bankruptcy appears to be your best option, you may want to get other opinions before choosing your path toward the financial improvement that you desire.



Your effective management of your credit is contingent upon you getting out in front of your credit management and determining if you can make improvements.


If you find yourself in a difficult or challenging credit position at this time–you still want to create a budget or cash flow statement so that you can determine if you have positive or negative cash flow.  In order to improve your situation you may need to get more income, cut expenses or do a combination of the two.


It really is just that simple!


You want to do all of the above prior to responding to radio personalities or promotions, offers from debt settlement companies, attorneys, influencers on social media or other financial companies–as your first-step should not be to pursue them, but to do your own analysis and independent research upfront.


You may find that you have better options than consolidating multiple payments into one that many debt settlement companies promote or choosing among other financial options that may not be in your best interest!


You may find that you have better options than filing bankruptcy; however, you won’t know until you do the needed analysis yourself at this time! 


Are you expecting a large financial windfall?  Can your anticipated tax refund improve your current position in a way that will allow you to get back on track?  Do you anticipate additional household income in the near future?  Will you pay off debt and that payoff allows you to improve your cash flow significantly?


You want to look at all of the possible solutions to your debt payoff prior to–not after filing bankruptcy or seeking other adverse options!


You want to consider the effects that your choice will have on your credit and credit score in the short and long-term.


You also (if you have a need to) want to file bankruptcy prior to depleting your assets and particularly your retirement assets, as they are in many cases protected from creditors!


However, you may also find that you are unable to meet your debt payments in a reasonable payoff period (generally 12-48 months) and debt settlement and bankruptcy may have to be seriously considered and decided upon by you, your family and financial professionals.


If you decide not to do the analysis yourself, you want to at least get several opinions from financial professionals and you want to ensure that you have comprehensive exposure to your unique financial position at a given point in time.


All the best as you avoid turning your credit management into a real mess…


1-2-3 Credit & Me–inspiring and uplifting credit management book now available on for only $9.95


The Wealth Increaser 112 page e-book now available on for only $9.95

The Wealth Increaser 142 page paperback (includes debt payoff plan in Appendix A) now available on for only $19.95

The Wealth Increaser 142 page hardback (includes debt payoff plan in Appendix A) now available on for only $22.95


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Copyright© 2014–2024––All Rights Reserved



Exposure & Wealth Building

Learn the importance of being exposed to the right financial management systems at the right time…


In life we all have unique environments, exposures, experiences and the way that we pursue excellence, and it is important that we learn all that we can from those x-factors so that we can direct our future actions in a manner that is more beneficial for ourselves and those whom we come into contact with on a consistent basis.


In this discussion will focus on the importance of why you must be exposed to financial systems in general–and exposed to financial systems that you can readily learn and apply in your daily life to be more specific–that will truly take you towards your goals that are most significant and meaningful to you and your family–in a very efficient manner.


We all want to do things that bring us joy, however from time to time we must dive into topics that are uncomfortable.  For many, personal finance or the management of their finances can be a burdensome or uncomfortable process, however it no longer has to be!


By being “exposed” to the right financial knowledge you can cover all of your bases and have a comprehensive approach in the management of your finances that can lead to you building wealth more effectively at the various stages in your life so that you can do more of what brings joy into your life.


What you need to know financially

You need to know just what does personal finance entail–and how broad or wide a net you must cast–as most people have no idea of the magnitude or lack thereof, of financial planning in an all-encompassing way.


At a basic level and for starters you need to know your monthly intake and outflow of cash–as that is what all of the other areas of your finances will be based on–and will flow from.


In easy-to-understand format, you must know how to:


1) Utilize personal finance statements appropriately 

By properly utilizing personal financial statements you can open up a new view of what you can do to make your dreams come true.  Why live your life in confusion and strife when you can choose to truly enjoy your life?


You can use a personal cash flow statement to learn where you now stand with your finances on a monthly basis, you can use an income statement to determine where you stand on a yearly basis, and you can use a personal balance sheet to determine where you stand as far as your assets, liabilities and net worth are concerned.


By having exposure to these statements, you put yourself far ahead of the average consumer.


However, exposure “without action” will lead you where you are currently at!


2) Gain mastery of how you manage your credit

Do you know that you must keep negative information off of your credit report at all times in the most effective way that you can based on your financial ability to do so and your credit awareness that you will soon learn.


By understanding that:


Negative information must be kept off of your credit report

Utilization of your available credit must be at a reasonable level

Time length of open accounts is an important concern

Type of accounts are important

Inquiries must be kept at a reasonable level


You then put yourself in position to manage your credit in a more effective and efficient manner at the various stages of your life.


3) Comprehensively understand your finances in the following areas





Emergency fund

Education planning

Estate Planning/Wills, and

Retirement planning


You must understand all of the above from a position of strength, meaning you are in control of how you manage your Insurance, Investments, Taxes, Emergency fund,  Education planning, Estate Planning/Wills, and Retirement planning– not others who most likely don’t have your best interests in mind!


By just being exposed to the 3 steps above–you are far ahead of the average consumer who for the most part has no real understanding of what personal finance encompasses–let alone the ability to use the knowledge of what personal finance encompasses to their and their family’s greater benefit.


What you need to do financially

Now that you have knowledge of what you need to know (pun intended) you must take the right steps and put into action the results of your cash flow statement or budget at a minimum.  Whether you have a monthly surplus or a monthly deficit you are now in position for more effective planning from this point forward.


If you are comfortable with numbers, you may also want to create an income statement and balance sheet so that you can determine your net worth at this time–and improve upon your net worth and the building of wealth in the coming years.


The creation of a “properly funded emergency fund” will go a long way in helping you increase your net worth in future years!


You must also gain mastery over how you manage your credit by knowing how to utilize your knowledge of the 5 credit factors–as that knowledge can prevent you from getting into a difficult financial hole where climbing out is difficult or highly unlikely (you may need to consider filing bankruptcy as a real option).


Finally, you must know how to select the appropriate insurance products and investment options along with doing, tax planning, education planning, estate planning and retirement planning in a manner that is more advantageous for you and your family–not creditors or others who have no real concern for your lasting success.


The importance of reviewing what you do financially

Now that you have a comprehensive overview of your finances and you have been exposed to all that you need to know (and do) to work toward making your wealth building goals come true–you “must” be aware of your need to review!


You must review your personal finance statements, including your emergency fund to make sure you are adequately protected.  You must review your understanding of the 5 credit factors so that you can make the right or at a minimum–a good decision as it relates to your use of credit during the period of your life where you plan on utilizing credit.


You must review your insurance, investments, taxes, education planning, estate planning/wills, and retirement planning on a routine basis to see where improvements can be made.


Regardless of your past experiences, the environment in which you grew up in–and the positive or negative exposures in your life, you are now in position to change all of that to your advantage–and by being exposed to personal finance in a way that you can readily understand and utilize–you are now ready to take your prize.  Use your vision to see–and continuous review to reach toward excellence and who you were put on earth to be!




It is important that you are exposed to all areas of financial planning that you need to do throughout your life at the earliest time possible.  By doing so you can get out in front of potential disruptions and proactively plan your future in a manner that is more advantageous for you and your family.


You can put yourself in position where you can live with confidence and the success that you desire will not only occur–it will be expected because you have put in the required work in advance!  You no longer have to approach your financial future with doubt, uncertainty and a feeling of “can’t do”–as by visiting this page and site you have positioned yourself in a major way to make your dreams come true.


Your willingness to be exposed to the right financial management systems at the right time could be what sets you apart and leads to you achieving many, if not all of the goals that now reside in your heart.


All the best as a result of your willingness to be “exposed to financial systems” that can lead to lasting success…



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Learn why you must always expect success…

10 Questions you must ask prior to your retirement…

What will I receive from Social Security on a monthly basis…

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High Performance & Wealth Building

Learn why you must climb your own mountain, if you desire to reach the wealth building peak that you seek…


It is important that you set goals that are high, and you are motivated at a performance level that forces you to ask why!  By doing so you put yourself in position to achieve more and improve your financial score.


You must have an appreciation for the way that you manage your finances and build wealth and you must realize that managing your credit and finances more effectively is a choice, even if you are feeling overwhelmed at this time.   You must come to the realization that inaction works against your long-term success in a major way!


In this discussion will discuss the importance of why you must aim high if you are to reach your peak that is high up in the sky–and this discussion is designed to provide you the needed guidance so that you can address the “details” of your finances more effectively so that you can build wealth in a meaningful way!


By setting goals that you plan on putting in effort to achieve–you are showing that you truly believe

Why dream small when you can choose not to dream at all?  You must set goals that forces you to reach higher towards what you truly desire.


Your goal is to stretch your mind toward what is meaningful and significant to you so that you can reach higher and make what you really desire come true.


Why set mediocre goals that you may or may not achieve when you can reach higher and make what you desire a reality–if you truly believe!


By learning the key areas of your credit that you must master–you are showing that you are not made of plaster

You want to get to a point where you have mastery over your credit–if you are in a position where you will have to utilize credit.


You must know how negative information and a positive payment history will affect your credit from day one, as well as how you utilize your credit, the time length of your accounts in your credit file and type of credit affects your credit and credit score.


Finally, you want to know how inquiries or the lack thereof, affects your credit and credit score.


By knowing what you must do comprehensively to make your dreams come true–you are showing that you are on path to doing what you need to do

In life, nothing meaningful and significant comes easy!  Therefore, you must decide at this time that you are willing to put in the effort that is necessary to achieve at a higher level and bring the dreams that you desire into reality.


You want to have a comprehensive perspective about your finances and you want to know at all times that managing your insurance, investments, taxes, emergency fund, education planning, estate planning/wills and retirement planning at an optimal level, provides you more options at the various stages of your life.



Your ability to aim high and seek goals that you may have never contemplated–but you now decide to contemplate with a deep level of thought–may be what lights a fire inside your mind and heart and leads you on a more serious journey toward achieving what you desire while you are now on planet earth.


You must realize that you have untapped talents and abilities that are lying dormant in you at this time and are awaiting to be tapped into by you–NOW!


Climb higher, reach higher and stretch your mind toward what is truly possible as you journey on planet earth–the place of your birth and the place where YOU determine your self-worth–and the net worth that you desire, because you control the decision to reach higher and higher!


All the best as you perform at your highest level and achieve untold success…



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