Persuasion & Wealth Building

Learn why it is important that you “persuade yourself” of your ability to achieve wealth building success…


In the times that we now live in many look for others to do what needs to be done when they themselves have the power to do what needs to be done to achieve wealth building success in an efficient manner.


In this discussion will discuss the importance of why you must “fully persuade yourself” of your ability to achieve the success that you desire as it relates to wealth building and achieving in other areas of your life.


You must be convinced of your ability to succeed

Although this site can be persuasive in getting you and others on a more prosperous path toward wealth building success, the real persuasion must begin and end inside of you.  It is important that you cultivate habits of success to a higher level so that you can feel good about yourself and your future.


You can then put yourself in position to develop goals with more clarity and your vision of success will become clearer to you and you will have more direction to see your way through, thereby putting you in position to know in more definite terms, what you need to do.


You must put a realistic plan into effect that you believe in

You must have the ability to put a plan that you believe in into “action” so that you can truly reach your goals.


In order to do so you must be fully persuaded (within your heart and mind) of the success that you will achieve, because if you are “fully persuaded”–you sincerely believe and you are not hiding anything up your sleeve (you are laying it all on the table and you are pursuing what you really desire at such a high level that there is no doubt that what you desire most will become a reality)!


By implementing plans for attacking your monthly spending and monthly intake of income, implementing plans to have mastery over how you use credit and implementing plans of how you will manage your finances in a comprehensive manner–you are showing that you are on a path to actually persuading your heart and mind to do what is necessary for you to “live more abundantly” and greater success will be much more likely to occur as you embark on your wealth building journey.


You must consistently approach your wealth building efforts with confidence

You must have the ability to create a plan that you believe in and one that you can follow with a high level of confidence and clarity.  By doing so you give your heart and mind the ability to move forward at all times–even when adversity occurs.


You cannot have the attitude of a quitter and go in the direction where success does not live as you must have the focus and commitment to see your way through and do what you really need to do, if you truly desire to see your dreams come true.


You must see the success that you will achieve within your heart, you must hear the success that you will achieve within your heart, you must feel the success that you will achieve within your heart, and by seeking to be fully persuaded at this time–you can even get your mind to take part!



It is important that you persuade your heart and mind of the success that you can (and will) achieve and not rely on the actions of others to take you where you need, desire or definitely can go, because in the end, it is your show!


By paying attention to what is important to you, visualizing what is important to you, and moving to action toward what you “need to accomplish” financially, you can put yourself in position to do what you desire in the coming years in many–if not all areas of your life!


By making it a point to do more and achieve more and by “making a rational argument to yourself” about the wealth building success that you can achieve, you can discover a better course of action to take as it relates to your wealth building future, because you now truly believe.


Isn’t it time that you convince your mind to operate at “peak performance” as it relates to your wealth building activities so that you can leave a legacy for your family and loved ones?


By doing the needed analysis within, you can persuade your heart and mind to take the best action that is best for you–so that you can truly win!


From this day forward you must look within and expect success in all that you do, so that you can make your big and small dreams come true.  By “persuading yourself” of the success that you can (and will) achieve if you give it your absolute best–you put yourself in position to pass any test.


All the best as you “persuade yourself” toward the best action to take as you reach a higher level of success…


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Pessimism & Wealth Building

Learn why your pessimistic view of your wealth building future serves no real purpose and if you have that view–you must end it now…


In spite of’s  most recent article showing visitors to this site ways to move forward and achieve more in 2023 and beyond, reports continue to come in at this time of “pessimism growing” in many parts of the world.


It is important that you never stop having a productive and highly beneficial outlook of your wealth building future and the steps that you will take to make things happen for your and your family’s greater benefit–regardless of how others may feel!


To help you “reduce the pessimism” that you and others may be feeling or feel that you are facing– will attempt to show you ways that you can reduce pessimism in your life and achieve more going into calendar year 2024.


The year of 2023 does not have to be a pessimistic year for you and your family if you address what needs to be addressed at this time and you take productive steps to achieve more–and you leave all of the negative noise behind and you are willing to grind–until it is success that you find.


How many see the current economy and their future

In the current economy with inflation and uncertainty at many levels, it can be difficult for many to have a positive outlook on their future.  With housing costs and rental rates out of alignment with the incomes of many and an uneasy feeling in the air as it relates to the economy, many find it appropriate to feel “pessimistic” toward their future.


Even so, you must see a way out as you cannot let where you are now at be the defining point in your life!


With monetary shortfalls on a monthly basis whether spending on grocery, gas, entertainment and other needed items that many took for granted for years, now a real happening–many have a depressed or disheartened spirit about their finances and their financial future.


In spite of the negative news that you may hear or see on a daily, weekly or monthly basis–it is important that you keep a positive perspective about your future and what you can accomplish in your future.  You must not see your future like others who let pessimism rule their thought process and leads them on a path to less-than-ideal movement in their life.


How many could see the economy and their future if they had the right vision

If you and others who have a “pessimistic view” of the future decided to pursue a better path toward success you could put yourself in position to create lasting wealth building success.


However, the decision to pursue success–whether financial or otherwise–resides inside of you!


You must realize that if you see yourself getting more income, cutting expenses or doing a combination of the two–you are embarking on a serious path toward making your dreams come true, because by visualizing what you need to do–you put yourself in a much better position for making your dreams come true!


You put yourself in position to get more income by determining if you need to get more income (you determine if you need more income by creating a budget or cash flow statement) and if you need too, you seek additional ways to earn income whether it be a second job, a better job, uber, lyft or some other gig or side job that can help you get ahead financially.


You cut expenses by using coupons, cutting back on coffee and smoothies that could be costing you hundreds on a monthly basis, getting a roommate, finding ways to save on energy and utilities that you use in your home, cutting back on entertainment and eating out and analyzing your finances in a “comprehensive manner” to see where–and if you can find additional savings.


Your money management personality will tell if you have a “pessimistic or optimistic” view of your future!


Can I lower my insurance premiums, can I improve upon my investment returns, can I lower my taxes, can I properly establish an emergency fund, can I save for my or my children’s educational costs in a better way, can I plan for what will happen after I transition and finally can I save for my retirement in a manner that allows me to live at the level that “I” desire–and not at a level that others who could care less of my existence desire that I live at?


These and other questions are what you must ask if you desire a more optimistic outlook on your future and you desire to save money at this time!


If you decide right now to do more in your life and you put the right plan in place that you believe in–success can happen for you and your family, and you can achieve many goals that you may now feel are out of your reach.


How many could put in the work to transform their pessimism into optimism if only they were willing to put forth the necessary effort

Your determination at this time to put into action the steps that can lead to the success that you desire in a more definite manner is what can lead to you achieving more and reaching many goals that you may formulate along the way.


You can buy grocery from your favorite retailers, you can donate to your favorite causes, you can retire early, you can provide higher education for yourself and/or your children and much more, however it all starts by you deciding at this time to leave inaction behind–if it is true success that you want to find.


You must increase your effort at this time and realize right now that most people who are “pessimistic about their future” only use a fraction of their brainpower on a daily basis when they actually have so much more to use and so many more empowering gifts to give to society–if only they tapped into what they have inside at a higher level!


Don’t let that be you–if you are sincere in making your dreams come true!



It is you who must do what you need to do to ensure that the sky that you see is blue and the clouds contain (your goals) what you want to see come true.  You have a never-ending reservoir of creativity that you can use for your and your family’s greater benefit if you decide to tap into it at this time.


It all starts inside of your mind and heart as you control your thought process and the direction that your life can take–along with the improved knowledge of the type of future that you can make.


It is important that you have a view of your future that is optimistic for you, achievable and believable by you–and something that you are committed to make come true!


You then put yourself in position to “leave pessimism behind” and only see the success that you can achieve–in your mind!


Are you one who talks a lot, thinks a lot, but implements nothing–or are you one who will move to action and create a better future for yourself, your family and society–starting today?


And just as you will rise higher and higher and achieve more by applying what you will learn on this page and site by leaving pessimism behind once and for all, so too will the creator of rise higher and higher and continue to provide you new insight on ways that you can achieve more and be who you were meant to be–and by doing so optimism and success is all that you will really see!


All the best as you aggressively leave pessimism behind, and you start on a much more serious grind…



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Inaction & Wealth Building

           NEW YEAR–NEW YOU…

Learn why your inactivity can prevent you from building wealth more efficiently…


As 2023 begins it is important that you take inventory at this time of how you operate daily as it relates to your finances and the future action that you plan on taking–or the lack of action that you may be inclined to take in an unplanned way.


It is very important now that the year is new, that you do what you need to do to make your dreams come true.


Your goal to be all that you can be in calendar year 2023 (and beyond) can be made clearer to you if you at this time have the endurance to do what you need to do!


Do you procrastinate, fail to plan and have no clue of what you need to do to make your dreams come true–or do you approach your wealth building effort with confidence, clarity and a real action plan that will take you where you need or desire to be?


In this discussion will discuss the importance of you “moving to action” on a consistent basis so that you can win the majority of your races and avoid the financial catastrophes that other people who fail to run at the right pace–face!


You must be sincere in your desire to move forward financially

If you often procrastinate or fail to take the needed action when it is time to do so your inactivity could be robbing, you and your family of achieving much more during your lifetime.


By failing to take action at this time you are letting the time value of money and compounding work against you as opposed to for you.


Therefore, you must have the determination at this time, or you must be fully committed to seek better ways of reaching your goals that are of most significance to you so that you can build wealth more efficiently.


Your sincere wealth building approach and your willingness to cultivate the “keys to success” at a higher level is what could possibly get you out of your “inactivity trap” if you are one who often procrastinate.  By doing what is necessary in a timely manner you can take your finances to a better state and therefore ensure that your goals won’t occur late.


You must have a plan of attack on how you manage your finances

With most who procrastinate or fail to take action in a timely manner, the reason for doing so is normally a lack of focus and a lack of understanding on a “plan of attack” that will serve their best interest in the short and long-term.


By visiting this site, you can now create a plan of attack that works with your mind and one in which you can implement with confidence!  You can start the process by creating personal financial statements and mastering your credit at this time–not at a time in the future!


You can implement a plan for long-term success by analyzing and improving upon all areas of your finances including insurance, investments, taxes, education planning, estate planning/wills and retirement planning, thereby leading to a more relaxed and comfortable lifestyle for you and your family.


You must not let adversity or unwanted occurrences deter or detour your effort toward success

As well as you may implement the steps mentioned above, adversity and situations that you did not plan for will occur as life happenings that you have not, or cannot plan for will occur.


Therefore, it is your responsibility to continuously review, if you sincerely desire to make your dreams come true.  You also want to create an emergency fund that is properly funded at the earliest point in your life stage so that you can mitigate the damage that adverse situations can create.


You must show a real desire to reach higher and achieve at or above the level that you desire.  By doing so you will be in the know and you will increase your cash flow and achieve results that will show.




Even though the creator of has on occasion admonished visitors over the years in many discussions, that admonishment was done from a position of getting those who need to take action (or take the right action) to do so in a more timelier manner in order for them to achieve their goals and live out their life with more meaning and with joy at the center.


Or another way of looking at it is the creator of presents discussions from the vantage point of “love for humanity” so that you and others who desire lasting wealth building success can achieve that success at a higher level of excellence so that you can really do what you desire during “your” lifetime.


If you are one who often procrastinates or fail to take action (or shall I say the right action) on a consistent basis, you can change that now by implementing the above steps and your life can take a turn for the better.


You must never let worry, anxiety, fear, frustration, lack of effort and excuses be a deterrent as you move about throughout your life as it relates to your finances in 2023 and beyond.  You no longer have to w a f f l e back and forth and wonder (or doubt) if the moves that you make will lead you on a real path to success as it relates to continuous positive movement in the management of your finances, if you make a definitive choice to move forward and give it your absolute best!


By “eliminating or reducing inaction” in your life, you can start (or continue more effectively) on a path to reaching your goals and live out your life with more clarity and you can enjoy life in a manner and style that is more beneficial for you and your family.


All the best as you actively pursue “a more direct path” to the success that you desire…



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Stability & Wealth Building

Learn why it is important to stabilize your finances as you build wealth…


As the economy moves in ways that many oppose and difficult times are in store for many during this holiday season, it is important that you put yourself in a comfortable position by “stabilizing your finances” at this time so that you can achieve more in your future.


In this discussion will show you the importance of “stabilizing your finances” so that you can operate at “peak performance” and achieve more throughout your lifetime.


1) Stabilizing your finances requires that you analyze your finances immediately

Are you letting what has been passed down from others set limits on your life—or are you using what has been passed down as a base point for you to grow and create an atmosphere for greater opportunities and results in your life?


By analyzing how you manage your cash flow on a monthly and yearly basis and taking inventory of what you now own and what you now owe to others, you can determine future moves that you can take to help stabilize and improve your financial position.


2) Stabilizing your finances requires that you master your credit immediately

Whether you are new to credit or you have been managing credit and financial affairs for years, it is important that you know how credit works and how you can use credit for your greater benefit throughout your life or during the period in your life that you desire to utilize credit.


You can start on a path to master your understanding and application of credit by understanding the credit factors and how to use that understanding to better serve your and your family’s best interest–not creditors.


3) Stabilizing your finances requires that you comprehensively analyze and improve upon your finances as soon as possible

In a sense, stability is the quality of being unchanging or static.  However, in this discussion stability will be presented as getting to a desired point and remaining there–or possibly improving in a positive way.


You should be congratulated on your commitment to stabilize your finances, especially if you’ve lived with instability throughout your life.  You can do so “comprehensively” by analyzing and improving upon your insurance, investments, taxes, education planning, estate planning/wills and retirement planning.


By stabilizing your finances, you are building on a foundational base that won’t collapse or fall down.  Quite the contrary, you are building on a base that you can utilize throughout your lifetime that allows you to scrape the sky as far as you can see!



By deciding at this time to “stabilize your finances” you can get to a point where you manage your finances from a position of strength and from a position that is more advantageous for you and your family.


The knowledge that you now have or will soon have will be no good unless you know how to apply that knowledge for your greater benefit–and to the detriment of creditors.


The goal of this discussion is to give you the wisdom to connect what you now know or will soon learn to what really matters in the financial realm of your life so that you can achieve what you need to achieve–or what you desire to achieve!


You don’t have to live in instability during the holiday season or at any time as it relates to your finances if you make the choice not to and you decide from this day forward what you really want to do!


By “properly” analyzing your unique financial profile at this time, your family will love what you do—and so will you!  You must not only have faith that you will stabilize and improve upon your finances and other areas of your life–you must also take the needed action so that you can avoid financial strife!


It is very important that you change the financial atmosphere in your life today—and it is the desire of that this discussion has shown you a new, more positive and more uplifting way!


Always realize that instability creates opportunity for major growth that can then put you in position to stabilize your finances for the remainder of your life and put you on a path to build the type of financial future that puts you in control—and helps relax your soul.


All the best to stabilizing your future and pursuing a more definitive path toward wealth building success…



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Tough Times & Wealth Building

Learn why you must “push forward” with a higher level of energy when difficult times occur if you desire true wealth building success…


In the current economy, for many it is difficult to not only live at an acceptable level and save for the future–it is also a difficult time in general.


With inflation, increases in rental rates and housing rates, increased costs for food, clothing, gas, household items and increases in other areas of importance in the lives of many–it can often be difficult and challenging for those who want lasting success as it relates to wealth building and financial management–to not only know where to start–but also how to reduce the anxiety that they may now be feeling!


And with a recent uptick in concern about their future and increased communication to the creator of about financial concerns and where the economy now stands, the creator of thought that “the time was now” to discuss ways that you and others can withstand and prosper in the current economy and pressing economic environments that you may face in the future.


In this discussion will discuss the importance of pushing forward in difficult times and also not so difficult times as the success that you desire depends on the habits that you form and the consistency in action that you take on a consistent basis.


By taking the following three actions you can possibly reduce the anxiety that you now feel and also eliminate tough times or reduce the effects of “tough times or adversity” occurring while you build wealth in any economic environment.


Action # 1–Determine where you are now at

A cash flow analysis along with the creation of a personal income statement and personal balance sheet will get you moving fast in the current economy and will help you determine what kind of financial shape you are in.


It is attuned to getting your used car checked out by a highly competent mechanic prior to purchase.   You can then put yourself in position to “tune up” your finances and improve upon your net worth in future years.


Action # 2–Determine where you are now at “credit wise” so that you can then master how you manage your credit

During tough times it can be easy to run up credit and get other types of loans in an attempt to stay afloat.  That is why the first step that you took above was so important.


You now know if you have excess income coming in monthly or if there is a shortfall.  If there is a shortfall you must get more income, cut expenses or more than likely do a combination of the two.  You must not repeat the debt cycle and you start on the path to not repeating the debt cycle by mastering your use and understanding of credit.


By getting more income into your household on a monthly basis and cutting expenses you can pay down your debt and get into position to make real financial strides in the future.  If after analysis your debt payoff looks bleak or unachievable within a reasonable time frame you may have to look at bankruptcy as a potential option prior to depleting all of your assets and tapping into your retirement accounts–not after.


Action # 3–Determine where you are now at with your overall finances and put a plan in place that ensures long-term success

You can now analyze each major area of your finances to see where you can possibly make improvements now–or in the future.


By analyzing your insurance, investments. taxes. education planning, estate planning/wills, emergency fund and retirement planning, you can get on a path to ensuring that you effectively “get out in front” of your finances and not put yourself in a “disadvantageous” financial management position.


That does not mean that adversity and unforeseen happenings won’t occur in your future and at times simultaneously, however you will be in a better position to rebound and make positive moves that can get you back on track and still attain the goals that you were pursuing.


As tough as times can seem (and are in many cases) it is important to realize that you are still here–alive and you have the potential to change the trajectory of your life for the better–and building wealth to a level that allows you to achieve at a level that is your absolute best is possible.  In the picture above you will see the site of the “Birmingham Bombing” of a church in the 1960’s that caused the death of 4 young girls who had no chance to reach their true potential.


It is important that you at this time show your value to humanity and press forward and push toward what you desire with more urgency and an improved plan of attack.  By using your determination to put your finances in order during tough times (or at any time) you can set yourself up for a lifetime of success where you manage your finances more effectively and efficiently and achieve a higher level of wealth building success–from this day forward.



It is important that you have the perspective that adversity or tough times will occur and when those times occur you must love, honor and believe in yourself even more.  Even if you are married, recently fell in love or expect to–you must realize the importance of always loving yourself at all times in spite of the difficult stretch that you may find yourself in.


By doing so you open up the possibility and you increase the probability to achieve more and open a new door.  You are now on a path to “determining within” that tough times won’t last and you will enhance your path to success–and it will be a blast.


All the best as you leave “tough times” behind and achieve at a level that leads you toward absolute success…


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Peak Performance & Wealth Building

Learn how you can live out your wealth building dream(s) and operate at peak performance if you don’t let naysayers and other outside (or inside) forces deter (or detour) your efforts…


As you pursue your goals it is important that you never let the opinions of others, or the negative actions of others affect you in a detrimental way.


You must also not let the internal workings of your mind and how “you” approach your wealth building efforts affect you in a negative way!


Wisdom is the skillful use of knowledge and knowing what to avoid and what to confront is a great way to approach wealth building if you are one who desire to operate at “peak performance” as it relates to your wealth building efforts.  Why make mistakes yourself and prolong your journey to financial freedom when you can learn from the mistakes of others and achieve success more efficiently?


The real use of empowering information is in the execution or acting—not gaining the knowledge alone!


You must be determined to put into action what can really move you forward!  It is imperative that you have a clear understanding of wealth building basics and how you can use the basics of wealth building to more effectively direct you toward your goals!


The goal of is to get to those who desire real wealth building success the knowledge that is needed when (or preferably well before) they need it so that they can operate daily at peak performance and make wiser decisions as it relates to their finances!


In this discussion will discuss how operating at “peak performance” provides you the opportunity to achieve more in less time.


  • You must have a yearning to operate at peak performance as it relates to your finances

In life we all have ambitions or goals that we want to achieve, and as far as financial planning is concerned, those ambitions or goals can be numerous.


You want to have an attitude of always reaching higher so that you can reach the goals that you desire.  By doing so you can operate at a higher level of excellence, and you can do so at this time if you are fully committed and you know the actions that you need to complete.


  • You must know the action steps that you need to take to operate at peak performance

The reason most people fail to achieve or reach many of their financial goals are that they often don’t know what steps they need to take to make it happen—or more importantly make it happen in as efficient a manner as possible.


You will soon be in position to avoid this pitfall that has hampered many over the years.  By setting meaningful goals and knowing the right steps to take to move toward achieving those goals you are properly preparing your heart and mind up for operating at a higher level of excellence.


Click on “the numbers below” to see the steps that you can take right now so that you can get started on operating daily at “peak performance” and achieve results that will show.


1–Cash Flow Analysis

2—Credit  Analysis

3—Comprehensive Financial Analysis


  • You must put into action on a consistent basis the steps that will take you toward your goals more efficiently

You application of the steps mentioned above in a manner that is germane to your and your family’s financial future and most important goals are what will help you attain your goals in a more efficient manner.


By doing what needs to be done to help improve your finances you are showing discipline and a real desire to reach the goals that you are motivated to achieve.


By taking action steps on a consistent basis you are showing that you truly believe, thereby setting yourself up for the new found success that you will soon achieve.



Isn’t it time you listen appropriately to your inner voice, learn more as it relates to effective money management that can lead to you reaching many, if not all your goals–so that you can show your true love to your family and others whom you associate with?


Isn’t it time you travel down a “road to success” that has fewer twists and turns–and no detours?


It is important that you plan on doing Dream Living and operate at “peak performance” so that you can do Dream Giving as you climb higher and higher.


When it comes to operating at “peak performance” it is you who must want to do so!


You must be sincere in your desire to achieve at peak performance and if you are you will pursue your wealth building goals with a higher level of commitment.  In summary, to achieve at peak performance you must have the desire to ignite your own fire inside so that when you reach your summit and it is time to descend–you can glide.


At all times you must realize that you control your destiny and the direction that you can take in your life.  Now is the time that you not only realize it, but you put action plans into effect so that you can achieve more—bit by bit.


Did you know that you are:


Too blessed to be negatively stressed

Too blessed to operate with less

Too blessed to be a mess

Too blessed to give less than your very best

Adequately blessed to pass any test


All the best as you operate at “your peak” as you pursue unlimited wealth building success…


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Learn about Managing & Improving Your Credit & Finances for this MILLENNIUM© –the first book created by Thomas (TJ) Underwoodthe creator of in 2012–10 years ago this month


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Financial Aggressiveness & Wealth Building

Learn why it is important that you take an aggressive approach as you build wealth….


In the current economy it is important that you pursue your wealth building goals with a high level of intensity so that you can truly reach your goals.  It is you who must be active in pursuing the success that you desire so that you can achieve at a level that takes you higher and higher!


It is important that you are “aggressive as a lion” and you are “truly determined” to catch your prey (reach your goals) as you navigate on your journey to financial freedom.


In this discussion will discuss the importance of pursuing what you desire most with a higher level of intensity so that you can truly grow and attain the goals that are most important to you and it all starts now by you being more aggressive on the front end–not after you make mistakes!


1) You must formulate a plan of action that you sincerely believe in

It is very important that you formulate goals that are meaningful and significant to you and goals that can make your life more enjoyable.  What do you desire to see come true in 12 months or 1 year, in 60 months or 5 years and in 120 months (10 years) and beyond.


Regardless of the goals that you pursue you must put a written plan in action that allows you to know where you can go–and you also need to know where you need to go to live out your life in comfort–pun intended.


That process starts by creating a budget or cash flow statement at a minimum and using the data derived from that analysis to set realistic goals that you have a high likelihood of achieving–and particularly your retirement goals.


You also need to have a way of managing your credit that gives you the advantage and you must know in a comprehensive way–all areas of your finances that you need to address and all areas that you must address if you desire to achieve more while here on planet earth.


2) You must pursue the goals that are included in your plan with a high level of intensity

It is up to you to enhance the right qualities that will take you toward the success that you desire in a more efficient manner.  You must aggressively focus on improving your determination, commitment level and passion so that you increase the odds of attaining your goals and make the future success that you desire more likely to occur.


That includes gaining the preparation and knowledge that you need to achieve major success at this time–not after you make mistakes or in the middle of a transaction.


You must be active in making the success that you desire a reality–if it is real success that you really want to see.


3) You must not only do what you need to do–you must also continuously review to ensure that your dreams will come true

As you move toward many of your goals and in many cases reach them, you must realize that you must continuously review and make improvements when and where appropriate on a consistent basis.


Are there areas where you can improve upon as it relates to your insurance, investments, taxes, education planning, estate planning/wills and retirement planning?   Is your emergency fund appropriate for what you plan on doing now and in your future and do you have a vivid picture of your life stages and a more defined angle of how you can use that vivid picture to achieve more?


Do you have the mental fortitude to stick it out when times get tough and do you know your responsibilities as it relates to managing your finances and improving your wealth management skills?




It is important that you aggressively pursue your wealth building efforts, however you don’t want to get too far ahead of your wealth building efforts prior to learning what you need to know on the front end or proactively–if you desire to be more effective over the course of your life.


It is important that you pursue your wealth building goals with a high level of intensity and you move to action on a consistent basis.  By pursuing your goals in a more intelligent, consistent and proactive manner you put yourself in position to be where you should be–controlling your future in a manner that is more advantageous to you and your family–not creditors.


It is important that you boldly pursue your wealth building goals and you have a “never quit” attitude as you pursue increasing your net worth and reaching the goals that are most significant to you and your family.


You can now manage your finances in a more aggressive, smarter and results oriented manner where the goals that you desire most stand a better chance of being reached.  And isn’t it wonderful to know that it all started by your decision to be more aggressive and also because you decided to operate daily by “igniting your own fire inside” so that you would have a “joyous and more rewarding” wealth building ride.


All the best as you “aggressively seek to build wealth” and improve your financial health….



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Growth & Wealth Building

Learn why you must have a high level of confidence and grow as you build wealth…


It is important that you are confident in your pursuit toward wealth building excellence.  By pursuing your goals with passion, you are showing that you really want “it”–that “it” being what you desire most in your financial future and life!  By moving about throughout your life with preparation and passion you are showing that you really want to grow financially.


If you are one who need to do something financially to move forward in life–or you want to do something that will lead to financial growth so that you can achieve more, you need to ask yourself “do I really want to do it” or am I not serious at this time?


It is imperative that you have growth as part of your mindset and a real desire to pursue more knowledge on an annual basis so that you can achieve the needed growth as it relates to your wealth building efforts.


What do you know “financially speaking” at this time that you didn’t know 12 months ago?


If you don’t know what it is that you have learned lately that can have a real effect on your financial future, you may not be growing as it relates to your finances and wealth building activity!


And just as the comedian George Wallace (whom the creator of had the pleasure of meeting while vacationing in Huntsville, Alabama for the first time on October 15th, 2022) has grown over the years and is now a comedy genius–so too must you grow in your financial management skills, so that you can build wealth more effectively and reach a higher level of growth.


In this discussion will discuss the importance of why you must grow in the area of the financial knowledge that you now have–if you desire to excel throughout your life and build wealth in a way that is more advantageous for you–not others who have no real concern for you or your financial future.


It is important that “you know” what you need to do to make your dreams come true

It is important that you put yourself on a schedule to ensure that what you desire most–will happen!


You now have the opportunity to utilize what you currently earn to see where you can possibly go, and if your income is insufficient, you must create opportunities outside of work that will move you towards your dreams more efficiently.


Opportunity A–what you do at work

Opportunity B–what you do outside of work

Opportunity C–combining what you do at work and outside of work to make your dreams come true


Doing it now may not lead to the next or most obvious step to you at this time!


However, if you decide to take action and gain the proper knowledge and apply it appropriately, it will get you moving fast toward your goals and help you get momentum rolling in your life.


It is important that you move to action, because if you don’t, why should others move on your behalf.  You must put into motion the actions that will move you forward.  Your self-perception may be limiting you at this time and you must know that your self-worth is far more important than your net worth as you build wealth.


You can make gains even if you are now a few steps behind.  Even though you may have to sacrifice in the short term you can create the type of change that re-calibrates your current way of thinking and re-focuses your mind for the success that can occur in your future.  You must always realize that effective money management is available and the type of growth in learning that can propel you forward more efficiently–is also” available to you!


You must have mastery of how you utilize credit throughout your life or the period that you desire to use credit during your life

You can choose to use credit in a disadvantageous way or the smart way where you don’t have to panic or make bad decisions.  If you fail to adapt or make the right credit decision, you may find yourself in a disadvantageous position–when it really didn’t have to be that way. 


You must create a new normal as it relates to the management of your credit that works to your advantage–not creditors.


You can’t go back to your old credit habits that are averse to your growth and the goals that you desire!  You can now navigate this site and create a new future where you are in control–not creditors.


Always realize that change may mean you will lose temporarily and gain permanently–however always know that in the end you will reach your goals

What are the steps that you must really take to ensure that your wealth building growth is not a mistake?


You must learn and apply the right knowledge on the front end–not after you make mistakes.


You also must be resilient and never quit!


By doing so you can make the goals that you desire most–happen–or even attain something much better than the goals that you initially imagined.


You must feed your mind with the appropriate knowledge so that you can grow and achieve more while you are here on earth.


Are you a person who takes and not gives and are you serving for the benefit of others, your family and to improve society on occasion–or are you only looking out for yourself?


By growing financially, you can put yourself in position to manage your finances better, give to your favorite charities, save appropriately for your retirement years, move into a bigger home or achieve other goals of significance as you move about daily during your life while you are here on earth!



It is important that we all grow financially and otherwise, and by looking inward and making the decision to pursue what you desire with more focus, commitment and determination you can continue on an upward path toward success where the goals that you desire most are more likely to occur.


By improving upon the way that you approach your wealth building activities you can set yourself and your family up for a more prosperous living environment where you can enjoy life more and open a new door.


Even if you are now growing at an efficient pace as you build wealth, it is important to know that you too can do more, grow more and achieve even more.


The growth that you seek, and sincerely desire can force your mind to reach higher and help you avoid a financial quagmire and other outcomes that are dire!


The following is’s “growth wish” poem for you…


That you make no more excuses starting today

That you pursue your wealth building efforts in a better way

That you have faith so that you can really achieve

That you have the winning spirit to always believe

That you have the vision to see a better day

That you activate your action mindset so that you won’t be led astray

That you leave fear–in the rear

That you know that the growth and wealth building success that you desire is near

That you feel uplifted and balanced even when you feel low

That you are equipped with the right wealth building knowledge so that you can grow

That you have patience to stick with your plan until it is done

That you have confidence that victory will be won


All the best to your unlimited growth as you sincerely move toward a higher level of success because you have decided to not only grow, but also give it your absolute best so that you can attain results that will show…


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Re-calibration & Wealth Building

Learn why re-calibrating where you are now at financially and pursuing what you desire most in a diligent manner can get you better results as you build wealth…


As you build wealth in the current economy or any economy, it is important that from time to time you take an inward and all encompassing view of how you approach wealth building.


If you are not achieving your financial goals, you may be “out of alignment” as far as your pursuit to wealth building is concerned.


Is now the time for you to re-align your goals to match up with what you really want to achieve so that you can put yourself in position to achieve more?


It is important that you have growth in your financial knowledge on a consistent basis so that you have the ability to achieve more throughout your lifetime.


Are the goals that you now have correct for where you want and need to go or are adjustments needed at this time or at some time in the future?


Your key to success may not be doing the wrong things again and again but doing the right thing while taking a different approach that is not the norm.  By attacking your finances in a more appropriate manner you may be able to ensure that you get the positive outcomes that you desire and deserve!


You not only need to be determined, but you must also have a real plan of action that is measurable–and a system that allows you to do periodic reviews so that you can stay on track.


In life we will all gradually drift off course on many occasions and will periodically need a fresh point of reference to re-calibrate or refocus our efforts on what is truly important.


The problem that many have when it comes to wealth building is that many use the same approach; instead of making a clear break from what they know have not brought them the results that they desire.


You and others may need to change to a proven financial management system that will produce desired results if the right actions are taken consistently.  In the following paragraphs you will learn how you can use a proven system to achieve more throughout your lifetime.


You must want the success that you desire so that you can reach higher

You must be sincere in achieving the wealth building success that you desire.


If you are truly sincere you will find a way to manage your finances better whether by utilizing the systems and approaches on this site or from other sources that you may find more beneficial to you and your family.


You must look at where you are now at so that you can choose a real path that leads to success

By creating a budget or cash flow statement at this time you are “timely analyzing your finances” and you put yourself on a more definitive path toward wealth building success.


By not leaving your finances up to chance you are determining in a proactive manner what comes in and goes out of your household on a monthly basis and that will put you in position to make better decisions for you and your family.


You must pursue the success that you desire so that you are motivated at a level that takes you higher and higher

You must stay motivated  and determined as life events have the potential to take you off track.  It is up to you to put in place systems that will keep you on track or help you re-calibrate what is important and what you really need to do to see your dreams come true.


By creating a budget or cash flow statement, understanding how credit works in clear terms and managing your overall finances in a more wholesome way–you put into motion the actions that will lead to a better day.



You must re-calibrate and pursue the future that is right for you and the future that you can see with clarity so that you can do what you need to do.


You must have a clear picture of your future so that you can choose the right or best way to pursue what you desire most!


Your picture or view of success that you now have may not be the best view for you!


Financial literacy standards for most are at this time deficient and in need of re-calibration, as we are now in a new economic environment.  Whether inflation, lack of income, lack of your ability to cut expenses or get more income or anything else is the issue, you must re-calibrate your mind to look at your finances in a new or better way.


Your goal should be to attain a “Financially Alert Mind” and not just “Financial Literacy” as it will serve you better in the current economy–or any economy.


Even though the value of your existing financial management skills cannot and should not be underestimated–you must understand fully that you have the ability to do far more and achieve far more!


It is the desire of that you will from this day forward open a new door.


All the best to your “re-calibrated” vision of wealth building success…



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Determination & Wealth Building

Learn why you must have a high level of determination as you build wealth...


Many who want to build wealth effectively often ask the question of what does it really take to achieve the wealth building success that they desire?


In all seriousness, it is a question that requires a serious answer, and this discussion is designed to cover the topics that you need to know to make it easier for you to achieve results that will show–and not provide to you an answer to the wealth building question(s) that are most pressing to you that is no–so that you can improve your net worth as you are on the go.


As the creator of a number of blogs and books that are designed for consumers to achieve financial success in an efficient manner the creator of is of the opinion that all who truly desire wealth building success or any type of success, not only can achieve the success that they desire–but they can do so efficiently if given the right blueprint for success.


However, your level of success is contingent upon the “the determination that resides inside of you” and “your commitment to learn new and empowering ways of managing your finances” that can lead to you achieving much more during your lifetime.


How high or big are your dreams of success?


By answering a number of pressing questions of concern outlined below, you can start or continue on a real journey toward wealth building that will have fewer roadblocks and impediments and will help you build wealth more efficiently and lead you on a clearer path to who you were sincerely meant to be.


Do you know what true determination is?

It is important to know that determination is an unrelenting spirit on the inside of you that will NEVER allow you to quit regardless of the obstacles or adversity that you will face.


It is important that you put forward the required effort and you know upfront that obstacles will be in your path (or better yet, put yourself in better position so you reduce the likelihood of facing the obstacle–where possible) and it is up to you to go over, around, above, below or through all obstacles that you face in a manner that says by deed and action  “I will never be defeated from achieving what I desire” and by doing so you can not only reach higher you can avoid financial outcomes that are dire!


Many have dreams of success, but when times get difficult, they often welter and fall back into their old habits and by doing so they miss out on reaching a higher level of excellence and learning what their true purpose in life is.


Don’t let that be you!


Are you determined to achieve what you desire?

You put yourself in position to “not letting that be you” by contemplating at this time what you really want out of life.


If you desire to pay off or pay down your debt at this time, put together realistic plans to manage your finances optimally on a consistent basis in a way that allows you to achieve all of your goals, retire in x number of years and still be able to live your life to the fullest or achieve any other goal(s) that you desire–it all depends greatly on your level of determination.


Do you know foolproof steps that you can take to achieve wealth building success in a way that allows you to give it your absolute best?

By knowing proven steps that you can take to ensure a more prosperous future you can set yourself and your family up for a lifetime of success.


By creating a budget or cash flow statement at a minimum–along with a thorough understanding of your credit and overall finances you can take your wealth building efforts to a higher level and increase the determination that you now have to a level that allows you to prosper.


By utilizing the right system, you will gain the needed insight that allows you to manage your money right.  You then put yourself in position to see if you have the potential to achieve the wealth building goals that you desire–and avoid outcomes that are dire as you move to reach even higher!


You then go out and do it!  Are YOU DETERMINED?



Just as a lion has the unrelenting determination to catch its prey–so too must you have an unrelenting determination to put in action a plan that can take you towards your goals in a better way!


It is important that you ask the above and other relevant questions as it relates to your wealth building future.


You must have the willingness to do what you need to do even when you don’t feel up to it as it is critical for your wealth building success–as you journey to find your newly found path that allows you to give it your best.


Why just hope for success or approach what you desire in a haphazard and unorganized way when you have just learned a new and more empowering way–today?


All the best to your new level of determination that allows you to achieve at a level that allows you to pass any test…


Learn how you can open a new door and achieve more–by getting more income, cutting your expenses or doing a combination of the two–if you sincerely desire to make your dreams come true!


A Special Note: The creator of would like to send out a heart-felt thank you to all visitors, clients and others who have found benefit from this and other sites created by the creator of, as September 2022 marks the 20-year anniversary of when Realty 1 Strategic Advisors and TFA Financial Planning was created (September 2002).

Hopefully, you and others have changed your life for the better as a result of receiving services from Realty 1 Strategic Advisors,, TFA Financial Planning or simply encountering any of the sites created by the creator of  and using the information to improve your life in a meaningful way.

All the best…


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