Challenge Yourself To Do More—Learn why challenging yourself to do more is the starting point for actually doing more… realizes that we are living in difficult times and many visitors to this site have an uncertain feel about their future—whether it be financial or otherwise.  This discussion is about how you can take bold action at all times and achieve what you desire in your future.


However you must challenge yourself to do more!  Responding positively to any and all adversity that occurs during your lifetime will build you like steel—strength is gained, a series of adverse happenings in your life may occur to humble you—you think it is over—but that is only the beginning.


On many occasions adversity or unwanted occurrences in your life—is occurring to strengthen you like steel—so that you can never fail in the future in achieving something really BIG!


Learn why challenging yourself to do more is the starting point for actually doing more…


Challenge yourself  to do more and transform your current attitude toward your future by having a positive and bold outlook on what you will achieve in your future.  Don’t be satisfied where you now are!   The goal of this discussion is to get you to reach higher and achieve more while you are here on planet earth.


In this discussion you can  learn how to challenge yourself so that you can be successful (able to live at the level that you desire but you have no real concern for the outcomes of others) and do something of significance for yourself and your family.


However, you can also live at the level that you desire by challenging yourself to do more during your lifetime to improve the outcomes of your fellow humans in a real and meaningful way—so that they too can have outcomes that are beneficial and lasting as a result of the actions that you chose to take during your lifetime.


You can make the choice to achieve personal success—AND focus on others and leave a legacy where others can succeed—even long after you are gone!


You can now pursue (go after, crave with all of your might) a path to success that has real meaning—however you must challenge yourself to do more at this time.  Ask yourself at this time what is most important and relevant to your and your family’s future—and put goal setting and proper planning in place to achieve the goals that you desire.


Ask yourself at this time what legacy you would like to leave.  Ask yourself at this time how you can put into action processes that can help others improve their situation while on earth.  Ask yourself what you are passionate about.


Put a plan in place to make it happen NOW—without delay!


Immobility is everywhere—don’t let it be a part of your personality!   You don’t have to participate in idleness—if you choose not too!


Lack of effort is everywhere—however it does not have to be present in your life!   If you make the choice right now to do more—and actually challenge yourself do more—NOW—you can put in the work to make what you desire occur much more efficiently than if you fail to do so!


Now is the time that you put a plan in place to bring into existence the outcomes that you desire. Now is the time that you make the decision to never give up on your dream(s) and pursue them relentlessly!


Now is the time that you realize that time will move forward whether you challenge yourself to pursue your dream(s) with passion—or you decide to do otherwise.  Time moves forward—it is important that you challenge yourself to do more and you put in place a real plan to pursue your goals at this time.


If you do what you  are passionate about in your heart and mind you can bring about new ways of doing things, new ways for others to achieve their goals—and bring into existence a new reality for your family, friends, loved ones, and society.


You must realize that you are already successful and you have something powerful on the inside that you must bring out and share with others—and you can do so at this time if you sincerely CHALLENGE YOURSELF at this time—to bring it all out.


However, you must do it at your highest level of excellence.  You can then obtain the joy and satisfaction and also help others along the way (be of significance to others) in your area of expertise—or your life purpose—while here on planet earth.


You must resist the temptation to move in the opposite direction of your big dream!  


By being negatively influenced by others, feeling you are inadequate or undeserving, or feeling you lack what it takes to do what needs to be done—you limit the ability of your mind and heart to make big things happen in your life!!


Now is the time that you become uninterested in looking back at your past failures and now is the time that you become highly uplifted about your future and the significant success that now lies ahead in front of you that you now see in your mind and heart.


It is important that the influences that your mind receives are the type that can help you to make the right choices!


You have a right to choose the course of your future and challenge yourself to do more—good—or bad.  You can choose to do so in a manner that is inspiring and uplifting and can take you where you need to be—or you can choose to do otherwise.


Now is the time that you see how success is achieved and now is the time that you too can put a plan in place to achieve success—and achieve at a level that you may have thought was unattainable.  You must contrast in your mind short-term pain versus long-term gain—look at the big picture—family, friends, society—and that can help you make  better decisions and choices.


Challenge yourself to do more and you will notice the influences of others having a more positive and uplifting position within your mind—and in your life.  When bad things happen in your life challenge yourself to do more—and then put a plan in place and do more—no excuses allowed!  When adverse situations occur go even harder on a daily basis in all of your endeavors!


Reach deeper within and you can find the ability to achieve what you desire—heal and move forward at the same time!  Narrow the focus of your concentration by focusing on what needs to be focused on—and be sure to do it in an intelligent, consistent and proactive manner whenever possible!


Challenge yourself—deep within to do more—right now—and throughout your lifetime.  By doing so you can not only score—but you will be a winner once you walk out that door!


What you believe either helps or hurts you!  Notice what is going on around you!  Are you mentally prepared for future success?  Do you believe that the success that you desire for yourself, your family, and society will really occur?


Just as started as a small thought with a high level of inspiration and is now changing the lives of consumers worldwide for the better—so too can your vision occur.  If you at this time challenge yourself to do more—you can  actually do more in what you are passionate about—and uplift yourself, your family, and humanity—along the way!


Do you know what you need to do—yet you are still not doing what needs to be done?  Will you mutter and complain around those who you are around or will you decide to do something meaningful while you are here on earth?


Challenge yourself to go in a new direction—get out of your comfort zone.  The adverse situation that has happened in the past, is now happening or might happen in your future—may have occurred or is now occurring to take your life in a new direction—to direct you—put fire under you—to get you moving!


Challenge yourself to live through adversity, change for the better, transform your mind for the better—do the right things in the right way—and approach your future as bold as a lion—cut a new path that is uniquely yours and make the world a better place.


A better way is ahead—what is in your heart—what has been revealed to you to make the world a better place?


What are you capable of—do you even know—adversity can bring it out!   Adversity leads to patience—correcting of the wrong actions can occur if you challenge yourself to do more at this time!


Build and protect your future by responding positively to adversity on a consistent basis.  Do something meaningful for yourself, your family and society.


Pursue, go after and crave with all your might—until you get it right.


Ask yourself the right questions—ask what is most important and relevant in your life and how you can improve on matters of importance in your life.  Answer all f the above questions appropriately and challenge yourself to reach  new heights on a daily basis—from this day forward.


And always remember that Immobility is everywhere—however you no longer have to participate.


Challenge yourself to do more in your life today—it is the desire of that you live out your life in no other way!


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