Detours & Wealth Building

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In life there will be many turns and twists, and unexpected happenings will occur on occasion that will throw you in ways and directions that you never imagined.  However, those same events could be the voice of God getting you to prepare your mind and heart for something bigger than you ever imagined.


Although a straight-line or upward path to wealth building success is the desire of many, the hard reality is that there will be zigs and zags along the way.  The route that you want to take in your life may not be possible at the time that you want to drive–and the success that you desire or need to attain, could appear fleeting!


When there are twists and turns in your life, you may be on a divine flow that will take you where you really need to go.  You must dream bigger, expect more and do more in times of uncertainty!  You may have to go through a number of wrongs before you get to a number of rights.  You don’t have to be discouraged–never give up on your dream(s)–as a lot has or can happen that is unseen and a lot of things that you didn’t see is what has gotten you here and can take you far or near!


It is important that you realize that strength, favor and endurance lie inside of you and it is your decision as to whether you want to tap into it.


You must “know” that you are equipped, empowered, authentic and the future that you desire is yours for the taking if you know it to be true and you are willing to do what you need to do.  You can have the AIR at your BACK, and you can get your wealth building efforts on track if you are now ready to attack!


The birth of something bigger–favor, opportunity and success lie inside of you if you are now willing to give it your absolute best!


It is important that you realize that the adversity that you face, have faced or may face in your future may be strategic and not meant for your detriment if you look at adversity from the right angle and you see the adversity as a benefit and not something that will hold you back.


Your attitude or how you view your situation is a key component for you to achieve at a higher level.


In life there will be things that you can’t change

You can’t change that which you don’t have “control over” and are unable or unwilling to confront.  You want to come to that realization at the earliest time possible and not waste energy and time on matters that you know you can’t change.


At the same time, you want to be clearly aware of what you can’t change as that will play a part in your future success.  You can’t change the prime interest rate!  You can’t change the interest rate that you are paying on your mortgage or credit card generally!  You can’t change who is in office politically at this time!


Still you want to be aware of the possible movement in interest rates, the political environment that you are in and potential happenings in the political, regulatory, economical, societal, technological and legal areas in the community that you live, work or frequent!


However, you can increase your understanding that you can’t change those things and use your awareness and energy to operate in areas where you can make a change–whether it be for your benefit, your family’s benefit or the benefit of the larger society that you live in, work in or visit.


You do not need to spend energy on matters that you know you can’t change as that is self-defeating effort being expended with no real return that favors you, your family or society at large!


In life there will be things that you can change, but you are reluctant to do so for varying reasons

You can change some things, but you are often unwilling to do so for varying reasons.  Whether you lack the determination, feel it is too difficult, feel the timing is not right or any other reason, you don’t want to waste energy on things that you are unwilling to change whether you are in control or not.


You may feel that you can run for political office to change conditions in your community, but YOU know that you won’t!  You know you can change your bad habits, but you won’t!  You know that you need to increase your understanding of your finances–but you won’t!


The reasons why you won’t change what you need to change or possibly change is endless and your lack of action could lead to you finding yourself in a real financial mess.


In life there will be things that you can absolutely change–and you must change

You want to determine at the earliest time possible in your life stage that there are things in life that you have total control over (or can get to a point where you will have total control over) and you can use that control to achieve more throughout your life.


This is an area that you want to “really focus in on” and be prepared to expend the needed energy as the potential to change your life for the better and achieve meaningful goals are in your hands.  You control right now the ability to decide to pursue wealth building in a new or more excellent way and start or continue on a more serious path toward success today.


You control the success that you want to pursue, and you control the path that you can take to make your dreams come true.


You control the ability right now to:


1. Create a budget or cash flow statement at a minimum


2. Master your credit at this time


3. Effectively manage your overall finances throughout your lifetime


By controlling and making the needed changes in your life you are showing maturity and a more focused approach toward achieving the success that you desire because that success that YOU desire is in your hands–if you at this time know that “you have the control” to change your future–and you are willing to do so with unwavering commitment.



Isn’t it time you move in alignment with what you truly believe and move more aggressively toward what you say you want or need to achieve?


Always realize that if your discretionary income is not at an acceptable level, you may need to cut your expenses, get more income or do a combination of the two–if you are sincere in making your dreams come true!  By doing so you put yourself in a more favorable position to drive on the right highway that will lead to the success that you desire.


You must from this day forward “talk to yourself” about the magnitude of your solution–not the magnitude of your problem.  You can never change what you tolerate that is of a negative nature!  If you tolerate poor performance in the management of your finances, poor performance is exactly what you will get!


You don’t have to be limited by the political, regulatory, economic, societal, technological and legal happenings regardless of where you reside, if you determine now that you can get out in front of your finances and create the future that you desire–NOW, so that you no longer need to hide, but you can put yourself in position to experience a smoother ride.


You must approach the management of your finances in a disciplined way as that will allow you to apply the 3 steps mentioned above on a more consistent basis so that you can truly reach your most pressing goals–starting today.


By proactively addressing your cash flow, credit–and all areas of your finances in a more disciplined way, you CAN put yourself on a surefire path to success–if you are now at this time willing to give it your absolute best.


Always realize that the path that you are currently on may not be the best path for you–or the route that takes you toward what you need or desire to do to make “your” dreams come true.  In life detours will occur and you don’t have to let detours deter your ultimate success if you have the right approach, and you are determined to press forward at all times!


It is important that you are seeing your future with clarity as by seeing what lies ahead it will provide valuable insight and lead to the development of your mind, body and soul in a more efficient manner.


And by having the mindset to overcome obstacles and move around detours in a winning fashion–and really get things done by using the discipline that you now have or will soon develop, you can use a systematic approach to achieve major success throughout your lifetime!


All the best to your unlimited wealth building success as you navigate around detours and achieve at a level that is your absolute best…


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