Financial Aggressiveness & Wealth Building

Learn why it is important that you take an aggressive approach as you build wealth….


In the current economy it is important that you pursue your wealth building goals with a high level of intensity so that you can truly reach your goals.  It is you who must be active in pursuing the success that you desire so that you can achieve at a level that takes you higher and higher!


It is important that you are “aggressive as a lion” and you are “truly determined” to catch your prey (reach your goals) as you navigate on your journey to financial freedom.


In this discussion will discuss the importance of pursuing what you desire most with a higher level of intensity so that you can truly grow and attain the goals that are most important to you and it all starts now by you being more aggressive on the front end–not after you make mistakes!


1) You must formulate a plan of action that you sincerely believe in

It is very important that you formulate goals that are meaningful and significant to you and goals that can make your life more enjoyable.  What do you desire to see come true in 12 months or 1 year, in 60 months or 5 years and in 120 months (10 years) and beyond.


Regardless of the goals that you pursue you must put a written plan in action that allows you to know where you can go–and you also need to know where you need to go to live out your life in comfort–pun intended.


That process starts by creating a budget or cash flow statement at a minimum and using the data derived from that analysis to set realistic goals that you have a high likelihood of achieving–and particularly your retirement goals.


You also need to have a way of managing your credit that gives you the advantage and you must know in a comprehensive way–all areas of your finances that you need to address and all areas that you must address if you desire to achieve more while here on planet earth.


2) You must pursue the goals that are included in your plan with a high level of intensity

It is up to you to enhance the right qualities that will take you toward the success that you desire in a more efficient manner.  You must aggressively focus on improving your determination, commitment level and passion so that you increase the odds of attaining your goals and make the future success that you desire more likely to occur.


That includes gaining the preparation and knowledge that you need to achieve major success at this time–not after you make mistakes or in the middle of a transaction.


You must be active in making the success that you desire a reality–if it is real success that you really want to see.


3) You must not only do what you need to do–you must also continuously review to ensure that your dreams will come true

As you move toward many of your goals and in many cases reach them, you must realize that you must continuously review and make improvements when and where appropriate on a consistent basis.


Are there areas where you can improve upon as it relates to your insurance, investments, taxes, education planning, estate planning/wills and retirement planning?   Is your emergency fund appropriate for what you plan on doing now and in your future and do you have a vivid picture of your life stages and a more defined angle of how you can use that vivid picture to achieve more?


Do you have the mental fortitude to stick it out when times get tough and do you know your responsibilities as it relates to managing your finances and improving your wealth management skills?




It is important that you aggressively pursue your wealth building efforts, however you don’t want to get too far ahead of your wealth building efforts prior to learning what you need to know on the front end or proactively–if you desire to be more effective over the course of your life.


It is important that you pursue your wealth building goals with a high level of intensity and you move to action on a consistent basis.  By pursuing your goals in a more intelligent, consistent and proactive manner you put yourself in position to be where you should be–controlling your future in a manner that is more advantageous to you and your family–not creditors.


It is important that you boldly pursue your wealth building goals and you have a “never quit” attitude as you pursue increasing your net worth and reaching the goals that are most significant to you and your family.


You can now manage your finances in a more aggressive, smarter and results oriented manner where the goals that you desire most stand a better chance of being reached.  And isn’t it wonderful to know that it all started by your decision to be more aggressive and also because you decided to operate daily by “igniting your own fire inside” so that you would have a “joyous and more rewarding” wealth building ride.


All the best as you “aggressively seek to build wealth” and improve your financial health….



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