Introduction to 1-2-3 Credit & Me

As of late there have been a number of inquiries about “what is inside” 1-2-3 Credit & Me, and many want to know how the book can assist those who desire to achieve lasting credit success in a more efficient manner, do just that.


In the following paragraphs you can learn what 1-2-3 Credit & Me is all about and further learn whether it is a book that can help you achieve your goals in a more efficient manner.  Many who have utilized this book call it the best kept secret in the personal credit environment.


You can now read the entire Introduction” in 1-2-3 Credit & Me and determine for yourself if this book has the potential to benefit you and your family in a rewarding and helpful manner at this time.


All the best…


Introduction 1-2-3 Credit & Me


Copyright© 2021, 2023 by Thomas (TJ) Underwood


All rights reserved.  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, except as may be expressly permitted by the 1976 Copyright Act or by the publisher.  Requests for permission should be made in writing and emailed to

Self-published in the United States by Thomas (TJ) Underwood


ISBN: 978-1-953994-08-0


Printed in the United States of America

©Thomas (TJ)) Underwood


Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Thomas (TJ) Underwood


1-2-3 Credit & Me: A concise and to the point guide on how you can simplify the management of your credit and finances and achieve the goals that you desire most in a more efficient and effective manner.


Printed in the United States of America


Text design by Thomas (TJ) Underwood



To my mom, (Nettie Ree Jones) who transitioned several months after the original publication of 1-2-3 Credit & Me in 2020 at the height of the COVID-19 Era, your wisdom and humility continues to provide guidance



Table of Contents




Chapter 1

Understanding Credit & Knowing the Purpose of Credit

Chapter Objective   

Learn what credit is and know what the purpose of credit is so that you can use credit effectively during your lifetime…


Chapter 2

Stabilizing, Improving & Maintaining Your Credit

Chapter Objective

Learn the steps that you must take to achieve your goals…


Chapter 3

Stabilizing Your Credit & Finance Position

Chapter Objective

Learn why you must stabilize your finances so that you can achieve more throughout your lifetime…


Chapter 4

Improving Your Current Credit Position

Chapter Objective

Learn how you can assess your current credit position so that you can improve your credit and finance position…


Chapter 5

Maintaining Your Credit & Finances

Chapter Objective

Learn how you can protect your identity, monitor your credit, and freeze your credit so that identity thieves and others won’t damage your credit position…


Chapter 6

Understanding Credit Reports & Credit Scoring so that You Can Manage Your Credit Optimally

Chapter Objective

Learn about credit reports and credit scoring so that you can use them effectively throughout your lifetime…


Chapter 7

Credit Resources that You Must Be Aware of if You Desire to Manage Your Credit Optimally

Chapter Objective

Learn how you can access personal credit and other helpful resources that can assist you as you manage your credit and finance position…


Chapter 8

Common Uses of Credit as You Build Wealth During Your Lifetime                                                                                            

Chapter Objective

Learn about credit card basics, common uses of credit and how you can use zero percent credit card promotions to improve your credit and finance position…


Chapter 9

Practical Management of Your Finances During Your Lifetime

Chapter Objective

Learn about common financial decisions that you must make as you improve your credit and finance position…


Chapter 10                                                                                      

Life Stage & Financial Planning

Chapter Objective

Learn how you can benefit financially by having a real understanding of where you are at in your financial life stage…


Chapter 11

The SIMPLE Approach to Managing Your Credit Optimally

Chapter Objective

Learn how you can stabilize, improve, maintain, plan, learn and execute your credit strategy during your lifetime…


APPENDIX A: Thomas (TJ) UnderwoodReal Estate Broker, Financial Planner, Author, Blogger                                                                                                                                        

APPENDIX B: TFA Financial Planning/                                                              

APPENDIX C: Advanced Credit & Finance Strategies                                                



1-2-3 Credit & Me provides SIMPLE strategies for managing your credit and finances effectively throughout your lifetime so that you can achieve more.

The key to building your credit and managing your finances optimally is to know deep within your heart and mind that you are “fully committed” toward taking the “action steps” that are necessary that will allow you to manage your credit and finances more effectively so that you can reach your goals.

Will you be content with where you now are and “not put into action” the steps that can get you to a higher level of wealth building success?

Will you move daily by happenstance and not have a plan to manage your credit and finances effectively throughout your lifetime?

It is important that you are never complacent as you manage your credit and finances!

You must keep moving forward and do your best to grow and improve in the management of your credit and finances during your lifetime so that you can build wealth more efficiently and not let creditors determine the direction that your life will go!

Although you may desire to manage your credit easily and quickly you must realize that “work by you” will be required on the front end if you are to maximize your credit from this day forward.

However, the management of your credit can be made easier over time and you can achieve more throughout your lifetime by “putting in the effort on the front end” at this time by gaining the appropriate knowledge that will lead to continuous success.

Although credit repair companies can be found in abundance—it is important for you to “personally” get a handle on what you can do to improve your credit and finances at this time.  You must know the ins and outs of how you can manage and/or improve (repair) your credit effectively by taking “appropriate action” yourself.

Do you have a multimillion-dollar dream with a lackluster work ethic (procrastination rules the day in your life) that is preventing you from achieving more?

If you do what is necessary at this time as it relates to your credit and finances—you can learn and apply what you need to learn and apply, and you will have what it takes inside of your mind and heart to make what you desire most happen (achieve your goals) in your credit and financial life.

Once you obtain and apply the proper knowledge you will make the management of your credit look SIMPLE—however you must put in the required effort on the front end.


1-2-3 Credit & Me is designed to give you the pressing knowledge along with inspiring and easy to follow steps on how you can apply that knowledge so that you can manage your credit effectively and position yourself for a lifetime of wealth building success.

The annual vacations that you dream about can happen, purchasing or moving up to your dream home can occur, donating to and volunteering at your favorite charity can occur, retiring in a manner that allows you to have the needed funds to enjoy life and leave a legacy for your heirs can occur.

You have within you what it takes to make credit and finance management look easy!

However, knowing and applying what you need to know and apply in a manner that serves your best interest must be your guidepost—and it will take “committed effort” on your part to get the ball rolling.

Did you know that hard work and smart work leads to wealth?

Did you know that lying, cheating, and taking advantage of others will never take you to where you need or want to be?

You don’t have to cheat your way through life or be left in the dark as to how credit works and with the creation of 1-2-3 Credit & Me you now have access to a blueprint that allows you to use credit effectively so that you can reach your goals more efficiently!

Now is the time that you change, grow, and move toward what is meaningful and important in your life!  Isn’t it time that you do what you were put on earth to do, at a level that is the absolute best that is within you!

It is important to realize that the “unwise use of credit” can (or already has) lead to you getting into a difficult financial position without your knowledge, when it could have in many cases been avoided.


It is also important that you realize that adversity and unwanted occurrences may occur in your life to help strengthen and guide you toward the success that is already yours.

It is important that you currently “plan for and expect adversity and unwanted occurrences to occur while you journey toward your goals” while you are here on planet earth.

You must also come to expect success throughout your lifetime.

Success may occur to remind you that greatness is yours when you decide that it is you who must take the necessary steps toward success on a consistent basis!

1-2-3 Credit & Me is designed to get you out of your ordinary routine and help you think in “extra-ordinary terms” about the management of your credit and assist you in a meaningful and significant way as you manage your credit and finances from day to day.

You can then “put into action” what you learn so that you can improve the living conditions for yourself and your family in a way that makes sense and will take you to a new level of excellence.

Now is the time that you get updated, uplifted, and inspired as you manage your credit during your lifetime.

You must stay motivated as that is the key to your future success!

It is your responsibility to recognize that you must gain the knowledge that is needed to manage your credit responsibly.


It is important that you list your financial priorities—goals, dreams, desires and use 1-2-3 Credit & Me to get started on a credit and finance journey that will lead to continuous success.

It is also important for you to stabilize, improve and maintain your credit during the various stages in your life so that you can achieve more throughout your life.

Depending on where you now are in the management of your credit and finances, you must keep in mind that for a time period you may have to live beneath your means and make your money grow, create a budget, cut expenses—and use your thinking and creativity to reach your goals and optimize your use of credit so that credit works better for you and your family.

In 1-2-3 Credit & Me you can learn how to do it right by creating systems and developing strategies that will take you to where you need or desire to be in a more efficient manner.

You must always realize that that hope, wishing, and praying is not a plan, but is a good starting point in many instances!

You must remain active and engaged as you pursue your goals!

Always remember that faith and patience go hand in hand when you are facing adversity and pursuing your goals.

However, you also need a highly effective written plan of action that will direct you and take you to a place that you know you can go, or a place that you need to go.

Faith, patience, and the right plan of action can take you where you need or want to be.  You can now rejoice in knowing that better days are ahead, and you can now get to those days in a more efficient manner.

And just as you have overcome and moved forward in all situations in your life, you can now learn how to once and for all effectively manage your credit so that you can avoid financial strife!

Who, what, when, where, why, and how are questions that you must ask at this time as it relates to your personal credit and personal finances!

Most importantly, you must decide at this time “why” will you decide to manage your credit better at this time?


In 1-2-3 Credit & Me you will learn that all the effort that you will put forth works together toward the improvement of your credit and finances!

If you know the right moves to make and you are highly motivated to see your success with clarity, nothing can take away your joy or prevent you from achieving your credit and financial goals once you put your plan in place!

You must “know” what you plan to do and what you need to do so that you can live daily with a high level of joy and certainty in your life.  You get strong by going through and overcoming any adversity that you have or may face and planning a way out that makes sense—and by utilizing a system or approach that you sincerely believe in.

In 1-2-3 Credit & Me, Thomas (TJ) Underwood utilizes over 20 years of experience that he has gained as a fee-only financial planner, top producing loan processor and current status as a Real Estate Broker serving the Atlanta metropolitan area, to help ensure that you achieve the success that you desire in a manner that is realistic and focused.

Thomas (TJ) Underwood knows from firsthand experience that faith comes from adversity and an unwavering belief on the inside of you that the dreams that you pursue will come true.

You must believe that effective credit and finance management by you can occur and will occur!

You must make a way toward reaching the goals that you desire a priority.  It is important that you know “in the time certain” when your goals need to be reached and will be reached.  Therefore, it is important that you put your most important goals in writing so that you are more focused, and you will pursue those goals at a level that is the best that is within you.

Isn’t it time that you plan something bigger than you ever imagined! 


1-2-3 Credit & Me—utilizes proven systems that have worked over many years and will help guide you toward the credit and finance success that you deserve.  By reading this book and taking the outlined steps that are designed to move you forward in a sincere way you are in good company and your future success will be much more likely to occur!

Always realize that what you are and do, will outlast what others say you are!

Now is the time to keep your head up, move forward and achieve at a level that is your absolute best!

Those who desire real success see past the short term and look down the road and see the big picture!

Long-term potential must be seen in advance by you!  In the “big picture” you must not see the adversity that you are or will face, as adversity is to be expected as you journey here on planet earth.

You must see “at this time” what you are going to achieve “at a later time” with unwavering clarity!

However, you must always know that adversity will occur, and you must expect it and respond appropriately to adversity–if you are to achieve at an optimal level on a consistent basis!

Even though you must learn to expect delays when adversity and other negative occurrences raise its ugly head, you must still see and expect success in a relatively time certain manner as well!

In life, things will on occasion take longer than expected and cost more than you estimated.  In many instances delays are to be expected—however success on a continuous basis by you is also to be expected.

What is your motive for wanting to improve your credit and finances at this time?

Just wanting to do something for the wrong reason is not appropriate!  Your motivations must align with your goals at this time if you desire to achieve optimally.

No one can stand between you—and God’s plan for your life at this time!

There is a set time for everything on earth in due season!  By purchasing 1-2-3 Credit & Me, you have made a wise decision and the potential for you to attain major success toward reaching your financial goals lie in front of you.

Always realize that empty rhetoric sounds good but does nothing to move you forward effectively!  Having the potential to do something means that you have not done it, however you must know in your heart and mind that you will!

You can now get the pleasures of life that you know you deserve, pursue what you desire to occur most with passion, live daily knowing your purpose and live daily with joy on the inside of you, because you know daily that you are moving closer to making your dreams come true.

Whether you are pursuing your goals out of necessity or have a dream or idea inside of you that you are highly motivated to achieve, you must move to action and develop a plan for your life.

It is the desire of Thomas (TJ) Underwood that 1-2-3 Credit & Me, will meet a need in your life at this time—and you too will begin to prosper and continue to prosper in all areas throughout your lifetime by purchasing this book.

You must confront your fears!  Your future is bigger than you ever imagined!  What you desire most at this time can take on a life of its own!


Ask yourself the following questions as you read 1-2-3 Credit & Me:


Hand—what’s in mine (dreams, images, thoughts)

Head—what’s in my mind (dreams, images, thoughts)

Heart—what do I really desire (dreams, images, thoughts)


If you don’t ask yourself the right questions, you won’t get the right answers!

The ability to manage your credit effectively is already in you—in your hand, your head, and your heart.  You must believe and know that you are a restorer!  You must think deeply about your future and make a committed effort toward a new start!

When you focus on the wrong things you limit your ability to focus on the right things that might be right in front of you—and is really something that you need to do!

In life many things that occur may seem menial or insignificant!

However, if you use what is in your hand and pursue your life purpose—common becomes mighty when God anoints it, and you are determined to pursue it!


What is in your hand, under your care or under your control?

What is in your head, under your care or under your control?

What is in your heart, under your care or under your control?


Happy and joyous people are resilient, they don’t let adversity get them down!

Past and present failures must not get you down!  Pain must not get you down—you are still alive, and you must thrive!

You must now begin (or continue) to hang around others who are excelling and moving forward despite the challenges of life!

You must dream big and apply yourself and take your mind off the shelf!  You must now put the necessary information in your hand, head and heart so that you can truly set yourself apart.

You do the natural—God does the supernatural!  You give it your absolute best—God will do the absolute rest!

You provide yourself the nucleus to achieve success by making an unwavering commitment to pursue success at a level that is your absolute best!

You must live your life in a manner where you are comforted, lifted, and fully convinced of the outcome(s).  Joy and happiness on a daily basis must live inside of you.  You deserve all that and more inside of your mind and heart daily.

What separates 1-2-3 Credit & Me from other credit books on the market is that the presentation of the information and advice is in a manner that is designed to get you the results that you need to get in the management of your credit in as effective and efficient a manner as possible and directs you toward those ends in a “comprehensive manner” that works with your mind—not against it.

If you are living in denial about your current finances, you will never produce results that are in your best interest!

It is not uncommon that you don’t know what you don’t know when it comes to managing your credit and finances!

1-2-3 Credit & Me is designed to work with your mind (not against it) and provide you the credit and finance knowledge and understanding that you need by presenting information that you need to know and act on in a manner that you will be inspired to act on!

Uncommon will become common as you read 1-2-3 Credit & Me and you will position yourself for a lifetime of success.

The credit and finance systems that you are about to learn in 1-2-3 Credit & Me is divided into eleven chapters.  This book is designed to be read one chapter at a time and in corresponding order.  Please pay special attention to information that you see in quotes, underlined, in bold or italicized.

When you complete this book, you should have a comprehensive perspective about how you can manage and improve your credit and finances in a more intelligent, consistent, and proactive manner.  Once you have completed this book you can go back and refocus on what you feel is most important to you and your future success.


In Chapter 1, you will learn what credit is and learn what the purpose of credit is, as it relates to your financial success.  You will learn how to use credit effectively so that you can achieve more in less time.

You will also learn about credit repair companies and the latest changes in the credit industry.

In Chapter 2, you will learn the steps that you can take to stabilize, improve, and maintain your credit so that you can achieve your goals.

In Chapter 3, you will learn the process of stabilizing your credit and finances in more detail so that you can achieve more throughout your lifetime.

You will learn how you can use personal financial statements to your benefit and stabilize your finances so that you can achieve more.

In Chapter 4, you will learn the process of improving your credit and finances in more detail so that you can achieve more throughout your lifetime.  You will learn about “the five credit factors” in a way that you can utilize effectively throughout your lifetime.  You will also learn about all areas of your finances that you must address if you are to achieve at an optimal level.

In Chapter 5, you will learn the process of maintaining your credit and finances so that you can achieve more throughout your lifetime.  Once you get your credit in the range that you desire, you want to ensure that it stays in that range.

Identity protection measures and credit protection measures will be looked at in greater detail so that you can move forward at the various stages of your life with confidence as it relates to your credit.

In Chapter 6, you will learn about credit reports and credit scoring, so that you can use them effectively throughout your lifetime.

In Chapter 7, you will learn about credit resources that you can use to manage your credit and finances at an optimal level throughout the various stages in your life.  You will also learn about 6 credit dispute letters that have been utilized in the real world that provided positive results for those who disputed their credit.

In Chapter 8, you will learn about credit card basics, common uses of credit and how you can use credit in various transactions during your lifetime.

In Chapter 9, you will learn about common financial decisions that you must make as you improve your credit and finance position along with a deeper understanding of managing your finances from a more comprehensive perspective.

In Chapter 10, you will learn how you can benefit from having a practical understanding of where you are at in your financial life stage.  By having a keen understanding of the four life stages you can plan better and make reaching many of your goals more realistic.

In Chapter 11, you will take everything that you have learned in the previous 10 chapters and develop it into a cohesive approach (The SIMPLE Approach) that you can use daily, weekly, or monthly to achieve at your highest level of excellence as it relates to your credit and finances.

You will pull together a “series of mental tools and strategies” that you can use to approach your credit and finances in a manner that can lead to you managing your financial affairs at a level that is your absolute best.

Let us now begin on a straightforward and practical journey through your mind and show you in a detailed way how you can use wiser credit and finance management techniques to achieve lasting financial success.

By putting into action what you will learn in this book, you can use credit in a wiser manner and become one of the savviest money managers on earth.



“Pray and wait—your results won’t be as great. Pray and action—will lead to a higher level of satisfaction!”