High Performance & Wealth Building

Learn why you must climb your own mountain, if you desire to reach the wealth building peak that you seek…


It is important that you set goals that are high, and you are motivated at a performance level that forces you to ask why!  By doing so you put yourself in position to achieve more and improve your financial score.


You must have an appreciation for the way that you manage your finances and build wealth and you must realize that managing your credit and finances more effectively is a choice, even if you are feeling overwhelmed at this time.   You must come to the realization that inaction works against your long-term success in a major way!


In this discussion TheWealthIncreaser.com will discuss the importance of why you must aim high if you are to reach your peak that is high up in the sky–and this discussion is designed to provide you the needed guidance so that you can address the “details” of your finances more effectively so that you can build wealth in a meaningful way!


By setting goals that you plan on putting in effort to achieve–you are showing that you truly believe

Why dream small when you can choose not to dream at all?  You must set goals that forces you to reach higher towards what you truly desire.


Your goal is to stretch your mind toward what is meaningful and significant to you so that you can reach higher and make what you really desire come true.


Why set mediocre goals that you may or may not achieve when you can reach higher and make what you desire a reality–if you truly believe!


By learning the key areas of your credit that you must master–you are showing that you are not made of plaster

You want to get to a point where you have mastery over your credit–if you are in a position where you will have to utilize credit.


You must know how negative information and a positive payment history will affect your credit from day one, as well as how you utilize your credit, the time length of your accounts in your credit file and type of credit affects your credit and credit score.


Finally, you want to know how inquiries or the lack thereof, affects your credit and credit score.


By knowing what you must do comprehensively to make your dreams come true–you are showing that you are on path to doing what you need to do

In life, nothing meaningful and significant comes easy!  Therefore, you must decide at this time that you are willing to put in the effort that is necessary to achieve at a higher level and bring the dreams that you desire into reality.


You want to have a comprehensive perspective about your finances and you want to know at all times that managing your insurance, investments, taxes, emergency fund, education planning, estate planning/wills and retirement planning at an optimal level, provides you more options at the various stages of your life.



Your ability to aim high and seek goals that you may have never contemplated–but you now decide to contemplate with a deep level of thought–may be what lights a fire inside your mind and heart and leads you on a more serious journey toward achieving what you desire while you are now on planet earth.


You must realize that you have untapped talents and abilities that are lying dormant in you at this time and are awaiting to be tapped into by you–NOW!


Climb higher, reach higher and stretch your mind toward what is truly possible as you journey on planet earth–the place of your birth and the place where YOU determine your self-worth–and the net worth that you desire, because you control the decision to reach higher and higher!


All the best as you perform at your highest level and achieve untold success…



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Control & Wealth Building

Learn why you must control what happens with your finances if you desire to build wealth more efficiently…


It is important that you attack your finances in a manner where you are in control as the goal–as by doing so you can achieve much more.


Your goal is to solve your financial dilemma, before you have a financial dilemma!  And just as those who marched on Washington 60 years ago today dreamed big, so must you also want to dream big and not let others who have a limited dream–put their limitations on you!  You must set boundaries to protect your self-worth and you must know that your self-worth is far more important than your net-worth in the long run.  When you know you are in control, you live up to your expectations of yourself–not others expectation of you.


In this discussion TheWealthIncreaser.com will discuss the importance of controlling the management of your finances so that you can improve upon your finances in “all” areas.


The Importance of Controlling Your Finances

It is very important that you realize “right now” that you can control your actions now and achieve so much more as it relates to your financial future and the building of wealth.


By gaining control of your finances at the earliest time possible, you can position yourself to acquire more assets during your working years, protect your assets, and gift your assets while you are alive and even after you transition.


What You Gain by Controlling Your Finances

You control your finances by knowing your monthly cash flow, having mastery over how you manage your credit and applying key concepts in the areas of insurance, investments, taxes, emergency fund, education planning, estate planning/wills and retirement planning so that you can set yourself and your family up for a more prosperous future.


You will reach your goals in a timelier manner and that could help free up time so that you can sincerely do what you enjoy and live out your life in a more bountiful manner.


Why You Must Continue to Control Your Finances Throughout Your Lifetime

It is important to have a long-term perspective of why you must manage your finances comprehensively, along with a plan of how you will manage your finances more efficiently.


You must also have a plan in place to periodically review–if you truly desire to make your dreams come true.  By doing so you can leave worry, anxiety, fear, frustration, lack of effort and procrastination behind you–exactly where it should be.



Always realize that time is one of the greatest gifts ever given to you–and you have the ability to control how you utilize your time as well as control your daily actions as it relates to effective management of your finances.


You must realize that you can do far more than you are currently doing when it comes to the effective management of your finances.  You control your thought process, the decision making as it relates to what you are willing to learn and the actions that you will take on a consistent basis.


You control how you will save and invest and address your finances in a comprehensive manner!


You want to get to a point where you “never” discount yourself or your value–others may be against you, but you don’t have to be against yourself, as you control your actions and the direction of your future.  By changing your perspective about how you can control your future you will get to your destination faster.


You will face adversity along the way–but look at that as being you are that much closer to reaching your destination.  You must have the right attitude about things you don’t like or things that don’t go your way.


You must convince yourself of your ability to control your future!


In spite of the control over your finances that you may have (or will soon get), the greatest gift that you can give to others may be your time–and by controlling your finances effectively, you can open up more time to “spend” with your loved ones and create memories that will be lasting–primarily because you were in them and you used your time wisely by spending much of it with the ones you love.


Isn’t it time you open up a CAN of Success by truly deciding to give it your best?  You must control your actions now so that the success that you desire for yourself, and your family can materialize in real-time!


Now is the time that you “do more” so that you can open a new door and truly soar!


All the best as “you control your mind” and reach a higher level of financial and life success…


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Precision & Wealth Building

Learn what you must do to precisely improve your finances…


It is important that you attack your finances with precision as a major goal–as by doing so you can achieve so much more.


In this discussion TheWealthIncreaser.com will discuss the importance of precisely analyzing and improving upon your finances in all areas.


And just as it is important that all of the tools that are necessary for the successful launch of a rocket is in place, so too is it important that you have the mental tools that will take you where you desire to go as you manage your credit and finances.


You must aim high if you are to exceed the sky

It is important that you formulate goals at this time that are significant and meaningful to you so that you can move to action more energetically and do what you need to do.  You must be as diligent as you can as you pursue all of your goals and particularly your wealth building goals.


Your goal is to set meaningful goals and have a serious intention on achieving what you desire most.  You must also have the willingness and determination to operate in excellence as you work toward your goals and by aiming high you put yourself on track to do just that.


What do you desire in the immediate-term, the short-term, the intermediate-term and the long-term?


These are the types of questions that you must ask, if the goals that you are aiming for are to become a reality!


You must put together a plan for achievement that has a timeline and is measurable

You must also put together written plans in key areas that you want to address and have a timetable for reaching those goals as a point of reference to see how well (or poorly) you are moving toward achieving those goals.


Whether you desire to manage your finances on a monthly and annual basis with more precision, manage your credit with more precision or manage any or all areas of your finances with more precision–you put in motion the steps to make it happen by not only formulating the goals that you desire most–but also by having a timetable for accomplishment so that you can determine how well or poorly you have performed (hit your target).


You must review, in the event that your precise goals go off track and must be created anew

Even if you fail to precisely reach your goals in the planned time frame, you must still have the determination to continue and move forward.  You may have to reformulate your goals and the timetable for achievement–however you must still know that those goals will be achieved!


From time-to-time you must also re-calibrate your mind so that you can see your future from a different vantage point or angle.


By doing so you can come up with new ideas and expand your creative energy and find ways of achieving your goals in a manner that is more enlightening and energetic–as you will gain more energy as a result of something that you came up with or created.




By attacking all areas of your finances in a precise manner you have already won–it’s already done–and it is the action steps that you put in place and will follow at a determined level, that will make it all happen!


Your decision to formulate goals that you believe in at this time–and pursue those goals with a high level of energy and enthusiasm is what can take you precisely where you need to be as you strive to achieve new goals so that you can truly be who you were meant to be.


And always remember that when you occasionally go off target (adversity raises its ugly head) you must still give it your best and expect success!


All the best as you precisely do what you need to do to make your dreams come true…


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Gain more precision about the goals that you desire to achieve most by visiting:


About more on precision

About this site (realty-1-strategic-advisors.com)

About this site (the-best-atlanta-real-estate-advice.com)

About this site (TheWealthIncreaser.com)


Learn whether you have the clarity and focus that is needed to manage your finances in a comprehensive manner…


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Mind Orientation & Wealth Building

Learn why you must position your thought process to see the wealth building success that you desire or need to achieve…


In the current economic environment, it is important that you position or orient your mind toward success as it relates to building your wealth.


And with uncertainty and upheaval running rampant in many areas of society, now is a great time to reposition or orient your mind to achieve lasting financial success—if you are now ready to give it your absolute best.


In this discussion TheWealthIncreaser.com will emphasize the importance of why you must orient your mind towards the goals that you desire so that you can pursue those goals with more fire—as you reach higher and higher!


  • Determine where you are now at (utilize the 3 Step Approach to properly orient your mind for wealth building success)

As you ponder your future it is important that you orient your mind for success as you build wealth.


You want to know what your cash flow is and make improvements that may be needed.  You want to know what your annual income and expenses are and make improvements where you can.  You want to know what you own and what you owe so that you can know your net worth at this time.


You want to know how you manage your credit and how you can possibly do it better!


You want to know how you can analyze and improve upon your insurance, investments, taxes, emergency fund, education planning, estate planning wills and retirement planning as all of that knowledge can put you in a better position for lasting success.


  • Make improvements when you can

You want to analyze and improve upon your cash flow so that you can increase your cash flow if you need to, cut expenses if you need to–or do a combination of the 2 if you need to.


You also want to improve in the ways that you manage your credit and also improve upon your management of insurance, investments, taxes, emergency fund, education planning, estate planning wills and retirement planning.


By having a mindset of continuous improvement, you can put yourself in position for growth and managing your finances in a more efficient manner.


  • Review on a consistent basis

After putting into effect plans for improvement of your finances in all areas, it is important that you continuously review to more effectively ensure that your dreams will come true.


By looking at how you have progressed or regressed with your finances, you can get your mind to come up with new ways of looking at and solving financial dilemma’s that will undoubtedly occur as you are in the process of building wealth.


While you manage your insurance, investments, taxes, emergency fund, education planning, estate planning/wills and retirement planning—you want to think about creative and new ways in which you can improve in each area at the various stages of your life.



By orienting your mind toward analyzing your cash flow and making improvements when and where you can, analyzing your credit and making improvements when and where you can and analyzing how you manage all areas of your finances and making improvements when and where you can—you will be in a new position and not where you now stand—and you can position yourself to reach a new level of success that will be grand.


By mastering what you have learned above you can orient your mind for success throughout your lifetime as you build wealth and control your financial destiny so that you can enjoy life on your terms!


And just as app developers create code to direct you in a more focused way–so must you orient your mind (with the right code) so that you can focus on your finances in a more intelligent, consistent, and proactive manner which can potentially better direct you toward what you plan or need to do so that you are on cue toward making your dreams come true!


You must not do like many who manage or mismanage their finances do—they orient their mind toward failure in ways they don’t realize by letting worry, anxiety, fear, frustration, lack of effort and excuses that they allow inside of their mind and heart do their orchestrated part—rule the day (dominate and consciously or subconsciously control their thoughts and actions) in their lives.


Your goal is to do the opposite, you must see the success that you desire in clear terms and pursue that success as if it has already occurred because you “know” that success will be realized!


You must orient your mind toward positive qualities that you now have or may need to develop, so that success is more likely to occur—and the success that you desire rules the day in your life on a more consistent basis!


You must have the commitment, focus, discipline, energy, intelligence and a desire to set goals that you believe in and plan on making happen during your lifetime!   And those goals must operate at the forefront of your thought process daily if you are to sincerely reach them!


By doing so you will orient your mind toward lasting success that will be yours for the taking if you do what you need to do consistently.


By having the inclination to build wealth more effectively and landing on this site—you have found a site that can provide you lasting direction as it relates to your finances and provides you a radically different view of how you look at your finances and financial future from this day forward.


Isn’t it time that you discover what it takes to attain lasting success and isn’t it time you direct your thoughts toward true success.  Isn’t it “time” that you pursue what you are interested in and passionate about at a higher level of intensity so that you can permanently orient your mind for a lifetime of success?


Isn’t it time you make the decision to see your future with “clear vision” so that you can achieve your goals with more precision?


All the best as you are now in position to “orient your mind” toward financial success and build wealth efficiently so that you will have a much bigger financial nest…


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Deficit Spending & Wealth Building

Learn how understanding how you spend your money can lead to more effective wealth building throughout your lifetime….


It is important that you know how you spend your hard-earned money on a monthly and annual basis as that knowledge can help you achieve more throughout your lifetime.


You may often hear of “deficit spending” as it relates to government spending at the local, state and federal level, but did you know that as an individual or household you can also have deficit spending that may be working against your long-term wealth building success and the goals that you desire to achieve during your lifetime.


In this discussion TheWealthIncreaser.com will discuss the importance of you knowing at the earliest time possible if you are deficit spending so that you can correct that situation–or avoid it all together in your future if you now have positive cash flow on a monthly and annual basis.


Know Your Cash Flow Position

It is important to determine at the earliest time possible your monthly cash flow–and by creating a monthly cash flow statement (budget) you can get a feel of how you are doing financially.  If your monthly income is $10,000 and your monthly outflow is $11,000, you are operating at a deficit of $1,000 per month–or deficit spending of $12,000 on an annual basis.


If after doing your cash flow analysis you determine that you are operating at a deficit you want to determine immediately if this approach is wise or the best use of your money management skills if you are one who desire to build wealth and increase your net worth to a designated level that allows you to enjoy life on your terms?


In most cases it is not wise if you desire long-term success, and you want to take steps to correct the deficit spending if you now operate at a deficit or avoid deficit spending in your future if you are now in a positive cash flow position.


Do Something About Your Cash Flow Position

You do something about your deficit spending by taking the results of your cash flow analysis and cut expenses where you can, get more income where you can or doing a combination of the two.


If your cash flow is not at an acceptable level and you lack the discretionary income to reach your goals and live out your life on a monthly and annual basis at a level of comfort that you desire or need to live at–it, is YOU who must do something about that.


You may have to get a second job, eliminate or reduce expenses where you can and put in place a written plan to pay off your debt so that your financial ratios will improve–along with your living conditions and net worth.


Review on Occasion & Make Adjustments Where Necessary

You must also review on occasion to help ensure that you don’t get into a deficit spending position again–or avoid it altogether if you are fortunate to have never operated at a deficit or are not operating at a deficit at this time.


Once you get your finances at a manageable level and you are on an upward path toward achieving your goals you want to have the mindset that you must on occasion review if you sincerely desire to make your dreams come true.


By making adjustments and responding positively to adversity that will undoubtedly occur, you are showing a level of determination and maturity that will stand the test of time.




Your effective management of your money on a monthly and annual basis is critical for your wealth building success over the course of your lifetime.


By getting out in front of your spending at this time you can more effectively manage your spending and gain the additional skills that you may need to manage your money more effectively–and avoid “deficit spending” that has held far too many people back–and they were not able to achieve their most important goals!


Your goal is to perform at your highest level as it relates to your finances so that you can get the results that you desire–and the content on TheWealthIncreaser.com is designed to take your thought level higher so that you can avoid a “deficit spending quagmire” and live more abundantly when you ultimately retire!


You don’t want to have to overuse credit, tap into your savings accounts, emergency fund accounts, retirement accounts or other accounts to maintain your living standards!


By creating a “cash flow written plan” for success you can get out of–or avoid getting into–a deficit spending financial mess!


You can put yourself in position for lasting success and it all starts by analyzing your finances at this time and making positive moves so whether you now operate at a deficit or surplus, YOU win in the end.


All the best as you manage your spending and avoid being a bust, because in today’s economy–wise money management is a must…


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Knowledge, Enthusiasm, Guidance & Wealth Building

Learn how “a KEG of this” can enhance your wealth building efforts…


It is important that you have a certain level of knowledge as you pursue your wealth building efforts.  Although you don’t have to be an expert, you must have a yearning or strong desire to achieve optimally as it relates to building wealth.


You can increase your Knowledge level, Enthusiasm level and obtain the Guidance  that you desire, so that you can truly reach higher and avoid a financial fire!


In this discussion TheWealthIncreaser.com will attempt to point you towards greater wealth building success by providing you the knowledge that you need along with the guidance that you need–however you must bring the enthusiasm that you need–so that you can truly succeed–as you continue to read.


Increase Your Knowledge Level

Your desire to increase your knowledge base and improve your financial management skills are evident by the fact that you are visiting this page.  By gaining the knowledge that you need on the front end, you can position yourself for a much greater financial future where you can do more of what you desire, and hence enjoy life more fully.


By increasing your knowledge base about your finances in an intelligent, consistent and proactive manner, you are preparing your mind and heart for a more successful financial management future where the skills that you gain can be applied effectively.


Increase Your Enthusiasm Level

You must bring a strong desire and willingness to not only learn what you need to know; you must also be willing in a strong way to apply what you are learning when it is in your best interest to do so–thereby providing you the potential to truly grow.


You must at this time gear your mind up to pursue your goals with passion, as by doing so you can open a new door and achieve so much more!


You must turn up your motor and rev up your motivational level so that you can put yourself in greater position for success.


Increase Your Guidance Level

You must pursue your path to success with more precision and following a path that is proven and will get you the desired results and take you where you want–or need to be will go a long way in helping you reach your goal(s).


Your path to financial success can be made easier by you following a proven path that leaves failure behind in the wind exactly where it should be–and provides the needed direction and insight that allows you to thrive–while you are alive so that you can truly arrive!


Your decision to land on this page and site could be the “springboard to success” that you need so that you can from this day forward give it your absolute best as you build your financial nest and permanently put failure to rest.



Your determination to pursue the knowledge that you need can prepare you for major success in your future.  You no longer have to approach your financial management in a fearful or frustrated manner as you can now effectively plan your future with the guidance that can help ensure success–right from the start–if you are now ready to engage your mind and heart and otherwise do your part.


It is your responsibility to bring the proper focus, commitment level, motivational level–and other successful qualities to the table if you desire to achieve at a higher level and sincerely reach the goals that you desire most.


You can now give yourself a toast–at your own roast, because you decided to give it your most as a result of visiting this post!


All the best as you take down a KEG and achieve major success…


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Synergy & Wealth Building

Learn how you can “synergize” your wealth building efforts so that you can attain the goals that you desire most…


It is important that the goals that you formulate and the path that you choose to take to reach those goals are in balance or are all working together (synergizing) if you are to achieve at your highest level of excellence as you build wealth.


In this discussion TheWealthIncreaser.com will stress the importance of looking at your finances in a comprehensive or “all encompassing” manner so that you can see the “big picture” and attain more in all areas of your finances so that you can build wealth more effectively.


Have an overview of what your personal finances entail–right from the start

By learning how you can create a personal budget or cash flow statement, create a personal income statement and create a personal balance sheet, you can determine and know your net worth at this time–and ways that you can manage your money better in your future.


Furthermore, you want to learn how to have mastery over your credit in order to prevent lenders and creditors from benefiting off of your lack of knowledge as it relates to your credit management.


And most importantly, you want to know how to manage your insurance, investments, taxes, emergency fund, education planning, estate planning/wills and retirement planning from a position of strength!


By doing so you would be in position to know in a comprehensive manner what lies out in front of you in the financial realm of your life, and you would be in a better position to make your dreams come true.


Do your absolute best to put in place a financial management plan that you learned above in a manner that works best for you and your family

Now that you know what you need to do, you must implement to your advantage what needs to be addressed as best you can.  Your strong desire for improvement and doing your money management more effectively is now more realistic as you now have a blueprint that lays it all out.


You must have a sincere approach and the determination, dedication, commitment and mental fortitude to really strive at your highest level of excellence toward the goals that you seek–or the goals that can improve your living conditions.   By formulating goals that you believe in and taking the right action on a consistent basis– you can win the majority of your races.


The personal budget or cash flow statement, personal income statement and personal balance sheet, that you are now aware of and have the opportunity to put into action for your greater benefit must be done at this time–if you desire to achieve at your highest level throughout your lifetime.  You also want to take steps annually to improve upon your net worth so that you can enjoy life more and volunteer or donate to your favorite causes and take the vacations that you know you deserve–along with pursuing other goals that you may have that are uniquely your own.


Do periodic review to ensure that the plan that you put in place is operating as intended–or is operating in a way that does what needs to be done to move you and your family forward–efficiently

Even with the best of intentions, your (or your financial planners) plans may not go as designed and will need tweaking on occasion.  You want to formulate your mindset at this time to always know that you will have to continually review–in order to make your dreams come true.


And always know that adversity or unwanted occurrences will happen as you build your wealth–and that is to be expected, but so is your future success!


By reviewing your personal budget or cash flow statement, your personal income statement and your personal balance sheet, that you (or your financial planner) created, reviewing how you manage your credit and reviewing how you manage all areas of your finances in a systematic way–you put in motion the processes so that you can truly enjoy a better day.



As you build wealth you must utilize strategies so that all that you do works together to help you get on a more efficient path that will help you reach your goals in a manner that optimizes your opportunity for success.


Your determination level, commitment level and the passion that you have on the inside of you will be maximized so that you remain energized because you decided to synergize your efforts as you pursued the goals that are the most endearing to your heart.


By looking at your finances in a more congruent manner you will reduce the stress in your life and worry, anxiety, fear, frustration, lack of effort and excuses will be greatly reduced or will be a thing of your past.


It is very important that you at this time contemplate how changes that occur throughout your life will affect your wealth building plans, how inflation will affect your purchasing power in the future, how a properly funded emergency fund will help you avoid future risks, how you must anticipate how the economy will move in the near term and far term and why approaching your finances comprehensively is a must in today’s economy.


You want to analyze your insurance products at this time, your investments at this time, your ability to reduce or eliminate your taxes at this time, your ability to plan effectively for rising educational costs that you or your children will incur, your need to pass things to your family in a time-efficient manner that is private, your ability to plan for your retirement in a manner that makes sense to you–along with other concerns that you may have.


It is important to look at how the above 3 steps will “all work together” to help you ensure that your goals are attained, and you are able to maximize your wealth building efforts from this day forward.


By effectively implementing the three steps above your life will take a turn for the better and momentum and effective money management will come as a matter of course–if you put forth the required effort and you are passionate about the goals that you seek.


Synergy is the combined action or operation of a harmonious occurrence or happening and you want to have it working to your advantage as you manage your finances and build wealth!


Speaking of harmony–synergy can also work against you as in the case of the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com.  While creating this blog a toothache, lower back pain, knee pain and foot pain was all occurring simultaneously or synergistically and working in conjunction to cause intense pain throughout my body.


However, whether the occurrence was harmonious is debatable, as the effect was not pleasing (LOL)!


Nevertheless, instead of getting down, the inspiration to create this page occurred–and also spurred the inspiration to create the following poem to benefit you and others who traverse this great universe:



I am in pain from head to toe, however I am still on the go

My vision for success is crystal clear, because I’ve taken and implemented new steps this year

I am on my way to more success each and every day

The missteps that I use to take–I no longer make

Even though I feel pain from head to toe–I know that it will all go

I am living abundantly because I can truly see

I am at this time living in my purpose of what I was truly meant to be

I am the success that I desire because I always reach higher

I now know that I am the one who must ignite my own fire inside my heart–so that I can truly set myself apart

I AM success if I decide daily to give it my absolute best

From this day forward my thoughts of failure have been permanently put to rest


In life you must overcome all adversity and put in place a plan that you believe in that is unstoppable and takes you where you need or desire to be!


All the best as you maximize your path toward wealth building success…


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Money Management 202 & Wealth Building

Learn if you know your money management personality and how you can build wealth more efficiently…


In the current economy many are facing difficult challenges as rising costs and insufficient income has caused undue hardship in the lives of many who are trying to manage their finances and stay above water.


Whether you manage your money and finances effectively or ineffectively, it is important that you know “how you manage your money” and ways that you can possibly do your money management in a more advantageous way for you and your family.


In this discussion TheWealthIncreaser.com will discuss in clear terms how you can use “effective money management” to build upon your current money management skills so that you can achieve more throughout your lifetime.


Ask the right questions so that you know how you manage your money

Do you spend more or less than you take in on a weekly, monthly or annual basis or do you even have a clue?  Do you have funds properly set aside for unseen emergencies such as your washer or dryer going out, HVAC issues, car breakdowns and other emergencies, or do you lack the understanding of “why” you even need an emergency fund?


If you are a homeowner, do you have appropriate insurance coverage?  If you were to sell your home right now how much cash would you walk away with?


Do you know the interest rate(s) that you are paying on your credit card(s), auto loan(s) and mortgage loan(s)?  Are you now in position to invest in a wise manner or do you invest in a random manner?


When you file your income taxes on an annual basis is the amount of the refund or the amount you owe a surprise to you–or is it about what you expected?  Are you aware of rising educational costs and how they affect you and your family?


If you were to unexpectedly transition, do you know how large or small the insurance payment will be to your loved ones–and whether your loved ones would quibble over the proceeds?


When you start receiving your social security, pension and other retirement income, do you know what the payment will–or needs to be on an annual basis that would allow you to live at your current level–or better?  If you have retirement savings, do you know what percentage is in stocks, bonds, real estate, cash etcetera?


Do you know your net-worth and do you know that your self-worth is far more important than your net worth–as you build upon your wealth?


Learn ways that you can manage your money better

Regardless of how you answered the above questions, it is important that you at least had the determination to ask them and answer them with a high level of sincerity and realness!  By doing so you open up your mind to new possibilities and new ways of managing your finances that are more effective than what you are currently doing.


By learning how you can create a personal budget or cash flow statement, create a personal income statement and create a personal balance sheet, you can determine and know your net worth at this time–and ways that you can manage your money better in your future.


By asking the right questions about how you can manage your credit better you can learn how to use the improved perspective of your credit understanding to manage your credit better in all areas of your credit management!


By asking the question of “how can I manage my finances more effectively in a comprehensive manner” you can open up your mind to learning new ways of managing your finances in a comprehensive and all-encompassing manner so that you can achieve more throughout your lifetime.


Build wealth in a consistent and highly effective manner

It is important that you realize that effective money management is a process and occurs over time by those who operate in a consistent manner by addressing their overall finances at a level that is their absolute best.


You must be willing to leave excuses behind and put in the required effort over time if you desire to achieve meaningful results.


Most importantly you must know what you need to address and learn better ways to address what needs to be addressed in the most efficient and effective manner possible–based on your financial capacity and motivational level!


Your consistency in action over time and addressing key areas of your finances in a manner that is unique to your particular situation will help ensure that you are effective in reaching the goals that you aim to reach.





Managing your money effectively in today’s economy can be done by you if you have the commitment to ask the right questions so that you can determine where you now stand, make improvements where you can, know what you need to avoid–and learn EFFECTIVE MONEY MANAGEMENT SKILLS that you can use throughout your lifetime.


It all starts by you looking within to determine your level of commitment to truly analyze and ask the right questions upfront so that you can get the right answers and put into practice effective money management strategies that will get you the desired results–or the results that you need to achieve to make your life more meaningful and significant while you are here on planet earth.


Although you don’t have to have mastery over every financial concern imaginable, you do need to have a comprehensive overview of your finances and a feel for your financial future that exudes success–as that is a requirement in today’s society for those who desire to achieve at a high level.


All the best to your new level of “money management” success…


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Plan–Do–Review & Wealth Building

Learn why you must plan—do and review–if you are sincere in making your wealth building dreams come true…


In the times that we now live in there are an abundance of pathways that you can take to attain the goals that you desire most–whether financial or otherwise.


However, many pathways are complex and confusing and causes more frustration than forward movement in your life.


It is important that you realize that wealth building can be simplified by your sincere understanding and practical application of why you must Plan, Do and Review if you are one who desire to embark on a surefire path toward making your dreams come true!


In this discussion TheWealthIncreaser.com will stress the importance of managing your finances at an optimal level in a “simple” to the point, 3 step process (PDR) that you can use throughout your lifetime to achieve lasting wealth building success!



Know the 3-step approach and how that approach can benefit you and your family

It is very important that you have a “readily comprehensible system” that you can apply in your daily life that can benefit you and your family as you manage your finances.


It is important that you know how to use personal finance statements to your benefit, how to have mastery over your credit and how to manage all areas of your finances in a comprehensive manner.


By gaining that knowledge you put yourself well ahead of the average consumer who has no meaningful way of knowing what they are doing financially on a daily basis when it comes to managing their finances at an optimal level–or in many cases any level!


You must have a clear understanding of the steps that you can take to reach meaningful goals and it all starts by you planning at this time for what you desire in your future.



Put in action the 3-step approach in a sincere manner

Your knowledge of a comprehensive system that you can utilize throughout your life to more effectively manage your finances is of no real value unless you “utilize” the system to your and your family’s greater benefit.


You must use the results of your personal finance statements to plan better and make improved decisions as it relates to your finances!  You must use the mastery of  “your” credit that you should have if you were sincere in learning how to utilize credit to your advantage–in a way that benefits you and your family the most–not creditors!


Finally, you must analyze your insurance, investments, taxes, education planning, estate planning/wills and retirement planning in a way that allows you to improve in each area and takes you closer toward the dreams that are uniquely yours!


By taking action, or taking the right action–you put yourself on a more committed path to attaining the goals that you desire most.



Review the effectiveness of the 3-step approach on a consistent basis if you desire to achieve more

You must review the effectiveness of what you have done as far as managing your finances on a monthly basis and that includes knowing what you take in and pay out on a monthly basis.  That also includes reviewing of your emergency fund on occasion to ensure that it is properly funded.


Are you managing your credit effectively or are you running up balances due to a poor or non-existent money management system?


Are you looking at your finances comprehensively to see where you can improve at–now and in your future?


By asking pertinent questions about your finances, you can put yourself in position to achieve much more–and by occasionally reviewing what you can possibly do better you open up a new door–for even greater success–so your finances will never be a mess!


You may have to reflect on your past, re-focus on your future and come up with better ways of managing your finances on a more consistent basis.



By consistently applying the 3 steps mentioned above throughout your lifetime you can better direct your future and control the outcomes that you desire in a more definitive manner than if you did not do so.


Whether your goal is debt payoff, more effective credit management, improving your finances in all areas–or any other goal that is more specific–you enhance the probability of it happening exponentially by “implementing” the 3 steps above on a consistent basis in your life!


Always remember that when it comes to effective wealth building, the success that you desire is up to you! 


It is important that you do all that you can proactively so that you can really make your dreams come true.


You may on occasion have to tweak the goals that you seek and not be meek–so to speak (you must aggressively pursue your goals) so you won’t have to repeat the mistakes of your past or mistakes that will not serve you well.


Your goal is to operate on a higher plane of thought and see your future with more clarity–and you must always have the mindset that you will overcome any adversity that you are now facing, have faced in your past–or might face in your future.


Always remember that by reflecting on your past you can put yourself and your family on a more direct path toward the success that you desire.  And you can plan better, do better, and review better as you aim higher toward the goals that are uniquely your own!


You now have the powerat this hour to achieve lasting wealth building results that will not be sour!


By planning what you will do in the financial realm of your life, doing what you need to do in the financial realm of your life and reviewing what you have done in the financial realm of your life–on a more consistent basisyou can move forward and achieve more–with less sacrifice.


All the best as you consistently implement the above steps that can potentially lead you to a lifetime of success….


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Reflecting on Your Past & Building Wealth for Your Future

Learn the importance of reflecting on your financial past so that you can enhance your wealth building future–at last…


As it relates to your finances and wealth building you have had many successes and failures in your past, and if you are like most who have effectively turned their financial position around to that of lasting success–you on occasion reflect back on those past successes and failures.


If you have not seriously contemplated the financial management style of your past (or present), it is very important that you reflect on–or give deep thought to the ways that you have managed your finances in your past so that you can manage your finances better now–and in your future!


In this discussion TheWealthIncreaser.com will discuss the importance of reflecting on your past so that you can process your future from a position of strength and build wealth from a more rewarding perspective.


You must have the ability to reflect on your past

It is important that you communicate with your mind and heart and travel back in your life to determine how you have approached your finances and how you can possibly manage your finances better and achieve more throughout your lifetime.


Whether you have managed your finances poorly in your past or you consider yourself to be an effective money manager–it is important that you look back and see how you truly approach the management of your finances!


You must use your past as an opportunity to learn and do more in your future

Just “reflecting on your past” may not be enough–you must also determine what you did right and what you did wrong (and also what you are doing right or wrong at this time) so that you can eliminate what did not work or what was adverse to your progress–and include more prominently what did work–that could be more promising for your future and could help you move forward and achieve more–in a more efficient manner.


You must not do like many who go about life on a daily basis without a conscious understanding of how they have managed their finances in their past, how they manage their finances at this time–or how they plan to manage their finances more effectively in their future.


Even when you find what works for you–you must do continuous review–if you sincerely desire to see your dreams come true

As you reflect on your past and anticipate a better future you must consider the steps that you can take that will have the most effect as far as moving you forward toward the dreams and goals that are uniquely your own.


Are you aware that you can create a budget or cash flow statement that can provide you more direction so that you can leave what did not work in your financial past–in the past and help you forge a better future for yourself and your family?


Additionally, are you aware of how you can use personal income statements and personal balance sheets to improve your net worth throughout your lifetime?


Do you know ways to manage your credit effectively so that you can eliminate or reduce the effects of poor credit management that is occurring now or may have occurred in your past–and you didn’t even realize it?


Have you reflected on how well (or poorly) you have managed all areas of your finances in the past–or is it a mystery to you as to what “all areas of your finances” even entails?


By managing your insurance, investments, taxes, education planning, estate planning/wills, and retirement planning–and doing a periodic review–you can put yourself and your family in a better position to make your dreams come true!



By reflecting on your past in a sincere way–you can make a better effort toward making your dreams come true–starting today.


You must on occasion reflect on what you have and have not done in your past so that you can make better decisions at this time and achieve more in your future.  By “comprehensively” looking at what you can do to make your dreams come true–you help your heart and mind search more deeply–to more effectively determine what you need to do!


And just as the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com has reflected back over the years, dreamed big and looked at the past impact of over 700 web page blogs to see how pages could be created better to help worldwide visitors achieve lasting wealth building success that would take them where they truly needed to be in an even more effective and efficient manner–so too must you reflect back so that you can improve your wealth building attack–and not live out the remainder of your life with lack.


You must overcome or overwhelm your past adversities and life happenings that did not go your way as real success that is lasting only occurs to those who are willing to fight through their adversities because they know a bigger and brighter day lies in the horizon–if they decide to continue to move forward–consistently and persistently.


Did you know that by reflecting on your past, you can increase (your focus) or where your energy flows–and you will be more acutely aware of where your energy goes?


Did you also know that if you get more energy to transmit (by properly focusing on what you need to do at this time) the more energy you will get–and the sooner you will achieve your goals–and therefore your movement won’t be limited by you playing the wrong roles (utilizing the wrong money management approach)?


By focusing–or re-focusing on what is important to you based on reflecting on your past, you can more definitely determine what you need to do to move toward success that will truly last!


Now is the time that you reflect on your past–so that you can achieve real success that will last–and it is the desire of TheWealthIncreaser.com that you enjoy the takeoff–as it should truly be a blast!


All the best as you “reflect” and not deflect as you pursue unlimited wealth building and life success…



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