Impact & Wealth Building

Learn why “the steps that you take toward success” must have “real impact” in your life as you build wealth…


As you pursue your goals it is important that you make a real impact as you improve your management of your finances in all areas.


In the year 2025, many are not in position to thrive, and their only goal is to stay alive and survive until better days arrive.  Whether an optimistic or pessimistic view applies to you, you want to take steps that can have a real impact on your life and can move you forward in definite ways so that you can not only see–but also experience better days.


The real benefit of impactful information is in the execution or acting—not gaining the knowledge alone!


You must be determined to put into action what can really move you forward!  It is imperative that you have a clear understanding of what impacts you financially and you must know how you can use more effective steps to direct your actions toward your goals in a more efficient manner so that you are impacting what needs to occur to make your most pressing goals happen in real time!


The goal of is to get those who desire real wealth building success the knowledge that is needed in a timely manner so that they can operate daily at peak performance and make wiser decisions as it relates to their finances!


In this discussion will take a deeper dive into how you can achieve more and present ways that you can make more of an impact toward achieving your wealth building goals so that you can “have a real opportunity” to achieve more in less time and live more abundantly in 2025 and beyond.


  • You must have a yearning to make an impact as it relates to your finances

In life we all have ambitions or goals that we want to achieve, and as far as financial planning is concerned, those ambitions or goals can be numerous.


You want to have an attitude of always reaching higher so that you can reach the goals that you desire.  By reaching higher you can operate at a higher level of excellence, (pun intended) and you can do so at this time if you are fully committed and you know the actions that you need to complete as you can now move to a new beat–if you are now ready to move to action appropriately so that it is the goals that you desire that you meet!


  • You must know the action steps that you need to take to make a real impact

The reason most people fail to achieve or reach many of their financial goals are that they often don’t know what steps they need to take to make it happen—or more importantly make it happen in as efficient a manner as possible.


You will soon be in position to avoid this pitfall that has hampered many over the years.  By setting meaningful goals and knowing the right steps to take to move toward achieving those goals you are properly preparing your heart and mind up for operating at a higher level of excellence and putting yourself in position to reach those significant goals!


Click on “the alphabets below” to see the– steps that you can take right now so that you can get started on operating daily at “peak performance” and achieve results that will show and better utilize information that will put you in the know.


A–Cash Flow Analysis

B—Credit  Analysis

C—Comprehensive Financial Analysis


  • You must put into action on a consistent basis the steps that will take you toward your goals with more impact

Your application of the steps mentioned above in a manner that is germane to your and your family’s financial future and most important goals are what will help you attain your goals in a more efficient manner.


By doing what needs to be done to help improve your finances you are showing discipline and a real desire to reach the goals that you are motivated to achieve.


By taking “impactful action steps” on a consistent basis you are showing that you truly believe, thereby setting yourself up for the success that you will soon achieve.


Isn’t it time you listen appropriately to your inner voice, learn more as it relates to effective money management that can lead to you reaching many, if not all your goals–so that you can show your true love to your family and others whom you associate with?


Isn’t it time you travel down a “road to success” that has fewer twists and turns–and know that narrow is the path that you travel, and abundance is the destination that you seek?


It is important that you plan on aggressively attacking your finances and you operate “impactfully” so that you won’t suffer from insecurity as you climb higher and higher towards what you truly desire.


When it comes to operating at a high level you want to make sure that the work that you put in proactively has a “real impact” as you must know at all times that it is you who must want to do so and it is you who MUST say GO!


You must be sincere in your desire to make a real impact on your finances and life in a better way, and if you are you will pursue your wealth building goals with a higher level of commitment–starting today!  In summary, to achieve at a level that will make a real impact you must have the desire to ignite your own fire inside so that when you achieve your goals, you can glide, and when you land you will know that you truly enjoyed your ride.


At all times you must realize that you control your destiny and the direction that you can take in your life.  Now is the time that you not only realize that, but you put action plans into effect so that you can achieve more and improve your score.


Did you know that you are:


Chosen by God to be anxious for nothing

Chosen by God to know that your daily thoughts mean something

Chosen by God to not be negatively stressed

Chosen by God to not operate with less

Chosen by God not to be a mess

Chosen by God to give it your very best

Adequately blessed by God to pass any test


All the best as you operate as “impactfully” as you can, and pursue unlimited wealth building and overall success…




In the same manner as the creator of was chosen by God to pursue and achieve goals that are not odd–so too can you use the inspiration that you receive to pursue the goals that you perceive and the goals that you were meant to receive, to make something big happen in your life–as you too are chosen by God to DO MORE and reach higher as you pursue your life purpose and other goals that you desire!


Isn’t it time that you become more proficient and more consistent in the management of your finances?


In 2025 and beyond you don’t have to live in strife if you at this time decide to take control of your financial life!


Although achieving your goals are not as easy as 1-2-3 or A-B-C, those goals that you really want to achieve can be conceptualized and brought into existence by you in a relatively straight-forward and timely manner if you apply the right approach.


However, it is your responsibility to expend the needed effort to put together a plan that can lead to lasting success for you and your family throughout your lifetime.


You no longer have to hesitate or wait and achieve your goals at a time that is late, if you make the decision to pursue more on this date!


Always remember that nothing that you face in life is too hot to handle or too cold to hold!  Your goal is to get more income, cut expenses or do a combination of the two, if that is something that you need to do, and you are sincere about making your dreams come true.


All the best as you make a major impact toward building true wealth, and put procrastination to rest as you get your life back on track, as you are now, or will soon be, in position to more aggressively attack…



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Decision Making & Wealth Building

Learn the importance of making good decisions in any economic environment as you build wealth…


In the current environment disinformation and misinformation are presented at such an alarming rate that many are making poor and often erroneous decisions off of that information that is leading to stagnation or impeded movement in the improvement of their finances, and hence wealth building efforts.


By not operating with factual (truthful) or the most relevant data, many make poor decisions that often puts them on the wrong track towards building wealth in an efficient manner.


In this discussion the topic of “decision making as it relates to the building of wealth” will be addressed by, as it is a topic that has been discussed over a number of years on this blog, yet many continue to make decisions that are adverse or detrimental toward their wealth building efforts.


Mindset Preparation

You must do your part when it comes to making good decisions and that begins with you preparing your mind with the right knowledge so that you will make smart or at a minimum, good decisions as you manage your finances.


You must prepare your mind with the right knowledge so that you will have the expectation that you will flourish and live abundantly while you are here on earth!


You must know that negative, self-defeating thoughts will often be brought to life by you if you constantly focus on them, however the good news is that positive uplifting thoughts that you have on a consistent basis can also be brought to life by you if they dominate your consciousness as well.


The more positive and uplifting your thoughts are, the more likely the chance that you will make good decisions and pursue your goals with more precision.


Always realize that positive energy (or enthusiasm) comes from positive focus, therefore your mental concentration on what you want to achieve is a must–and your goal is to take steps that you can trust!


Goal Preparation

It is important that you have a number of goals that you want to achieve as that can often motivate you to pursue your goals at a higher level of intensity.  You want to put yourself in position to make decisions that will benefit you and your family in a more advantageous way today–and  throughout your lifetime.


By setting meaningful and significant goals and making the decision to really give it your best to achieve those goals at your highest level of determination, you make those goals more likely to occur and your life on earth will be a more joyous experience.


Make the Decision to Review Because You are Sincere in Making Your Dreams Come True

You must approach your decision making with integrity and have a yearning for solutions to your finances in a comprehensive way if your goal is to make better decisions for more than just a day!


By diligently pursuing your goals, making adjustments when you fall short and having the wherewithal to press on when adversity occurs, you are making decisions that will help ensure a more prosperous future for you and your family.


When you make the decision to see your financial future from a “big picture” perspective and when you decide to lay it all on the line in a comprehensive manner by conceptually understanding and having the ability to apply that understanding for your and your family’s greater benefit, you will see the full layout (blueprint of the success that you will achieve) with more clarity and you will realize that you have been putting yourself in a better position to make “better” decisions, and the clear credit and financial focus that you need to succeed will be more likely to come into focus.




Your ability to make good decisions in the current economy will not only put a smile on your face and put more money in your safe but will serve you well in your future in ways that may be inconceivable by you at this time.


As you build wealth in a serious and committed way, you cannot let disinformation, misinformation, rhetoric and bad advice that is now occurring at a rapid, and often insurmountable rate at times, lead you to make less than ideal decisions as you build wealth!


Even though misinformation and disinformation appear to be here to stay for the foreseeable future, you don’t have to let that information lead you to use your own brain to your own detriment.  Quite the contrary, you must make the decision to analyze what comes across your mind and heart in a careful, analytical, accurate and critical manner to prevent bad things from happening to you and make good things more likely to happen for you!


Propaganda, alternative facts, opinions, rhetoric, unverified source(s), figure of speech, falsehoods, lies, literally, figuratively, tone implication, artificial intelligence, misinformation, disinformation and the like–or regardless of the name that bad information goes by that is not the truth or factually based is not going to serve your greater benefit–when interpreted improperly!  Therefore, what is presented to you in all forms must be properly analyzed and understood by your mind and heart for what it truly is, so that you will make at a minimum a good or at best, “the best decision possible” (pun intended) “prior to” and not after entering into a transaction or making critical decisions in all facets of your life.


In the times that we now live in the interpretation of the truth is in many cases subjective, however in actuality the truth is the truth in absolute terms as there can only be truth–and nothing else!


Therefore it is imperative that you use discernment along with your analytical skills to understand how what is being pitched at you locally, nationally and globally impacts you–and choose or decide the best path that you should take as you proceed in your wealth building efforts based on sound analysis, your life experiences and what is truly being said, asked, or suggested–whether subliminally or at a conscious level so that you can achieve more for yourself and your family.


Are you analyzing what is being presented to you and actually “challenging the information” or are you accepting what is presented, or are others challenging the material on your behalf due to your inability or mental laziness to challenge the information yourself?


Does what is being communicated to you appear to be logical on the surface?


Does the premise of the argument or statement support the conclusion?


What is the part of the variable (or argument) that you can’t see but needs to be analyzed anyway?


The effective use of your mind is not just hyperbole but is something that you must do with increased effort on a consistent basis, if you desire to build wealth efficiently!


Are you asking the right questions in order to get the right or best answer possible for “your” financial situation?


Furthermore, you must use the skills that you now have or will soon possess to analyze this site and others sites–along with all that your mind encounters, whether in verbal or written form, to decipher what is being said generally and use what is being said precisely to move forward decisively in a way that is more advantageous for what you want to see come true–and not more to the benefit of the one(s) doing the communications to or toward you!


It is also important that you recognize that you don’t know what you don’t know on various subject matters, and more research or seeking of professionals and others who possess more knowledge on the subject matter may be needed.  It is important that you realize that what you think you know may not be correct or totally correct as we all have blind spots and can’t see or know everything.


Therefore, you must have a yearning to learn more on various topics so that you can make better decisions in the future if you are one who desire to achieve more at this time, and particularly as it relates to the building of wealth!


It is very important that throughout your life you don’t let others ( friends and family, financial professionals, attorneys, lenders of various types, credit card issuers etcetera) use what they do and know to influence you disadvantageously without you even knowing it, and subsequently getting you to use your own brain against your own best interest (by letting ads, artificial intelligence, marketing techniques, celebrities, athletes, entertainers, influencer’s, what appears hot at the moment, and in many cases superior informational knowledge that others possess and you don’t, adversely influence you) when you are in the process of managing your credit and finances or any other area of your life in which you desire to see advancement!


By learning how you can make better decisions on the front-end you are putting yourself and your family in a better position for success in the short, intermediate and long-term.


It is important that you ask the right questions and seek the right answers as your goal is to “move the needle in the direction that favors you” as you build wealth, and if you fail to do so or do so half-heartedly–you make your wealth building goals more difficult to achieve.


By making better decisions you can position yourself and your family for a lifetime of success where the decisions that you make will carry more weight, and your family can look to you with more confidence to help them make a breakthrough as they later take steps toward making their dreams come true.


In conclusion, you want to have a “made up mind” that you will make the best or at a minimum good decision(s) based on your current knowledge base and the knowledge that you will later gain–and you must know that you are fully equipped to pass any test or adversity that comes your way, because you have a real understanding of your future success that you are pursuing and you know that your determination level and focus will not sway!


Whether those who push ideas, promotions and offers at you conflate or obfuscate, you want to put yourself in position to make decisions that are great so you won’t have to lift as much weight!  When something doesn’t feel or sound right to you–that could be your intuition telling you to hold off on the decision and do further research.


Isn’t it time that you do something for not only your benefit but also for the benefit of humanity “and” the glory of God so that you can advance and not hinder society during your epoch on planet earth?  Isn’t it time that you improve both your self-worth and net worth and achieve goals that you have been pursuing since your birth?


All the best as you make better decisions that can lead to lasting success as you give it your absolute best…



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