Innovation & Wealth Building

Learn the importance of making adjustments and using ingenuity to chart your own path toward success as you build wealth….


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Just as the steamboat outlived its usefulness to a degree due to innovation, so too must you innovate and bring something new into the equation so that you can live “in” your usefulness as you formulate and implement your wealth building plans.


You must make it a point to outperform the benchmarks that are now at your fingertips that you can use to see how well or poorly you are doing as those benchmarks can be used as a measuring stick to see how well (or poorly) you are doing financially at this time–and in your future.


In this discussion will discuss ways that you can innovatively manage and improve your finances at the various stages of your life.


Use Innovation to Think About Your Personal Financial Statements in a Better Way

You want to get to a point where you can look at your financial statements and use them for your benefit in an innovative way.


Your finances and how you manage your finances are unique to you and getting a handle on your monthly and annual inflow and outflow of cash, and knowing what you currently own and what you currently owe in total at this particular moment in time–you can determine your net worth and use the knowledge gained in a more innovative way to create the successful future that you desire.


Use Innovation to Think About Your Credit in a Better Way

You want to always “be in control” of how you manage your credit and highly effective and innovative approaches that are offered by many sources are now available to you.


If you are truly determined, there is no excuse for you to mismanage your credit in this day and age, as the only impediment is your unwillingness to put forward the required effort that is needed to master your credit in a more innovative way.


You must be motivated on this day to manage your credit in a more innovative way so that future credit transactions can go your way.


Use Innovation to Think About Your Overall Finances in a Better Way

You also want to be in position at the earliest time possible to analyze and improve upon how you manage your insurance, investments, taxes, emergency fund, education fund, estate planning/wills and retirement planning!


You want to make improvements when and where you can, and by systematically analyzing your finances in a more detailed manner, that may allow you to achieve many or all of your goals that you sincerely want to achieve–especially when you plan.



It is important that you understand that there are better ways that you can think and act when managing your wealth building efforts throughout your lifetime.  You possess inside of you the mental fortitude to work more innovatively toward making your dreams come true.


It is important that you bring something new and rewarding into your life.  You have the ability to do that and much more and you can now activate that ability so that you can soar.


You really are the main factor for burrowing through obstacles like a tractor and bringing what you desire most into reality at this time so that you can live out more joyous moments with laughter!


Always realize that the power to deliver the wealth building results that you desire are in your hands.  You must focus on your strengths regardless of what is occurring around you and always know that the power to achieve what you desire resides inside of you.


You also want to realize that you may have to be innovative in your approach and not follow the same beaten path as others in order to tap into your true potential.


You must realize that in order to live a more abundant life in spirit and action it may require more of you in the form of effort.  You can then become a more positive force in influencing and helping your family, loved ones and others in your community.  Therefore, “innovatively approaching your future” is critical for making life better for not only you and your family–but society as well.


It is important for you to realize that the more you learn and the earlier you learn as it relates to your finances–the easier your financial management will be made over time!


It is important that you put into motion that which will lead to more success for you and your family.  Always realize that self-importance is not as important as you achieving for the benefit of others at certain times during your life (pun intended).


You want to realize at the earliest time possible that you are not the only one who needs to benefit from the success that you are pursuing, and by consciously realizing that you are taking action and moving toward something greater than yourself–you can find more strength–and not put your mind on a shelf!


The gift that you now possess is in a sense its own reward–your seed is now ready, and the soil (this site) is fertile and the gift that you now possess or will soon present to the world is invaluable–as a price tag can’t be placed on what you present to the world.


However, those who benefit from your gift will thank you, whether formally, informally or beyond your awareness!


Therefore, you want to manage your finances optimally so that you can more aggressively pursue your gift and provide comfort for those who are depending in part on you in assisting them toward making their dreams come true!


Financial freedom is when you realize that you are pursuing your true gift–and you can present your gift for the benefit of others in an unrelenting fashion if you improve your finances to the point where it allows you to pursue your gift in a more unrestricted way.


You want to have clarity about your gift and your vision of your future and walk in it (apply your gift to the fullest while you are here on earth).  Furthermore, you want to know that your finances are at the level that allows you to live out your life in a manner that you outlive your finances–now that is freedom!


The “joy and constant feel-good vibe” that you will receive daily are a by-product of applying your gift at your highest level.  Your gift from God is the uniqueness that you get, and others don’t!


As an example, is the material on this blog.  Although many can present credit and finance information and advice–only the creator of can present information and advice on wealth building that is conveyed to you in the manner that you are now reading and have never encountered in your life and move you forward toward your goals in a more definite manner on a more consistent basis.


You can choose to be exalted and apply your gift, or you can choose to be brought down by society, or conditions of the mind such as worry, anxiety, fear, frustration, lack of effort and excuses.  Likewise, “you can choose” to apply your gift, and everything can be moving forward within your heart, mind and life!


Do justice toward yourself and your family by taking the right action at the right time and justice will come back to you and your family as a result of the action that you took–at the right time or at the time that is right for you.


It is important that you use “innovation and the ingenuity” that you possess or are willing to “bring into action” to forge new paths towards the success that you desire in all facets of your life.  By thinking inside and outside of the box you can come up with new ideas and never before seen ways of approaching and overcoming challenges that you will face in all areas of your life.


You don’t have to operate in desperation as that will often make you step out of your character–and you will achieve less.  Your goal is to gain a cohesive notion of synergy “within your mind” and by pursuing that goal it will help you immensely in achieving more and help you take the type of action that is in line with who you truly need or want to be and help you achieve the type of results that you really want to see!


You must have and use Accountability–Integrity–Responsibility⇐⇒Boldness, Authenticity, Charisma and empowering Knowledge that you are pursuing–and occasionally unconventional approaches that are persuasive within your mind that are designed to encourage and inspire you to “do more” throughout your lifetime!


Or another way to look at your current predicament is that you must have the AIR at your BACK as you pursue what you desire most while chasing down your dreams!


All the best as you innovate, improve your finances, pursue your true gift or life purpose, and achieve major wealth building success…


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