Insecurity & Wealth Building

Learn why failure is not an option as you arrive in 2025 when it comes to building wealth and improving your health….


If you fail at taking control of your life and pursuing your wealth building efforts at a higher level of intensity, it can lead to dire consequences, including depression later in your life.   Financial stress is a leading cause of depression in the lives of many, however you don’t have to be included in the “many” if you determine at this time that you desire more in your life and you are willing to put forth the required effort.


It is important that you don’t FAIL in your efforts to address Fear, Anxiety, Insecurity and Loneliness in your life, if any or all of those factors are now a part of your life and are at an unhealthy level at this time.


And with this day (December 22nd, 2024) being the 4th year since the transition of the one who brought the creator of into this universe, it is more important than ever that you not only enjoy the holiday season, but you do your best to make a successful 2025 and beyond possible by doing what you need to do, just as other visitors to this site are–and have done!


In this brief discussion the will try to end 2024 and bring in 2025 on an upbeat note, as many are now feeling insecure in many ways about what lies ahead in their future.


It is important that you control what is in your sphere, or control matters that are definitely under your control as you can reduce the insecurity that you may have in a more definite manner and achieve at a higher level in the coming years.







The above factors have caused pain and misfortune for many because they failed to approach their future with the proper focus and mental tools that were necessary to achieve optimally and use the available tools appropriately on a more consistent basis.


By letting fear and anxiety control you, and having an insecure feeling about your future it can possibly lead to loneliness and depression if not managed appropriately!


In this discussion will focus on ways that you can manage your finances and life at a higher level of excellence so that you and your family can prosper in 2025 and beyond.



You must use the potential that you have at this time to manage your time, money, and stress in a more beneficial manner and in a manner that gives the edge to you and your family–not others.  It is important that your mind dwells in places where all things are possible.



You have the capacity to manage your credit and finances in a more intelligent, consistent, and proactive manner by gaining the preparation and knowledge that you need to succeed at this time–not “after” you make costly mistakes.



By leaving FearAnxietyInsecurity–andLoneliness in the rear, you can put yourself in position to live a more abundant life and you can get to a point where you can sincerely pursue your life purpose or what you were truly put on earth to do.  By pursuing your goals in a systematic way that works with your mind you can outsmart systems that may be working against you and “not” FAIL in your wealth building efforts or any facet of your life.



You have the potential and capacity to do more during your lifetime and now is the time that you tap into your mind and contemplate your future at a higher level and truly reach your life purpose or what you were sincerely put on earth to do.


If you FAIL to take action now, it could lead to added stress, possibly depression and you living out your life in despair because you failed to strive to pursue your goals at your highest level of excellence while you were of sound mind!  Why look back in regret when you at this time can make a sure bet?


You can now “alter your mind” using “PCP” in a good way by:


  • tapping into your full potential,


  • utilizing what you are capable of doing for your and your family’s greater benefit, and


  • pursuing your life purpose at your highest level of excellence.


You must realize at the earliest time possible that it is your responsibility to direct your life in a responsible manner and in a manner where the goals that you desire most will truly have a chance to materialize during your lifetime–starting in the year 2025 and throughout the years that you are alive.



Ultimate Success







It is important that you make a real commitment at this time to pursue the success that is already yours, if you believe it to be true and you respond to adversity by doing what you need or desire to do!  From this day forward you must “know” that you are on an unrelenting path toward success–and FAILure is not an option!


And just as the creator of gained the preparation and knowledge over a number of years and has used “to whom much is given, much is required” and “be fruitful and multiply” to spread wealth building principles to those who desire real and lasting success to all 4 corners of the earthso too can you use your imagination to make great things happen for yourself and others–whether it be financial or otherwise.


Odds are you are on this blog because you desire a real path to wealth building success or you were referred by someone who desire that you get on a real path to success.   SEO optimization and marketing gimmicks are intentionally not a feature of this site as the goal of this site is for you to attain the success that you desire in an intelligent, consistent, and proactive manner–where you control your outcomes and the goals that you desire most are achieved in real-time.


If you at this time desire to pursue a more definite path toward success you must be fully committed! If you are not fully committed, you may become irritated, frustrated and feel on the inside that you can’t achieve what you need to achieve, therefore it is important that you fully believe, and you are determined to reach higher at this time!


If you are not ready to pursue a more lasting path toward wealth building success, you want to at least be true to yourself and say no to your mind and heart, so that you won’t waste energy pursuing that which you are not fully committed to doing at this time.


Always realize that if you possess the right knowledge (or are sincerely willing to learn) you can make moves and countermoves that can keep you on a path to success or reposition you for success–regardless of what lies ahead!



Insecurity or an uneasy feeling about the future lies inside all of us, however you don’t want to have the feeling of insecurity at an unhealthy level.  You must know in certain terms that your future is bright and the JOY that is available to you will be tapped into and enjoyed by you, as you can now see the light.


The False Evidence Appearing Real will no longer play a meaningful role in your life because as a result of visiting this blog, you have left fear, anxiety, insecurity, and loneliness in the rear–as you are now on a new grind as you unwind–and leave all failure behind!


By taking the steps outlined, you can put yourself in position to enjoy a more secure future–in large part because YOU made the decision to control your actions now to help ensure a brighter future for yourself and your family.


You can further reduce the insecurity that you may have by “knowing common credit mistakes to avoid” so that financial trouble doesn’t land in your neighborhood–like an asteroid!


Isn’t it time you use your creativity and inspiration and go from that which was not–to that which is?


I leave you with a poem as a tribute to the one who brought the creator of into this world and as inspiration to help you reach higher as you pursue the goals that you desire:


All the Glory Belongs to God


All of the glory belongs to you

However, it is up to me to reach higher and achieve the goals that I desire


All of the glory belongs to you

However, it is up to me to do what I need to do to see my way through


All of the glory belongs to you

I must see and be at a level that is at my highest–inside of me


All of the glory belongs to you

I will give it my best to ensure that my dreams will come true


All of the glory belongs to you

And I know that if I don’t take the right action, I will not gain the right traction


All the glory belongs to you–my God

For I know wholeheartedly that the path toward success that I am now on for your glory, is not odd


As you pursue wealth building and life success, you must always be willing to exert effort at a level that is your absolute best!


All the best, as now is not the time to rest, as you can now leave fear in the rear–and know with more certainty that the failure (success) that you sincerely desire is definitely near…


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