Learn why you must “push forward” with a higher level of energy when difficult times occur if you desire true wealth building success…
In the current economy, for many it is difficult to not only live at an acceptable level and save for the future–it is also a difficult time in general.
With inflation, increases in rental rates and housing rates, increased costs for food, clothing, gas, household items and increases in other areas of importance in the lives of many–it can often be difficult and challenging for those who want lasting success as it relates to wealth building and financial management–to not only know where to start–but also how to reduce the anxiety that they may now be feeling!
And with a recent uptick in concern about their future and increased communication to the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com about financial concerns and where the economy now stands, the creator of TheWealthIncreaser.com thought that “the time was now” to discuss ways that you and others can withstand and prosper in the current economy and pressing economic environments that you may face in the future.
In this discussion TheWealthIncreaser.com will discuss the importance of pushing forward in difficult times and also not so difficult times as the success that you desire depends on the habits that you form and the consistency in action that you take on a consistent basis.
By taking the following three actions you can possibly reduce the anxiety that you now feel and also eliminate tough times or reduce the effects of “tough times or adversity” occurring while you build wealth in any economic environment.
Action # 1–Determine where you are now at
A cash flow analysis along with the creation of a personal income statement and personal balance sheet will get you moving fast in the current economy and will help you determine what kind of financial shape you are in.
It is attuned to getting your used car checked out by a highly competent mechanic prior to purchase. You can then put yourself in position to “tune up” your finances and improve upon your net worth in future years.
During tough times it can be easy to run up credit and get other types of loans in an attempt to stay afloat. That is why the first step that you took above was so important.
You now know if you have excess income coming in monthly or if there is a shortfall. If there is a shortfall you must get more income, cut expenses or more than likely do a combination of the two. You must not repeat the debt cycle and you start on the path to not repeating the debt cycle by mastering your use and understanding of credit.
By getting more income into your household on a monthly basis and cutting expenses you can pay down your debt and get into position to make real financial strides in the future. If after analysis your debt payoff looks bleak or unachievable within a reasonable time frame you may have to look at bankruptcy as a potential option prior to depleting all of your assets and tapping into your retirement accounts–not after.
You can now analyze each major area of your finances to see where you can possibly make improvements now–or in the future.
By analyzing your insurance, investments. taxes. education planning, estate planning/wills, emergency fund and retirement planning, you can get on a path to ensuring that you effectively “get out in front” of your finances and not put yourself in a “disadvantageous” financial management position.
That does not mean that adversity and unforeseen happenings won’t occur in your future and at times simultaneously, however you will be in a better position to rebound and make positive moves that can get you back on track and still attain the goals that you were pursuing.
As tough as times can seem (and are in many cases) it is important to realize that you are still here–alive and you have the potential to change the trajectory of your life for the better–and building wealth to a level that allows you to achieve at a level that is your absolute best is possible. In the picture above you will see the site of the “Birmingham Bombing” of a church in the 1960’s that caused the death of 4 young girls who had no chance to reach their true potential.
It is important that you at this time show your value to humanity and press forward and push toward what you desire with more urgency and an improved plan of attack. By using your determination to put your finances in order during tough times (or at any time) you can set yourself up for a lifetime of success where you manage your finances more effectively and efficiently and achieve a higher level of wealth building success–from this day forward.
- You no longer have to let worry, anxiety, fear, frustration, lack of effort and excuses be a deterrent to you achieving more and living daily with joy at the center of your heart and a more positive and uplifting view of your future on a consistent basis.
It is important that you have the perspective that adversity or tough times will occur and when those times occur you must love, honor and believe in yourself even more. Even if you are married, recently fell in love or expect to–you must realize the importance of always loving yourself at all times in spite of the difficult stretch that you may find yourself in.
By doing so you open up the possibility and you increase the probability to achieve more and open a new door. You are now on a path to “determining within” that tough times won’t last and you will enhance your path to success–and it will be a blast.
All the best as you leave “tough times” behind and achieve at a level that leads you toward absolute success…
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